European Cup 2024 - Limoges - France
The International Technical Board
Réf : 302-23 - CTI/26-11-2023
Grand Maître Tran Nguyen Dao
Président Conseil Mondial des Maitres de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
Président de la Commission Technique Internationale
European Cup of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao 2024 – Limoges, France
Coupe d’Europe de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao - 2024 à Limoges, France
Giải vô địch Âu châu Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo- 2024 tại Limoges, Php
Dear Masters, Teachers, Managers and Practitioners,
We have the honor and great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th edition of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao European Cup which will take place from May 18th 2024 until May 19, 2024 in France.
You will find attached the general program and the list of competition event. Welcome, and good preparation.
The Organizing Committee
Chers Maîtres, Enseignants, Dirigeants et Pratiquants,
Nous avons l’honneur de vous annoncer l’organisation de la 10ème édition de la Coupe d’Europe de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao qui se déroulera du 18 au 19 Mai 2024 à Limoges en France.
Vous trouverez ci-joint le programme général et la liste des épreuves de compétition. Soyez les bienvenus, et bonne préparation
Le comité d’organisation
Kính gửi quí Thầy, quí Lãnh đạo và Môn sinh các cấp,
Chúng tôi trân trọng thông báo tổ chức Giải vô địch Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo Châu Âu lần thứ 10 sẽ diễn ra từ ngày 18 đến 19 tháng 5 năm 2024 tại Limoges, Pháp.
The International Technical Board
Réf : 302-23 - CTI/26-11-2023
Grand Maître Tran Nguyen Dao
Président Conseil Mondial des Maitres de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
Président de la Commission Technique Internationale
European Cup of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao 2024 – Limoges, France
Coupe d’Europe de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao - 2024 à Limoges, France
Giải vô địch Âu châu Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo- 2024 tại Limoges, Pháp
Dear Masters, Teachers, Managers and Practitioners,
We have the honor and great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th edition of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao European Cup which will take place from May 18th 2024 until May 19, 2024 in France.
You will find attached the general program and the list of competition event. Welcome, and good preparation.
The Organizing Committee
Chers Maîtres, Enseignants, Dirigeants et Pratiquants,
Nous avons l’honneur de vous annoncer l’organisation de la 10ème édition de la Coupe d’Europe de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao qui se déroulera du 18 au 19 Mai 2024 à Limoges en France.
Vous trouverez ci-joint le programme général et la liste des épreuves de compétition. Soyez les bienvenus, et bonne préparation
Le comité d’organisation
Kính gửi quí Thầy, quí Lãnh đạo và Môn sinh các cấp,
Chúng tôi trân trọng thông báo tổ chức Giải vô địch Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo Châu Âu lần thứ 10 sẽ diễn ra từ ngày 18 đến 19 tháng 5 năm 2024 tại Limoges, Pháp.
Xin xem chương trình tổng quát và các bộ môn tranh giải đính kèm.
Ban tổ chức
Organization Name E-Mail Tel Organisation Alexandre USAI
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Or + 33 (0) 6 26 61 05 52
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Compétition Guerrib Amar
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Or + 33 (0) 7 81 66 98 06
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General Tran Nguyen Dao
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+ 33 (0) 6 09 95 20 00 PROGRAMME GENERAL - GENERAL PROGRAM CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TỔNG QUÁT Hébergement - Lieu de compétition Accomodation - Competition address - Chỗ ở-Địa điểm thi đấu Complexe Sportif CHEOPS 87 55 Rue de l'Ancienne École Normale d'Instituteurs 87000 Limoges-France Samedi 18 mai 2024 – Saturday may 18, 2024 - Thứ bảy 18/05/2024 09:00 – 13:00 Accueil des Maîtres et des délégations internationales / Contrôle liste des compétiteurs et pesée Reception of Masters and International delegation's / Competitor list control and weighing Đón tiếp các võ sư và các đoàn quốc tế/kiểm tra danh sách thí sinh và cân đo 13:00 – 13:45 Réunion les membres du jury / Meeting of the jury / Họp Ban giám khảo 13:45 – 14:00 Cérémonie d'ouverture / Opening ceremony / Lễ khai mạc Eliminatoires techniques et combat tous niveaux 14:00 – 18:00 Technical Eliminations and Combat All Levels Vòng loại các bộ môn kỹ thuật và song đấu tự do - Tất cả các trình độ 14:00 – 18:00 Examen national des grades – National grade exam – Thi đẳng cấp 18:00 – 19:15 Dîner sur place - Dinner on site–Cơm tối tại chỗ 19:30–20:30 Finales 1 – Podium - Remise de médaille 64ème Fête de la fondation / Cérémonie de remise des grades 20:30–21:30 64th Foundation Day / Belt promotion ceremony Lễ giỗ tổ năm thứ 64 – Lễ trao đai Dimanche 19 mai 2024 - Sunday may 19, 2024 - Chủ nhật 19/05/2024 Suite éliminatoires techniques et combat tous niveaux Continuation of Technical Eliminations and Combat All Levels Vòng loại các bộ môn kỹ thuật và song đấu tự do tiếp theo Suite concours techniques et combat 13:00 – 15:00 Technical qualifications + fighting, all levels Tiếp tục tranh giải kỹ thuật và song đấu tự do Répétition générale pour la grande Finale 15:15 – 16:15 Rehearsal for the Grand Final: Demonstrations, parade Tổng dợt chung kết Accueil /Cocktails VIP Officiel 16:00 – 16:45 Check in and Cocktails for VIP/Heads of delegations and officials Tiếp đón các quan khách VIP Grande Finale et démonstration publique 17:00 – 19:30 Finals and public exhibition Chung kết và biểu diễn trước quần chúng Discours de clôture de la 10ème Coupe d’Europe 19:45 Closing speech at the 10th European Cup Diễn văn bế mạc giải Vô địch Âu châu lần thứ 10 Grand soirée buffet pour les pratiquants et maitres / Grande soirée dansante pour tous le monde 20:00 Great buffet for practitioners and masters / Great dance party for everyone Tiệc buffet dành cho các Môn sinh và các võ sư - Đêm khiêu vũ dành cho mọi người La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao 90-2023-TLD/TG/EN- 22-11-2023 President of the Vovinam-VietVoDao World Federation Federation Vovinam-VVD France 6 Allée des Agrions - 91160 Ballainvilliers – France Mission order Article 1 : The Vovinam Viet Vo Dao France Federation (FVVDF), represented by Madame GUERRIB Mai, is responsible for organizing the 2024 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao European Cup, which will take place on May 18 and 19, 2024 in Limoges, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France. Article 2 : Mr. USAI Alexandre is appointed President of the Organizing Committee of the 2024 European Cup of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. The Vovinam Viet Vo Dao France Federation (FVVDF) and Mr. USAI Alexandre will be responsible for organizing the Cup on behalf of the World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Federation. Article 3 : Master GUERRIB Amar, is appointed Director of competitions. He is assisted by Master NGUYEN Ðinh Hoang, Master TABARIN Nicolas, Master NIASME Laurent, Teacher COLIN Yann. Article 4 : Mr. USAI Alexandre and Master GUERRIB Amar have jointly the responsibility for organizing this great event. They are placed under the responsibility of the President of the International Technical Board, Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao, the person whom they must be accountable. Lyon November 22, 2023. Grand Master Nguyen The Thierry. Copy : - Grand Master Trần Nguyên Đạo, president, master Hà Kim Khánh, Secretary General and the leading members of the World Council of Masters. - Grand Master Nguyễn Tiến Hội, president and members of the Supreme Council of Masters. The National Federations, members of the World Federation Technical Cups – Coupes Techniques Children (6- to 10-year-old)–Enfants (6 à 10 ans) Cup n° 1 Children's course / Parcours Enfant - (See Annexe 1/ Voir Annexe 1) Cup n° 2 Khai Mon Quyen Children 11- to 14-year-old)–Enfants (11 à 14 ans) Cup n° 3 Khai Mon Quyen Cup n° 4 Thap Tu Quyen Cup n° 5 Song Luyen Mot ➢ Half / Moitié : Until the projection from above with the foot (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) ➢ Jusqu’à la projection par-dessus avec le pied N°1 (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) Children (6- to 14-year-old)–Enfants (6 à 14 ans) Cup n° 6 Khai Mon Quyen synchronised (3 peoples) / synchronisé (3 pers.) Cup n° 7 Self-défense free style présentation-Self-défense présentation libre Scissor techniques neck are forbidden / Les techniques de ciseaux au cou sont interdites ➢ Time/Temps//1 minute Adult Blue Belt (over 15) Ceinture Bleue Adulte (à partir de 15 ans) Cup n° 8 Self-défense women, free style presentation - Self-défense féminin présentation libre ➢ Scissor techniques neck are forbidden / Les techniques de ciseaux au cou sont interdites Cup n° 9 Khai Mon Quyen (Women / Feminin) Cup n° 10 Khai Mon Quyen (Men / Masculin) Cup n° 11 Song Luyen Mot ➢ Half : Until the projection from above with the foot N°1 (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) ➢ Moitié : Jusqu’à la projection par-dessus avec le pied N°1 (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) Cup n° 12 Song Luyen Dao ➢ Until the 8th technique and stop at the overhand throw with foot N°1 (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) ➢ Jusqu’à la 8ème technique et arrêter à la projection par-dessus avec le