Information about belt ranking promotion – thesis defense and proposals for promotion of masters

Le Conseil Mondial des Maîtres Vovinam-VietVoDao
The World Council of Masters Vovinam-VietVoDao
President : Me. NGUYEN Dan
Vice President : Me. VO Trung
General Secretary : Me. TRAN Nguyen Dao
Members : Me. LE Cong Danh, Me. NGUYEN Huu To Dong, Me. NGUYEN Van Dong, Me. NGUYEN The Truong, Me. HO Quang Thanh Son
Dear Masters,
Le 7th World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao will be held from May 26 to 29, 2012. Besides discussion and approval on various topics, this is also an opportunity for teachers to present themselves for rank exams or to sustain their thesis.
Currently, our estimate of the number of candidates is :
- France : 5 candidates for the rank 4th Dang, 1 for 6th Dang (red belt 2nd CAP).
- Senegal : 1 candidate for 5th Dang (red belt 1st CAP)
- Ukraine : 1 candidate for 4th Dang
- Belgium : 2 candidates for 4th Dang
The World Council of Masters encourages you to register for examination because the master thesis, beyond the value of rank, represents a contribution that ennobles the culture of Vietnamese martial arts and enhances the world system of physical education.
We would like to remind you some details for belt ranking and thesis defense :
Belt ranking and thesis defense
See the decision of Master LE Cong Danh, President of the International Board of the exams (Ref : 12-2012-CT/UBKThiQT) of 28-01-2012, informing a session for international belt promotion and thesis presentation for all masters at 4th DANG level and higher on May 25th & 26th, 2012 at Paris, France.
Proposals for promotion of masters
According to Chapter III, Article 11.3, of the International Convention on the belt ranking approved on 19-08-2000 at the 3rd World Congress of Masters, California - USA, the masters who do not have opportunity to present their thesis, may be proposes for nomination to a higher rank if they meet the following conditions :
- To be still active.
- To have made significant contributions to Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
- To have justified a minimum of 6 years since the last obtaining of the current rank.
- To be proposed by the International Board of the exams or proposals of nomination sent to the World Council of Masters by the Presidents of National Council of Master.
In my capacity of General Secretary of the World Council of Masters, i call all members of the masters of the International Board of the exams and all presidents of national Council of Masters to establish documents (clic to download file) of proposals for nomination to a higher rank for masters under their responsibility, having met all the requirements.
General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
Master TRAN Nguyen Dao
Copies :
- Supreme Council of Masters of Vovinam- Viet Vo Dao
- World Council of Masters of Vovinam- Viet Vo Dao
- President of the World Federation of Vovinam- Viet Vo Dao
- National Federations members of the World Federation of Vovinam- Viet Vo Dao
- Members of the International Board of the Exams.
Les propositions de nominations des maîtres