Proposed amendment concerning the change of grades to the 4th dang-Paris-2022
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Réf : 59-2022-TLD/TG/EN- 14-06-2022
Proposed amendment concerning the change of grades to the 4th dang
Dear Masters, members of the World Council of Masters
I have the honor to present to you my thoughts on the project of improvement concerning the passage of ranks of the 4th Dang international level of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
Through the name of our discipline, VOVINAM VIET VO DAO, our masters of the first Council of Masters in 1964, wanted to show us that "martial techniques" and "philosophy" must be inseparable in our practice in order to respect the first fundamental principle: " Build up himself in the way to serve fellow men ".
Now, according to articles 14.1 and 14.2 of our International Convention of Grades concerning the examination program:
- Candidates for the grade of 4th International Dang only have a technical examination based on the international syllabus published by the World Council of Masters.
- From the 5th International Dang onwards, the candidates must carry out original research and concretize it in the form of a dissertation, a thesis which they must defend or make a technical presentation.
I propose to modify articles 14.1 of our International Convention of Grades as follows:
Technical examination only: reserved for candidates from 1st Dang Black Belt to 3rd Dang Black Belt. Technical examination and memory support: reserved for candidates of Red Belt 4th Dang.
I would like to thank you in advance for the time you will take to study my proposal and to make improvements to make this project more complete.
See you soon
Master Nguyen The Truong
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