REMINDER - International training course and tournament 2023 - TENERIFE
Subject: Reminder: International internship – International tournament – Tenerife 2023
Dear Masters and Leaders, Dear Teachers and Practitioners
The international camp followed by an international tournament will take place
• to the local Pabellón José Leonardo Rodríguez García,
camino las Charnecas, 38430 Icod de los Vinos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
• from July 24 to 28, 2023.
It will be led by Grand Master Thierry Nguyen The and Master Ha Kim Chung.
It is important and urgent to confirm your participation by sending an email before May 15, 2023 to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Then return before June 15, 2023, the Excel registration document to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read more: REMINDER - International training course and tournament 2023 - TENERIFE
Info international training course and tournament 2023 - TENERIFE
Queridos Maestros, Profesores, Lideres y Practicantes,
Tenemos el honor de anunciar la organización de un curso internacional de formación seguido de un torneo de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao que tendrá lugar del 24 al 28 de julio de 2023 en Tenerife - España.
Bienvenidos y buena preparación
El Comité Organizador
Chers Maîtres, Enseignants, Dirigeants et Pratiquants,
Nous avons l'honneur de vous annoncer l'organisation d'un Stage international suivi d'un Tournoi de Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao qui se déroulera du 24 au 28 juillet 2023 à Ténérife - Espagne.
Soyez les bienvenus, et bonne préparation
Le Comité d'Organisation
Dear Masters, Teachers, Leaders and Practitioners,
We have the honor to announce the organization of an international training course followed by a Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao tournament which will take place from July 24 to 28, 2023 in Tenerife - Spain.
Welcome, and good preparation
Read more: Info international training course and tournament 2023 - TENERIFE
Functioning principles of the 9th World Congress 2022 of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
- Details
- Hits: 712
Réf. 131-22-TTK- 08-01-2022
Functioning principles of the
9th World Congress 2022 of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
The 9th World Congress of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao as well as 6th World Cup will be held in Paris - France from 20 to 23 July 2022.
- The organization is placed under the responsibility of the Federation Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo France.
- The hotel and food expenses of all the presidents of the national federations and the masters from 4th DANG and above, members of the World Council of Masters, are covered by the Organizing Committee during the congress - see the list of members, subject to being up to date with annual contributions (Letter ref. 53-2021-TLD / TG / EN- 18-11-2021 from the President of the World Federation:
- Duration of the Congress:
July 20-23, 2022.
- Location of the Congress:
Paris - France.
- The Organizing Committee
- The Vovinam Federation-Việt Võ Đạo France.
- Secretary General of the World Council: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- President of the International Technical Board: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- President of the France federation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Languages used during the Congress
The official languages used in this Congress are: French, Vietnamese and English. Real-time translations will be provided for these 3 languages.
Agenda of the World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
You will find below the provisional agenda, proposed by the Secretary General of the World Council of Teachers and the President of the World Federation. All Masters members of the World Masters Council or Presidents of National Federations may present other proposals provided that they are sent to the Secretary General of the World Masters Council at the latest 1 month before the opening date of the Congress.
Wednesday - 20 July 2022
- 07:30 - 08:30: Welcome of the masters and guests.
- 08h30: Opening of the World Congress of Masters.
- Opening Ceremony (Organizer, Master Amar Guerrib).
- Welcome and opening statement of the Congress by the President of the World Council of Masters (Grand Master NGUYEN Van Cuong).
- The Secretary General of the World Council of Masters (Master HA Kim Khanh) introduced the Congress Presidential Committee and the delegations.
- The President of the Congress recalls the principles and functioning of the Congress.
- Revision of the agenda, approval of the adhesion of new members according to the list communicated by the Secretary General of the World Council of Masters.
- Verification and counting of votes and delegations of powers.
- Moral report of the Secretary General of the World Masters Council on the 2016-2020 mandate (extended until 2022 due to the covid-19 global health crisis) and answers to questions. Vote of approval of the moral report.
- Debate and approval of the projects.
- 12h00 - 13h30: Lunch.
- 13:30 - 16:00: Continuation of the World Masters Congress.
- Election of the 7 executive members of the World Council of Masters.
- Meeting of the newly elected members of the World Council of Masters for:
- To elect the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- To appoint the President of the World Council of Masters and the President of the Supreme Council of Masters.
- Closure of the World Congress of Masters.
- 16h00: Opening of the General Assembly (GA) of the World Federation.
- Welcome speech and opening statement of the GA by the President of the World Federation (Grand Master NGUYEN Thê Thierry).
- The President of the World Federation presents the Presidential Committee of the GA.
- The President of the Congress recalls the principles and functioning of the GA.
- Revision of the agenda, approval of the membership of new members according to the list communicated by the President of the World Federation.
- Verification and counting of votes and delegations of power.
- Moral report of the President of the World Federation for the 2016-2020 term (extended until 2022 due to the covid-19 global health crisis) and answers to questions. Vote of approval of the moral report.
- Debate and approval of projects.
- Election of the new President of the World Federation.
- Speech of the new President.
- Closing of the General Assembly of the World Federation.
Thursday - 21 July 2022
- 07:30 – 8:30: Welcome of jury members and candidates.
- 08:30 – 12:00: Examination of grades and defense of masters' theses.
- 12:00 – 13:30: Lunch.
- 13:30 – 18:00: Continuation of the examination of grades and defense of the masters' theses.
Friday – 22 July 2022
- 07:30 – 08:30: Reception of masters and guests, press, television...
- 08:30: Presentation of the results of the 9th World Congress.
- Speech of the Organizing Committee, Master Amar Guerrib.
- Welcome speech on behalf of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao by the President of the Supreme Council of Masters.
- Presentation of the results of the work of the 9th Congress.
- Presentation of the new leaders of the World Council of Masters and the World Federation office.