pied N°1 (Số Ấn Đạp Bụng 1) Cup n° 13 Thap Tu Quyen Cup n° 14 Long Ho Quyen Adult Black Belt (over 18) –Ceinture Noire Adulte (à partir de 18 ans) Cup n° 15 Lao Mai Quyen Cup n° 16 Luong Nghi Kiem Phap Cup n° 17 Tu Tuong Bong Phap Cup n° 18 Song Luyen Vat 2 Cup n° 19 Song Luyen Kiem Cup n° 20 Dai Dao Quyen Phap Cup n° 21 Song Luyen 3 ➢ Half / Moitié : Until the 21st scissor / Jusqu’au 21ème ciseau Cup n° 22 Self-défense women, free style presentation / Self-défense fémininprésentation libre ➢ Scissor techniques neck are forbidden / Les techniques de ciseaux aucou sont interdites Cup n° 23 Don Chan (6 tech) ➢ Individual Men - 4 techniques required within the 21 and 2 free techniques – free style ➢ Individuel masculin - 4 techs obligatoires parmi les 21 et 2 techniques libres – Présentation libre. Sparring Cups – Coupes Combats Men Adult Blue Belt–Ceinture Bleue Adulte Masculin Cup n° 24 < 65kg Cup n° 25 +65 – 70kg Cup n° 26 +70 – 75 kg Cup n° 27 +75 – 80 kg Cup n° 28 > 80 kg Men Adult Black Belt–Ceinture Noire Adulte Masculin Cup n° 29 < 65kg Cup n° 30 +65 – 70 kg Women Adult Black and Blue Belt–Ceinture Noire et Bleue Adulte Féminin Cup n° 34 < 57 kg Cup n° 35 +57 – 65 kg Cup n° 36 + 65 kg -73 kg Cup n° 37 > 73 kg -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We reserve the right to cancel a cup if there are not sufficient participants Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer une épreuve si le nombre de participants n’est pas suffisant. Annexe 1 : Cup n° 1 Children's course / Parcours Enfant Children (6- to 10-year-old)–Enfants (6 à 10 ans) 1.Nghiêm/Nghiêm Lễ/Lễ 2.Roulade avant et se relever en Trung Binh Tan Forward roll and stand up in Trung Binh Tan 3.Gat Mot (Right/ Droit/ Phải) - Gat Mot (Left/ Gauche/ Trái) 4.Dam Thang (Right/ Droit/ Phải) - Dam Thang (Left/ Gauche/ Trái) 5.Lap Tan, puis Quy Tan et Dam Thap droit Lap Tan, then Quy Tan, and Dam Thap Right 6.Da Thang (Right/ Droit/ Phải) - Da Thang (Left/ Gauche/ Trái) 7.Poser en Dinh Tan - Pose in Dinh Tan 8.Enchainer le Chien Luoc N°1 - Enchain the Chien Luoc N°1 9.Avancer Lap Tan et finir le salut Nghiêm - Nghiêm Le - Le Advance Lap Tan and finish the Nghiêm - Nghiêm Le - Le 1/ 2/ The International Technical Board 304-2024-CTI/EN- 01-01-2024 President of the International Technical Board All the delegations and participants must follow the administrative and competitive Cup regulation policies. The official languages of the Cup are French, English and Vietnamese. The Cup is organized by the Fédération Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao France on delegation of authority from the World Federation of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, and placed under the responsibility of the International Technical Board The Organization Committee (O.C.) is composed of: Name Administrative Grand Master: NGUYEN Tien Hoi Honorary President of the Cup Grand Master NGUYEN The Thierry President of the World Federation Presidents of the Cup Mai GUERRIB. President of the Organization Committee Alexandre USAI. The Deputy President of the Organizing Committee Gabriel LAPEYRE, CROUZILLAT Sylvain, VION Ryan, LAROUBINE Sigrid, NGUYEN Trung, GREGORI Emmanuel. Responsible for communications, media, video and photography Hélène COURIVAUD. Sponsorship Manager Alexandre USAI. Transportation manager Olivier NOUARD, Serge PAGNON. Site decoration manager Magali CROUZILLAT. Reception manager Christophe VERGNOUX. Security Manager Alexandre USAI – Gabriel LAPEYRE. Logistics manager Alexandre USAI. Accommodation and catering manager Article 3 : Technical Committee Name Technical Grand Master TRAN Nguyen Dao. President of the jury Master GUERRIB Amar. Director of the Competitions Master NGUYEN Ðinh Hoang, Master TABARIN Nicolas, Master NIASME Laurent, Teacher COLIN Yann. Assistants to the Director of Competitions Master PHAM Cong Hoa (Ch), Master PAGNON Serge (Fr), Master PALENZUELA Orlando (Es), Master KRAUSE Simone (Ger). Director of Claims. Master CROZON Serge (Fr), Master APPIAH Georges (Ger), Master MENDEZ Francisco Javier (Es). Directors of Black belt Sparring events Master GREGORI Emmanuel (Fr), Master HOLZWARTH Mark (Ger), Master PHUNG Trong Kiet (Bel). Directors of blue belt Sparring events Master PY Michel (Fr), Master PHUNG Nguyen (Bel), Master NGUYEN The Hung (Ger). Directors of Black belt technical events Master NELET Thierry (Fr), Master ZARA Mark Albert (Ch), Master SIRTMATSIS Socrates (Ger). Directors of Blue belt technical events Master TA Jean Pierre (Fr), Master MBONGOLO Guillaume (Bel), Master TOMAS Gil Garcia (Es). Directors of Children events Article 4 : Participation - Invitation 1.All the Federations, Associations, Centers, Clubs … member of the World Federation or guests of the O.C. can register without any limitation on the number of participants. 