We have the pleasure to inform you, dear masters, members of world council of masters and dear leaders of the national federations that the 7th world Congress of masters and the general assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam-VVÐ will take place in Paris, France, 25 on May 29th - on 2012.

 Meaning of the official logo of the World Congress 2012

Whatever the power of the storm, violent or devastating, she cannot shake our determination and our trust. We have to apply the principle of the Founder Master « never lower head » to obtain the success of the World Congress.

Program World Congress of Masters

  • Organization of the passages of ranks and the sessions of thesis’s presentation. Vote for the nominations.
  • Annual report of the General Secretary of the world Council of masters.
  • Approval on the new members as well as the radiations.
  • Approval of the projects relative to the functioning of the world Council of masters.
  • Election of the new members leaders of the world Council of masters (mandate 2012-2016).

General assembly of the World Federation

  • Annual report of the President of the world Federation.
  • Report of the 3rd world cup of Vovinam-VVÐ - Germany 2010.
  • Adoption of the new members and\or the radiations.
  • Election of the President of the world Federation for the mandate 2012-2016.

Celebration of the Foundation

  • The 52nd celebration of the foundation of Vovinam-VVD.
  • Examination of the levels of 1st Black belt in 4th DANG.
  • Examination and viva of Masters.
  • Cup of the World Council of Masters.
  • French cup 2012.
  • Cup of the World Council of Masters.



Felicitation Letters