- Speech of the new General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- Speech of the new President of the World Federation.
- Announcement of the results of the rank examination and thesis defense - Belt handover ceremony.
- Presentation of the decision of promulgation of the masters - Belt handover ceremony.
- Closing Ceremony of the 9th World Congress.
- 12:00 - 13h30: Lunch.
- 13:30: Opening of the 6th Vovinam Viet Vo Dao World Cup: World Cup Qualifiers.
Saturday - 23 May 2020
- 08:30 – 12:00: Continuation of the qualifiers until the World Cup semi-final.
- 12:00 – 13:30: Lunch.
- 13:30: World Cup Final.
The common principles
The following operating principles are taken from the Rules of Procedure of the World Council of Masters which have been approved since its creation in 1996; the last update is dated 15 July 2016, at the 8th World Congress in California - USA.
These Rules of Procedure consist of 48 pages with a multitude of articles according to each organ of the council. For this reason, the organizing committee has summarized a number of main articles into "common principles" in order to save time and create a clear workspace whose discipline reflects a well-organized grouping. However, the organizing committee will be able to send the full Rules of Procedure of the World Masters Council to any member who requests them.
Scheme of elections
The common principles for: Elections - Approvals - Procurators
1.Legitimate Principle:
- Le World Congress of masters convened by The General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- The General Assembly of the World Federation was convened by his president.
- The total number of votes (present and by procreation) must be greater than 60% +1, compared to the total voting members of the World Council of masters and members of the electorate of the World Federation.
2.The principle of relative majority will be applied in the elections:
- For leading members of World Council of Masters (the candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected).
- For president of World Federation (The candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected).
3.The principle of the majority (50%+1 of a total voting) will be applied to:
- The project approvals as: Internal rules, Conventions, reform of the 10 fundamental principles, ranks, the Supreme Council of masters …
- Admission of the new members.
4.Principle of the votes.
- The secret ballot in gist applied for elections for the persons or the functions in the World Council of Masters or for the President of World Federation.
- The principle of « » voting is applied for election that does not concern the person. However, the secret ballot can be applied if there are requests at least three members.
- In the event of equality of votes, the principle of drawing lots will be applied.
5.Principle of presentation, and nomination.
- All masters, official members of World Congress of Masters can present their candidature or nominate candidates for the election of leaders of the World Council of Masters (see the form : F1_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir CDM).
- The masters who are proposed, must confirm their verbal agreement if they are present or by procreation in case of absence.
- The President, Vice-President, and the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters may not combine their mandate with the mandate of President of the World Federation.
- All the elected leaders of the World Council of Masters (except the President, Vice-President and the General Secretary) may arise as President of the World Federation.
- The President of the World Federation can present his candidature to be a leading member of World Council of Masters if he is an official member of the World Congress of Masters (except for the functions of President, Vice-President and General Secretary).
6.Voting rights and delegation of authority at the World Congress of Masters.
The masters, official members, are equal, each master has one vote.
a.The masters, official members, can:
- Vote; express themselves on all subjects of the agenda in respect of speaking time and the attribution of speaking by the President of the meeting.
- Propose new projects or change existing mode of functioning, if their proposals are sent to the general secretary of world council of masters, at least 20 days before the conference date to be include in the agenda.
b.The masters may delegate their power in case of absence to a master official member present at the Congress.
c.Any oral or telephone is not accepted. Delegation of authority is only valid in the following 3 cases.
- Delegation authority form (see the form: F1_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir CDM for the masters and F2_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir Federation.doc : for the presidents of federations).
- Mail postal
- E-mail to the organizing committee or the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- 7.Voting rights and delegation of authority of World Federation
a.The members comprising the electorate are:
- Member’s leaders elected of the World Council of Masters: One vote per person.
- National federations, official members: one vote per federation.
b.Members of the electorate may delegate their authority to a person (master or practitioner) present at the meeting. (See the form :F2_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir Federation).
c.All members of the electorate have the right to present their candidature or to propose a candidature.
d.The principle of secret ballot and relative majority will be applied.
Wold Congress of Masters and World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ
I. Convocation of the assembly
1- The assembly must be convened 2 months before is its opening date:
- The World Congress of Masters is convened by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- The General assembly is convened by the President of the world federation.
2- The agenda of the meeting must be officially notified one month before the opening date and must be un in the following order:
- The General Secretary of The World Council of Masters and the President of the federation propose one board of meeting with:
Profile Mission
The President of the Congress manages the Congress.
The Vice-President helps and replaces the president in his absence.
The Secretary takes notes and establishes the minutes.
The Assistant secretary takes notes in parallel with the secretary.
3 members bring ideas in the President decisions.
- Revision of the agenda.
- The General Secretary of the World Council of Masters and the President of the federation have to present their moral reports during the term () and answer questions from members.
- Approval the new members communicated by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
II. Member’s quality of the World Congress of Masters
1- The masters, official members:
They are masters who have been confirmed by previous congresses: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. The list of official members will be announced one month before the opening of the Congress by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
2- Officiating of new members is reserved for:
a.The new masters (4ème DANG who just earned their rank) within structures recognized by the World Council of Masters and the World Federation.
b.The list of these masters will be communicated by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters and will be approved by the Congress. We call all leaders of masters to send the request for admission and recognition of new masters of their country – rank obtained from 2016 to the General Secretary to etablish the official list (see the form:F3_Demande pour nouveaux maîtres).
3- The request of admission for the new masters.
a.It is reserved for masters from level 4ème Dang belonging to a structure recognized by the World Council of Masters and the World Federation.
b.It must be forwarded to the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters 15 days before the conference date. (see the form: F4_Demande adhesion).
c.It must be presented at least by a master official member of the World Congress of Masters.
