The 2024 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao European Cup - Mission order

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La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao

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90-2023-TLD/TG/EN- 22-11-2023

Grand Master Nguyen The Thierry

President of the Vovinam-VietVoDao World Federation

Federation Vovinam-VVD France

6 Allée des Agrions - 91160 Ballainvilliers – France 

Mission order 


Article 1 : The Vovinam Viet Vo Dao France Federation (FVVDF), represented by Madame GUERRIB Mai, is responsible for organizing the 2024 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao European Cup, which will take place on May 18 and 19, 2024 in Limoges, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France.


Article 2 : Mr. USAI Alexandre is appointed President of the Organizing Committee of the 2024 European Cup of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. The Vovinam Viet Vo Dao France Federation (FVVDF) and Mr. USAI Alexandre will be responsible for organizing the Cup on behalf of the World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Federation.


Article 3 : Master GUERRIB Amar, is appointed Director of competitions. He is assisted by Master NGUYEN Ðinh Hoang, Master TABARIN Nicolas, Master NIASME Laurent, Teacher COLIN Yann.


Article 4 : Mr. USAI Alexandre and Master GUERRIB Amar have jointly the responsibility for organizing this great event. They are placed under the responsibility of the President of the International Technical Board, Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao, the person whom they must be accountable.


Lyon November 22, 2023.

Grand Master Nguyen The Thierry.

sign master thierry



Copy :

-        Grand Master Trần Nguyên Đạo, president, master Hà Kim Khánh, Secretary General and the leading members of the World Council of Masters.

-        Grand Master Nguyễn Tiến Hội, president and members of the Supreme Council of Masters.

-        The National Federations, members of the World Federation.