2.All the presidents of the National federation in Europe, members of the World Federation, all the masters in Europe (as from 4th Dang), members of the World Council of Masters and guests of the O.C. are official guests of the Cup. The O.C. will cover all the fees for lodging and food during the duration of the Cup, from May 18 to 19, 2024. Article 5 : Delegation information Each delegation must send an official member list to the O.C. before April 15, 2024 with the following information: Consent of the holder of parental authorization is required for minor children. The C.O. will respond to the acceptance or rejection of entries no later than April 15, 2024. The payment of accommodation, food, entry and competition costs must be made before Mar 31, 2024 to the following account number payable to: Name of the recipient: FEDERATION VOVINAM-VIETVODAO FRANCE SWIFT/BIC : CCOPFRPPXXX IBAN : FR76 4255 9100 0008 0121 4169 585 The C.O. reserves the right to refuse registration for non-payment or late payment. Article 6 : Responsible for delegations 1.Each delegation must be composed of the following persons: 2.One person can have two or three of the above-mentioned responsibilities. 3.The delegation instructor cannot be a competitor, member of a jury or member of the referee team. 4.The competitors – technique or sparring – cannot be member of a jury or member of the referee team. 5.Each delegation is entirely responsible for its own material and participants (competitors and accompanists). The delegation head is in charge of any activity performed by its members. The O.C. will not have any liability concerning any loss of material or personal objects. Article 7 : Official uniform for the delegation 1.The official Vo Phuc for competitors is as follow: 2.The official belt is as follow: 3.The O.C. will exclude any participant who does not follow those rules from any competition. Article 8 : Function of the Technical committee 1.Referees and Judges 2.Condition to be a Judge and Referee 3.Doctor and times-Keeper Judge Nomination Article 9 : The president of the Jury Has the role: Article 10 : The Director of Competition Has the role: Article 11 : Insurance - Responsibility 1.Insurance All the competitors – for technique or sparring – must have a valid national license or insurance and national medical certificate (aptitude for the competition). The medical examination preliminary to the competition must comprise a complete clinical examination, with particular emphasis on the cardiovascular, locomotion apparatus and with the coetaneous coating. The O.C. will not be subject to any liability for anyone not adhering to this regulation. 2.Responsibility Each participating delegation is autonomous, and fully responsible for its equipment and the people who depend on it (competitors and guides). The head of the delegation is responsible for all the actions of the members of their delegation. The responsibility of the C.O. cannot in any way be blamed in the event of loss of materials or personal objects. Article 12 : Control anti-drug Anti-drugs controls may be operated at any time. These controls carried out at the initiative of the O.C. of the Cup. Anti-doping controls may be organized by the competent Authority on its territory. If a candidate controlled positive, severe disciplinary actions will be applied. The instructors, the delegations’ heads and all people who would have contributed directly or indirectly to doping are liable to the same disciplinary actions. Article 13 : Hygiene and safety in the gym Weapons may only be used during events or in designated areas. Weapons and sports bags should not be left without protection / surveillance and throws around. In all cases, participants must ensure the safety of others and themselves. Eating and drinking in the gym or in a non-designated place is strictly prohibited. It is expected that the waste will be sorted and placed in the specific bins. Article 14 : Disciplinary measures Absolutely forbidden any political, racial or religious discussion, claims or manifestation during the competition. Article 15 : Sanction. If one or more of the above rules infringed, the O.C. has the right to give a sanction, which can result in the exclusion of one or more persons and in some cases the entire delegation without appeal. Article 16 : Off regulation The O.C. will decide any event not mentioned in the previous article.INFOS - CONTACTS
11:15 – 12:45
Pause déjeuner / Lunch break / Cơm trưa
Grand Master Nguyen The Thierry
Cup n° 31
+70 – 75 kg
Cup n° 32
75 – 80 kg
Cup n° 33
> 80 kg
Inscription-Registration Hotel EuropeanCup 2024-Modify1
Inscription-Registration_competition_European Cup 2024-Modify
Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao
Administrative Regulation
Article 1 : Regulation - Laws – Official languages
Article 2 : Organization Committee