4- Guests:
a.Including the Masters, practitioners, supporters, invited by the organizing committee or by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters or by the President of the World Federation.
b.The guests do not have voting rights and can give their opinion on the authorization of the President of the Congress.
III. Elections of the leading members of the World Council of Masters.
1- The staff of Council:
- The number of leading members who made the Council of Masters will be proposed by the General Secretary of The World Council of Masters at each World Congress as required. This proposal must be approved by the principle of absolute majority.
- The number of officers for the last mandate 2016-2020 is 7 members + the Guest President.
2- The process of establishing the list of candidates:
- Call for candidature and establishment of the list of candidates (the masters who are candidates).
- Proposal of candidates (the masters propose others candidates).
- The masters, who are proposed, agree to be candidates.
- Compiling a list of official candidates (including candidates validated and proposed).
3- Procedures of votes:
a.The masters vote by writing the candidate’s name on their ballot. They can enter one or more names shall not exceeded the maximum allowed to vote or blank ballot.
b.The ballots are declared non-compliant in the following cases:
- The number of names exceeds the maximum allowed.
- The name are outside predefined areas.
- The ballot contains deletions.
- The ballots contains comments.
c. Each candidate has 10 minutes to make his declaration of candidature.
d.The candidates who obtained the most vote will be elected leading members of the World Council of Masters. In case the number of candidates is lower than that set, voting cannot be validated for candidates with at least 40% of the total number of votes +1.
e.In the event of equality of votes of two final candidates, the principle of drawing lots will be applied to designate the elected person.
f.After elected, the leading members met in private to propose three people in leadership positions: President, Vice-President, General Secretary.
IV. Member’s quality and election of the President of the World Federation
1- Member Federations:
a.Member Federations have been confirmed since the 1996 Assembly General with 15 federations (or national associations) and 23 countries as follows:
b.National Federations, founding members:
1.Belgian Federation.
2.French Federation.
3.German Federation.
4.Swiss Federation.
5.Australian Federation (there will be a vote regarding this federation).
c.Federations confirmed between 2001 and 2008:
6.Canadian Federation.
7.Vovinam-VVD Belarus.
8.Vovinam-VVD Ukrainian.
9.Vovinam-VVD Moroccan.
10.Senegalese Federation.
11.Texas Federation – USA.
12.Western Federation – USA.
13.Vovinam-VVD Spain.
14.Federation Burkinabe.
d.Federations confirmed between 2008 and 2016:
15.Federation Mali.
e.National institutions to be confirmed:
16.Federation Vovinam-VVĐ East of the United States (there will be a vote concerning this federation).
17.Vovinam-VVĐ Guinea.
18.Vovinam-VVĐ Togo.
19.Vovinam-VVD Ivory Coast.
20.Soviet Federation (including 2 federations Siberia et Tyumen-Nefteyugansk ).
21.Vovinam-VVD Poland.
22.Vovinam-VVD Mauritania.
23.Vovinam-VVD Niger.
24.United Arab Emirates (Dubai).
2- Federations applying for membership:
National federations must meet the following criteria:
a.Being a legal organization and functioning on the territory of belonging as a national federation, or a national committee, national association.
b.Be in accordance with the laws of the country.
c.The world federation cannot recognize the accession of a single organization of Vovinam-VVĐ in a country, except for special cases reserved for countries with vast territories such as: Russia, The United States of America and Canada…
d.Have at least 5 clubs and over 200 practitioners. Exceptions may be permitted in special cases.
e.Being recognized by the President of the World Federation and the President of the International Technical Commission.
3- Organizations pending membership:
a.These organizations of Vovinam-VVĐ in countries that cannot respond to criteria for being officially recognized or pending consideration of their file for membership
b.The organizations are known as « Representative» and are under the direct guidance of:
- President of the World Federation for administrative plan.
- President of the international Technical Commission for the technical plan.
c.Provisional member organizations do not have the right to vote, but can function as a federation official member: passing ranks, national cup … if they have permission from the World Federation and respect the internal regulations of the federation.
V. Elections of President of the World Federation.
1.List of candidates:
- Call for application and establishing lists
- Proposal for candidatures
- Masters or practitioners who are proposed, accept to be candidates
- Establishment of the list of official candidature (including the candidates who propose and those proposed)
a.Each candidate has 5 to 15 minutes for their declaration of candidacy.
b.The electorate votes by writing the candidate’s name on the ballot. One and only one candidate must be registered or blank ballot.
c.The ballots are declared non-compliant in the following cases: more than one name listed, the name is not registered in the list of candidate, deletions, or other comments on the ballots.
d.The candidate will have most votes is elected as President. In case of a unique candidate, he must have his votes over 50% of the total votes to be elected.
e.In the case of equality of votes, the draw will be applied to identify the chosen one.
3.Establishment of the Executive Committee of the World Federation:
a)The new president of the World Federation has full authority to organize and select the members to form the executive committee of the World Federation.
b)The Presidents of National Federations are reported according by the statutes: Vice-Presidents, members of the executive board of the World Federation.
Recognition and tribute to the great grandmasters
Ủy Ban Kỹ Thuật Quốc Tế
La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board
Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao
Recognition and tribute to the great grandmasters
Dear Masters, Instructors, Leaders and Practitioners,
The year 2022 is a very special year for Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao because there will be two significant events organize at the same time, namely: the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao and the 6th World Cup which will take place in Paris from July 20 to 23, 2022.
This year marks 62 years since the death of our Founding Master Nguyen Loc in 1960, that year was a year of great mourning for Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, and that day has become the "Foundation Day".
The year 1960 also marked the beginning of the change and transformation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, which went from a few humble clubs to become a major discipline of the Vietnamese martial art with the establishment of the 1st Council of Masters and an organization structure as a national federation level in 1964. Since then, the administration of our martial art was developed such as: identify, logo, teaching program, examination program, philosophy stream, grading system, crest... Which have become spearheads throughout history as a springboard for development and advancement of all Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao movements around the world.
