The wishes of Vietnam

Vietnam, April 25, 2012

To: Organizing Committee of the 7th World Congress of VVN-VVĐ in Paris

As members of the World Federation of Vovinam – Viet Vo Dao, currently operating in Vietnam, we want to show by this, our thanks for your invitation for the 7th World Congress to be held from May 25 to 29, 2012 included Paris - France.

We wish you good success for this great event.

We wish health and happiness to Seniors Masters, Master of the Organizing Committee, leaders of the World Federation and the national Federations.

The engagement and sacrifice of the Seniors Masters will certainly leave a good imprint for future generations.

The contribution to the promotion of our Martial Art by Masters of the World Federation and National Federations leaders, shows the noble spirit of the responsible persons : : the selflessness for the Ideal of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.

We reiterate our wishes of success for this Congress.

Operating Members in Vietnam.

Masters and followers:


 Ngô Kim Tuyền           
 Bùi Mạnh Thuyết    
 Trương Quang An   
 Khâu Thanh Danh   
 Nguyễn Thị Vân


 Vũ Kim Trọng
 Phạm Công Đệ
 Văn Chu Đồng
 Trương Quang Ấn
 Nguyễn An Hoàng
 Nguyễn Văn Chi
 Hoàng Việt Quý
 Lại Văn Anh
 Trần Ngọc Thơ
 Thiều Thị Tạo
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