Among the great masters, members of the first Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1964, those who contributed to building the foundations "through time" mentioned above, many have died, but fortunately, there are a few masters still alive, and of these, two have continued to participate actively and consistently over the past 62 years. They are the two great grandmasters Nguyen Van Cuong and Ngo Huu Lien.
This year 2022 congress, the presence and participation of our two great grandmasters becomes even more special than ever. However, the two grandmasters expressed their wishes to relinquish all responsibilities within our world organization, including symbolic responsibilities as they have had for many years, and simply remain as a member only.
This is not the first time that our two great grandmasters have mentioned of this intention. It was expressed several times at previous congresses (2008, 2012, 2016), but I managed to convince them to continue to assume symbolic functions within our world organization, because it is necessary to have spiritual and intellectual support for the practitioners around the world as well as for our masters and leaders.
In any organization, there is always a need for spiritual symbols that embody the ancestral tradition. At the "root" level, the two great grandmasters symbolize the link between the founding master Nguyen Loc and us. On the "institution" level, the two great grandmasters represent the extension of the first Council of Masters Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1964 to the World Council of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao today. And on the "legitimacy" level, the two great grandmasters are concrete, irrefutable and living proof of the authenticity of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, thus allowing us to be proud and to continue to develop our ideal and the culture of Vietnamese martial arts all over the world
Unfortunately, for the world congress this year, I can no longer convince them! Simply because our two great grandmasters are now very old, health inhibiting them, and our organization must move forward with "a new symbolic leadership" while benefiting from the advice and guidance of our two great grandmasters. It is for this reason that the 2022 Congress, which is already special, is even more special because it is also about the "transition" of the two highest leadership positions of our international organization, namely: the President of the Supreme Council of Masters and the President of the World Council of Masters
My dear masters and practitioners, man and all living things obey the same law: Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death, so nothing is permanent. Founding master Nguyen Loc created and directed Vovinam for 22 years (1938-1960), our two patriarchs master Tran Huy Phong and Le Sang also contributed 43 and 56 years respectively. And our two great grandmasters, Nguyen Van Cuong and Ngo Huu Lien, have contributed continuously for 62 years, a contribution that spans more than half a century, that is, a lifetime and over many of generations.
We are recent generations, not having been trained by the Founding Master Nguyen Loc and not being part of those who contributed to the creation of "the spearheads of history" like our two great grandmasters, but we are seeking advice and guided by them so that Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao can continue to develop and advance all over the world.
For 62 years, the decisive and fundamental contributions did not give the two great grandmasters more fame, power or wealth, but on the contrary, they endured much jealousy and criticism as well as financial expenditure. So why did they do this? And for whom? Is it for the ideal of Vietnamese martial arts culture in general and for Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in particular, as well as for all generations of practitioner’s past, presence and future? It is a noble and life-time contribution that we recognize and pay:
- Tribute to Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong; and
- Tribute to Grand Master Ngo Huu Lien.
On this very special occasion, I would like to express the greatest gratitude to the two great grandmasters. They are shining examples for all of us to follow. They embody virtue, spirit and "the true man" according to the philosophy of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. The two grand-masters are dedicated men, imbued with the spirit of "Vietnamese martial arts", who have perfectly demonstrated the key principle of Viet Vo Dao: "Live, let others live and Live for others". The life of our two great grandmasters is simple, pure, selfless and always at the service of the common good. They represent torches with a spirit of initiative and commitment, courage, perseverance, the will to assume one’s responsibilities, never backing down in the face of difficulties or challenges. Towards society, our two grandmasters are scholars, intellectuals, competent and renowned. Thanks to them, Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao has achieved such great results today.
Paris on July 01, 2022.
Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao
Grand master Ngo Huu Lien
Master Ngo Huu Lien - 2004 |
- Supreme white belt.
- Direct disciple of the Master Founder Nguyen Loc.
- Founding member of the 1st Council of Masters of Vovinam-VVD in 1964.
- President of the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao (1996-2000).
- Member of the World Council of Masters (2000- 2012)
- President of the Supreme Council of Masters (2012-2016, 2016-2022).
- Founding member of Vovinam-VVD Texas, USA
Master Ngo Huu Lien was born in 1937 in My Do, Bac Giang, North Vietnam. He started Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1955, at the age of 18, with the Founding Master at the “Thu Khoa Huan” Training Center in Saigon, the first Vovinam center in southern Vietnam.
Currently, he is one of the highest-ranking masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, a founding member of the 1st Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Vietnam in 1964, after the death of Founding Master Nguyen Loc.
At the beginning of the year 1964, master Ngo Huu Lien and the masters at the time: Le Sang, Tran Huy Phong, Manh Hoang, Nguyen Van Thu, Phan Quynh, Tran Ban Que, Nguyen Van Cuong, Nguyen Van Thong… had developed a proposal and created a program in order to institutionalize Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. They had founded the first Council of Masters as the central organization of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. Master Le Sang had been elected to the position of Patriarch, Master Tran Huy Phong was the second important figure of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao and Master Ngo Huu Lien was the president of the Legal Commission.
5th WorldCup – Brussels 2018 |
In the years 1964-1975, Master Ngo Huu Lien successively held the positions: Coordinator, Secretary General of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao Federation, member of the Viet Vo Dao Youth Federation... and participated in teaching at the Vovinam training centers in Saigon – Cho Lon. He provided training at the school for National Police officers with Master Nguyen Van Vang as his assistant. He led the courses at the 8th District Police Center with Master Vu Kim Trọng as his assistant. In addition, he actively participated in the training sessions of the masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao organized every year.
Apart from the activities of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, Master Ngo Huu Lien was very active in charitable activities through the creation of educational centers for the general public which aimed to provide free or low-cost courses to prepare high school students to pass their matriculation exams and at the same time to teach the techniques of self-defense of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao with colleges: Manh Hoang, Tran Huy Phong, Hoang Quan, Dinh Duc Mau, Nguyen Van Cuong, Phan Quynh, Nguyen Xuan Thieu, Mai Trung Hoa....
Lawyer - 1962 |
As a law graduate, he joined the Saigon Barrister in 1962. A few years later, because of the Vietnam war, he was called up for services. Coming from the 17th cohort of the School of Reserve Officers of Thu Duc and the 10th cohort of the Higher School of Administration and Finance Officers of the Armies of the Republic of Vietnam, he held the position of Lecturer in finance and administration at this military school.
At the end of 1968, he was seconded to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Youth, first as an inspector and then chief inspector of the Youth Administration of the Republic of South Vietnam until 1975.
In 1975, when the Vietnam war ended, he migrated to the United States of America with his family and settled in Texas to this day.
Shortly after his arrival in the United States, he immediately began to promote Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao with masters Nguyen The Hung, Vo Trung, Vo Thanh Long, Nguyễn Văn Do, Nguyễn Chinh, Bui Khac Hung, Le Huy Chuong, Nguyen Van Luong ... to establish the Vovinam-VVD Texas in 1980. Initially, he held the position of President of the Board then President of the Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao Texas for many years then he left this position to young masters to continue to promote Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Texas in particular and in the world in general.
In 1995, in response to the appeal of master patriarch Tran Huy Phong, master Ngo Huu Lien and the masters of the former Council of Masters in 1964, issued on September 16, 1995, the declaration of the official establishment of the Provisional Council of Masters abroad. This council was the precursor of the World Council of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, created during the 2nd World Congress in 1996 in Paris. He was elected to the position of President of the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao (the first president for the term 1996-2000), and was elected for several consecutive terms as a member of the permanent bureau of the World Council of Masters, of the Supreme Council of Masters. In 2012, he was elected President of the Supreme Council of Masters, term 2012-2016 and 2016-2022.
8th World Congress – California - 2016 |
Grand master Nguyen Van Cuong
Picture 1964 Master. Nguyen Van Cuong (bottom) Master. Tran Ban Que (top)
- White Belt of President of the World Council of Masters.
- Direct disciple of the founding master Nguyen Loc.
- Founding member of the 1st Council of Vovinam-VVD Masters in 1964.
- Secretary General of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, 2 terms: 1996-2000 and 2000-2004.
- Member of the World Council of Masters (2004-2008, 2012-2016).
- President of the Supreme Council of Masters (2008-2012).
- President of the World Council of Masters (2016-2022)
Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong is one of the highest-ranking masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, founding member of the Central Direction and of the 1st Council of Masters Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1964, Secretary General of the World Council of Masters for two terms (1996-2004), President of the Supreme Council of Masters for the term 2008-2012 and in 2016 he held the position of President of the World Council of Masters Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao until this day.
Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong was born in 1938 in Hanoi, northern Vietnam, to a modest family with a tradition of Western medication for many generations.
In 1954, his family migrated to the South of Vietnam. He attended LaSan Taberd, Ho Ngoc Can (baccalaureate I) and Chu Van An (baccalaureate 2) high schools, then graduated in law and arts from the University of Saigon.
In 1966, he graduated from the National School of Administration, 11th cohort. A few months later, because of the war, he was called up for services. Coming from the 23rd cohort of the School of Reserve Officers of Thu Duc. In 1967/1968, he was appointed deputy prefect of Di Linh district, then in 1972, he became deputy governor of Lam Dong province until April 1975.
3rd World Cup – Germany 2010 Master Nguyen Van Cuong (center) |
After two years in prison (brainwashing center) due to political regime change in Vietnam, he escaped from prison in 1976 and crossed the Thailand border then moved to the United States (Oklahoma) in 1977 until this day.
Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong started Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1956 through his friend, Master Tran Huy Phong. He trained with the founding master Nguyen Loc at the "Thu Khoa Huan" club, Aviateur Garros street in Saigon, and since then he has become one of the pillars of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. In 1964, with the great masters at the time, he created the 1st Council of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao Masters and legalized Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in the form of a national federation. He holds the position of Treasurer of the Central Directorate with the rank of Red Belt 4th Dang.
8th World Congress – California - 2016
In 1990, on the occasion of the first world congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in California in the United States, he became a founding member of the International Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao and chaired the Consultative Commission of this federation
3rd World Cup – Germany 2010 |
In 1995, in response to the appeal of master patriarch Tran Huy Phong, master Nguyen Van Cuong and the masters of the former Council of Masters in 1964, published on September 16, 1995, the declaration of the official establishment of the Provisional Council of Masters abroad. This council was the precursor of the World Council of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, created during the 2nd World Congress in 1996 in Paris.
During this 2nd World Congress, having obtained the confidence of the masters present, he was elected to the position of Secretary General of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-VVD for two consecutive terms (1996-2004). Subsequently, he continued to hold many key positions and especially in 2016, on the occasion of the 8th World Congress in California-USA, the congress entrusted him with the highest responsibility of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao: Chairman of the Council Mondial des Maîtres, a position that replaced that of Patriarch in our school.
8th World Congress – California - 2016 Master Nguyen Van Cuong and Master Ngo Huu Lien
From the function of Patriarch to the
Function of President of the World Council of Masters
(1) Founder Nguyen Loc (1912-1960) |
(2) Patriarch 2nd Generation (1964-1986, 1990-2010) Master Le Sang (1920-2010) |
(3) Patriarch 3rd Generation (1986-1990) Master Tran Huy Phong (1938-1997) |
(4) President of the World Council of Masters (2002-2004) Master Le Sang (1920-2010) |
(5) President of the World Council of Masters (2004-2016) Master Nguyen Dan (1928-2016) |
(6) President of the World Council of Masters (2016) Master Nguyen Van Cuong
(1) From the time when Master Founder Nguyen Loc established Vovinam in 1938 until his death in 1960, the post of Patriarch did not exist and his title is simply Founder of Vovinam
(2) 4 years after the death of the Founding Master Nguyen Loc, in 1964, the first Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao created the function of Patriarch and master Le Sang was elected to this post.
(3) In 1986, Master Le Sang passed on the title of Patriarch to Master Tran Huy Phong. But in 1990, master Tran Huy Phong retransmitted it to master Le Sang.
(4) In 1996, on the occasion of the 2nd World Congress, which was held in Paris for the creation of the World Council of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, the congress voted to repeal the function of Patriarch to replace him with the function of President of the World Council of Masters. But this position is left vacant because the Congress still recognizes the title of Patriarch to Master Le Sang until the day of his death. In 2002, during Master Le Sang visit to the United States, during an extraordinary meeting of the World Council of Masters, Master Le Sang was officially installed as President of the World Council of Masters (see photo below).
(5) In 2004, Master Le Sang resigned from the position of President of the World Council of Masters due to the exceptional circumstances in Vietnam. The World Council of Masters has elected master Nguyen Dan (brother of Founding Master Nguyen Loc) to temporarily replace him as acting President, as Grandmaster Le Sang is still alive. In 2010, after the death of master Le Sang, master Nguyen Dan officially assumed the position of President of the World Council of Masters and since that date, this function has officially replaced the function of Patriarch of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.
(6) In 2016, after the death of Master Nguyen Dan, on the occasion of the 8th World Congress, held in California, United States, the Congress elected Master Nguyen Van Cuong as President of the World Council of Masters and he has always assumed this high responsibility to this day
California, États-Unis - 2002, Réunion extraordinairepour l’instalation du maitre Le Sang au poste de Président du Conseil Mondial des MaitresGauche/droite : Me. Nguyen Van Cuong, Le Sang, Ngo Huu Lien, Le Trong Hiep et Nguyen Dan. |
© La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao |
Functioning principles of the 9th World Congress 2020 of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
- Details
- Hits: 3681
Réf. 122-20-TTK/FR- 01-02-2020
Functioning principles of the
9th World Congress 2020 of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
The 9th World Congress of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao will be held in Paris - France from 20 to 23 May 2020.
- The organization is placed under the responsibility of the Federation Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo France.
- The hotel and food expenses of all the presidents of the national federations and the masters from 4th DANG and above, members of the World Council of Masters, are covered by the Organizing Committee during the congress - see the list of members:
- Duration of the Congress : May 20-23, 2020.
- Location of the Congress : Paris – France.
- The Organising Committee
The Vovinam Federation-Việt Võ Đạo France.
6, Allée des Agrions - 91160 Ballainvilliers – France.
- Secretary General of the World Council : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- President of the International Technical Board : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- President of the france federation : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Languages used during the Congress
The official languages used in this Congress are: French, Vietnamese and English. Real-time translations will be provided for these 3 languages.
Agenda of the World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
You will find below the provisional agenda, proposed by the Secretary General of the World Council of Teachers and the President of the World Federation. All Masters members of the World Masters Council or Presidents of National Federations may present other proposals provided that they are sent to the Secretary General of the World Masters Council at the latest 1 month before the opening date of the Congress.
Wednesday - 20 May 2020
- 07:30 - 08:30: Welcome of the masters and guests.
- 08h30: Opening of the World Congress of Masters.
- Opening Ceremony (Organizer, Master Amar Guerrib).
- Welcome and opening statement of the Congress by the President of the World Council of Masters (Grand Master Nguyên Van Cuong).
- The Secretary General of the World Council of Masters (Master Ha Kim Khanh) introduced the Congress Presidential Committee and the delegations.
- The President of the Congress recalls the principles and functioning of the Congress.
- Revision of the agenda, approval of the adhesion of new members according to the list communicated by the Secretary General of the World Council of Masters.
- Verification and counting of votes and delegations of powers.
- Moral report of the Secretary General of the World Masters Council on the 2016-2020 mandate and answers to questions. Vote of approval of the moral report.
- Debate and approval of the projects.
- 12h00 - 13h30: Lunch.
- 13:30 - 16:00: Continuation of the World Masters Congress.
- Election of the 7 executive members of the World Council of Masters.
- Meeting of the newly elected members of the World Council of Masters for:
- To elect the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- To appoint the President of the World Council of Masters and the President of the Supreme Council of Masters.
- Closure of the World Congress of Masters.
- 16h00: Opening of the General Assembly (GA) of the World Federation.
- Welcome speech and opening statement of the GA by the President of the World Federation (Grand Master Nguyên Thê Thierry).
- The President of the World Federation presents the Presidential Committee of the GA.
- The President of the Congress recalls the principles and functioning of the GA.
- Revision of the agenda, approval of the membership of new members according to the list communicated by the President of the World Federation.
- Verification and counting of votes and delegations of power.
- Moral report of the President of the World Federation for the 2016-2020 term and answers to questions. Vote of approval of the moral report.
- Debate and approval of projects.
- Election of the new President of the World Federation.
- Speech of the new President.
- Closing of the General Assembly of the World Federation.
Thursday - 21 May 2020
- 07:30 – 8:30: Welcome of jury members and candidates.
- 08:30 – 12:00: Examination of grades and defense of masters' theses.
- 12:00 – 13:30: Lunch.
- 13:30 – 18:00: Continuation of the examination of grades and defense of the masters' theses.
Friday - May 22, 2020
- 07:30 – 08:30: Reception of masters and guests, press, television...
- 08:30: Presentation of the results of the 9th World Congress.
- Speech of the Organizing Committee, Master Amar Guerrib.
- Welcome speech on behalf of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao by the President of the Supreme Council of Masters (Grand Master Ngô Huu Liên).
- Presentation of the results of the work of the 9th Congress.
- Presentation of the new leaders of the World Council of Masters and the World Federation office.
- Speech of the new General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- Speech of the new President of the World Federation.
- Announcement of the results of the rank examination and thesis defence - Belt handover ceremony.
- Presentation of the decision of promulgation of the masters - Belt handover ceremony.
- Closing Ceremony of the 9th World Congress.
- 12:00 - 13h30: Lunch.
- 13:30: Opening of the 60th Grand European Traditional Gathering (GRT): Black Belt Rank Test and French Cup Qualifiers.
Saturday - 23 May 2020
- 08:30 – 12:00: Continuation of the French Cup Qualifiers.
- 12:00 – 13:30: Lunch.
- 13:30 - 14:30: Foundation Celebration Ceremony: Proclamation of the Results of the Black Belt Rank Test and Handover of the Belts.
- 14:30: French Cup Final.
The common principles
The following operating principles are taken from the Rules of Procedure of the World Council of Masters which have been approved since its creation in 1996; the last update is dated 15 July 2016, at the 8th World Congress in California - USA.
These Rules of Procedure consist of 48 pages with a multitude of articles according to each organ of the council. For this reason, the organizing committee has summarized a number of main articles into "common principles" in order to save time and create a clear workspace whose discipline reflects a well-organized grouping. However, the organizing committee will be able to send the full Rules of Procedure of the World Masters Council to any member who requests them.
Scheme of elections
The common principles for: Elections - Approvals - Procurators
1.Legitimate Principle:
- Le World Congress of masters convened by The General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- The General Assembly of the World Federation was convened by his president.
- The total number of votes (present and by procreation) must be greater than 60% +1, compared to the total voting members of the World Council of masters and members of the electorate of the World Federation.
2.The principle of relative majority will be applied in the elections:
- For leading members of World Council of Masters (the candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected).
- For president of World Federation (The candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected).
3.The principle of the majority (50%+1 of a total voting) will be applied to:
- The project approvals as: Internal rules, Conventions, reform of the 10 fundamental principles, ranks, the Supreme Council of masters …
- Admission of the new members.
4.Principle of the votes.
- The secret ballot in gist applied for elections for the persons or the functions in the World Council of Masters or for the President of World Federation.
- The principle of « » voting is applied for election that does not concern the person. However, the secret ballot can be applied if there are requests at least three members.
- In the event of equality of votes, the principle of drawing lots will be applied.
5.Principle of presentation, and nomination.
- All masters, official members of World Congress of Masters can present their candidature or nominate candidates for the election of leaders of the World Council of Masters (see the form : 9è Congrès mondial Vovinam-VVD-2020_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir).
- The masters who are proposed, must confirm their verbal agreement if they are present or by procreation in case of absence.
- The President, Vice-President, and the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters may not combine their mandate with the mandate of President of the World Federation.
- All the elected leaders of the World Council of Masters (except the President, Vice-President and the General Secretary) may arise as President of the World Federation.
- The President of the World Federation can present his candidature to be a leading member of World Council of Masters if he is an official member of the World Congress of Masters (except for the functions of President, Vice-President and General Secretary).
6.Voting rights and delegation of authority at the World Congress of Masters.
The masters, official members, are equal, each master has one vote.
a.The masters, official members, can:
- Vote; express themselves on all subjects of the agenda in respect of speaking time and the attribution of speaking by the President of the meeting.
- Propose new projects or change existing mode of functioning, if their proposals are sent to the general secretary of world council of masters, at least 20 days before the conference date to be include in the agenda.
b.The masters may delegate their power in case of absence to a master official member present at the Congress.
c.Any oral or telephone is not accepted. Delegation of authority is only valid in the following 3 cases.
- Delegation authority form (see the form: 9è Congrès mondial Vovinam-VVD-2020_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir for the masters and Assemblée Générale Fédération Mondiale Vovinam-VVD-2020_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir : for the presidents of federations).
- Mail postal
- E-mail to the organizing committee or the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- 7.Voting rights and delegation of authority of World Federation
a.The members comprising the electorate are:
- Member’s leaders elected of the World Council of Masters: One vote per person.
- National federations, official members: one vote per federation.
b.Members of the electorate may delegate their authority to a person (master or practitioner) present at the meeting. (See the form :Assemblée Générale Fédération Mondiale Vovinam-VVD-2020_Candidature ou Délégation de pouvoir).
c.All members of the electorate have the right to present their candidature or to propose a candidature.
d.The principle of secret ballot and relative majority will be applied.
Wold Congress of Masters and World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ
I. Convocation of the assembly
1- The assembly must be convened 2 months before is its opening date:
- The World Congress of Masters is convened by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
- The General assembly is convened by the President of the world federation.
2- The agenda of the meeting must be officially notified one month before the opening date and must be un in the following order:
- The General Secretary of The World Council of Masters and the President of the federation propose one board of meeting with:
Profile Mission
The President of the Congress manages the Congress.
The Vice-President helps and replaces the president in his absence.
The Secretary takes notes and establishes the minutes.
The Assistant secretary takes notes in parallel with the secretary.
3 members bring ideas in the President decisions.
- Revision of the agenda.
- The General Secretary of the World Council of Masters and the President of the federation have to present their moral reports during the term (2016-2020) and answer questions from members.
- Approval the new members communicated by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
II. Member’s quality of the World Congress of Masters
1- The masters, official members:
They are masters who have been confirmed by previous congresses: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. The list of official members will be announced one month before the opening of the Congress by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters.
2- Officiating of new members is reserved for:
a.The new masters (4ème DANG who just earned their rank) within structures recognized by the World Council of Masters and the World Federation.
b.The list of these masters will be communicated by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters and will be approved by the Congress. We call all leaders of masters to send the request for admission and recognition of new masters of their country – rank obtained from 2016 to the General Secretary to etablish the official list (see the form:9è Congrès mondial Vovinam-VVD-2020_Demande pour nouveaux maîtres).
3- The request of admission for the new masters.
a.It is reserved for masters from level 4ème Dang belonging to a structure recognized by the World Council of Masters and the World Federation.
b.It must be forwarded to the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters 15 days before the conference date. (see the form:9è Congrès mondial Vovinam-VVD-2020_Demande adhésion).
c.It must be presented at least by a master official member of the World Congress of Masters.
4- Guests:
a.Including the Masters, practitioners, supporters, invited by the organizing committee or by the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters or by the President of the World Federation.
b.The guests do not have voting rights and can give their opinion on the authorization of the President of the Congress.
III. Elections of the leading members of the World Council of Masters.
1- The staff of Council:
- The number of leading members who made the Council of Masters will be proposed by the General Secretary of The World Council of Masters at each World Congress as required. This proposal must be approved by the principle of absolute majority.
- The number of officers for the last mandate 2016-2020 is 7 members + the Guest President.
2- The process of establishing the list of candidates:
- Call for candidature and establishment of the list of candidates (the masters who are candidates).
- Proposal of candidates (the masters propose others candidates).
- The masters, who are proposed, agree to be candidates.
- Compiling a list of official candidates (including candidates validated and proposed).
3- Procedures of votes:
a.The masters vote by writing the candidate’s name on their ballot. They can enter one or more names shall not exceeded the maximum allowed to vote or blank ballot.
b.The ballots are declared non-compliant in the following cases:
- The number of names exceeds the maximum allowed.
- The name are outside predefined areas.
- The ballot contains deletions.
- The ballots contains comments.
c. Each candidate has 10 minutes to make his declaration of candidature.
d.The candidates who obtained the most vote will be elected leading members of the World Council of Masters. In case the number of candidates is lower than that set, voting cannot be validated for candidates with at least 40% of the total number of votes +1.
e.In the event of equality of votes of two final candidates, the principle of drawing lots will be applied to designate the elected person.
f.After elected, the leading members met in private to propose three people in leadership positions: President, Vice-President, General Secretary.
IV. Member’s quality and election of the President of the World Federation
1- Member Federations:
a.Member Federations have been confirmed since the 1996 Assembly General with 15 federations (or national associations) and 23 countries as follows:
b.National Federations, founding members:
1.Belgian Federation.
2.French Federation.
3.German Federation.
4.Swiss Federation.
5.Australian Federation (there will be a vote regarding this federation).
c.Federations confirmed between 2001 and 2008:
6.Canadian Federation.
7.Vovinam-VVD Belarus.
8.Vovinam-VVD Ukrainian.
9.Vovinam-VVD Moroccan.
10.Senegalese Federation.
11.Texas Federation – USA.
12.Western Federation – USA.
13.Vovinam-VVD Spain.
14.Federation Burkinabe.
d.Federations confirmed between 2008 and 2016:
15.Federation Mali.
e.National institutions to be confirmed:
16.Federation Vovinam-VVĐ East of the United States (there will be a vote concerning this federation).
17.Vovinam-VVĐ Guinea.
18.Vovinam-VVĐ Togo.
19.Vovinam-VVD Ivory Coast.
20.Soviet Federation (including 2 federations Siberia et Tyumen-Nefteyugansk ).
21.Vovinam-VVD Poland.
22.Vovinam-VVD Mauritania.
23.Vovinam-VVD Niger.
24.United Arab Emirates (Dubai).
2- Federations applying for membership:
National federations must meet the following criteria:
a.Being a legal organization and functioning on the territory of belonging as a national federation, or a national committee, national association.
b.Be in accordance with the laws of the country.
c.The world federation cannot recognize the accession of a single organization of Vovinam-VVĐ in a country, except for special cases reserved for countries with vast territories such as: Russia, The United States of America and Canada…
d.Have at least 5 clubs and over 200 practitioners. Exceptions may be permitted in special cases.
e.Being recognized by the President of the World Federation and the President of the International Technical Commission.
3- Organizations pending membership:
a.These organizations of Vovinam-VVĐ in countries that cannot respond to criteria for being officially recognized or pending consideration of their file for membership
b.The organizations are known as « Representative» and are under the direct guidance of:
- President of the World Federation for administrative plan.
- President of the international Technical Commission for the technical plan.
c.Provisional member organizations do not have the right to vote, but can function as a federation official member: passing ranks, national cup … if they have permission from the World Federation and respect the internal regulations of the federation.
V. Elections of President of the World Federation.
1.List of candidates:
- Call for application and establishing lists
- Proposal for candidatures
- Masters or practitioners who are proposed, accept to be candidates
- Establishment of the list of official candidature (including the candidates who propose and those proposed)
a.Each candidate has 5 to 15 minutes for their declaration of candidacy.
b.The electorate votes by writing the candidate’s name on the ballot. One and only one candidate must be registered or blank ballot.
c.The ballots are declared non-compliant in the following cases: more than one name listed, the name is not registered in the list of candidate, deletions, or other comments on the ballots.
d.The candidate will have most votes is elected as President. In case of a unique candidate, he must have his votes over 50% of the total votes to be elected.
e.In the case of equality of votes, the draw will be applied to identify the chosen one.
3.Establishment of the Executive Committee of the World Federation:
a)The new president of the World Federation has full authority to organize and select the members to form the executive committee of the World Federation.
b)The Presidents of National Federations are reported according by the statutes: Vice-Presidents, members of the executive board of the World Federation.