Réf : 97-22 - CT/HĐVS/TG - EN-15-09-2022
Letter for the new season 2022-2023
Grandmaster Tran Nguyen Dao
President of the World Council of Masters (WCM)
Grandmaster Nguyen Tien Hoi
President of the Supreme Council of Masters (SCM)
Dear Masters, Leaders and Practitioners,
On the occasion of the new season of 2022-2023, we wish all the Masters, the Leaders of the National Federations and the Practitioners, good health and great ongoing successes on the journey to the culture of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao martial art.
We are very honored to be elected and assumed the responsibilities and accountabilities that the World Congress of Masters has entrusted and transferred to us by the previous presidents, Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong and Grandmaster Ngo Huu Lien. We believe that we will be able to fulfill our responsibilities and that you will not be disappointed.
We would like to briefly describe and refresh on our responsibilities and accountabilities:
The Role of the President of the Supreme Council of Masters (SCM)
Responsible for the ethics of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, he/she is in charge of the development of relations, communications and solidarity with the senior masters and the grandmasters of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.
The role of the President of the World Council of Masters (WCM)
According to the rules of procedure of the WCM, although the function of the President of the WCM is the highest authority of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, it is not intended to direct the day-to-today activities of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao worldwide. This responsibility is assumed by the Secretary General of the WCM and the President of the World Federation.
However, the President of the WCM is the Head of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, a symbolic and spiritual authority who embodies the universal core values of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. He has the duty to maintain the traditions and the principles, to preserve the unity and the harmony of the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. It is a function that replaces the function of Patriarch of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, not for life but on a 4-year term and elected by the WCM.
A historical turning points!
The agenda of the 9th world congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, which was held in Paris on July 20, 2022, included three important events: the election of the leaders of the WCM, the election of the President of the SCM, and the President of the WCM. In short, it was a standard congress like all the other congresses since 1996. However, the uniqueness of the 9th world congress is that there was an Inauguration ceremony, transitioning of responsibility and accountability between the former and the new president of the WCM.
This is an unprecedented and historical event that we have never had the opportunity to see in the past. This Inauguration ceremony signifies the handover of power, it is not only a historic turning point but also clear evidence of the growth of Vovinam-Viet Dao in several areas: democracy, independence, governance and assurance, and international growth of our martial art. An international organization, which now belongs to all masters and practitioners in the world, although it is originated from the culture of Vietnamese martial arts and founded by a Vietnamese.
Why a historic turning point? Why an unprecedented event?
Because the past master Patriarchs or the former Presidents of the WCM had died suddenly and/or were in difficult circumstances that they could not organize Inauguration ceremony to formally conduct the handover of power as in 2022.
From the function of Patriarch to the Function of President of the World Council of Masters
I.The period of the founding master Nguyen Loc (1938-1960).
At the time of Master Nguyen Loc, that is to say from the foundation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1938 until his death in 1960, the position of Patriarch did not exist and the title of Master Nguyen Loc was simply the Founder of Vovinam.
II.The period of master Le Sang (1964-1986).
In 1964, four years after the death of the founding master Nguyen Loc, the first Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao had created the function of Patriarch and master Le Sang was elected to this position. Master Le Sang held this position until 1986, when he handed it over to Master Tran Huy Phong. This retransmission of power had not been organized because at that time Master Le Sang was still in a political re-education camp. He had therefore simply drawn up a "Delegation letter".
III.The period of master Le Sang (1990-2010) – Abolishment of the function of Patriarch and master Le Sang assumes the function of President of the WCM.
In 1996, on the occasion of the 2nd World Congress held in Paris where both the World Council of Masters and the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao were established, the congress also voted to abolish the function of Patriarch by replacing it with the function of President of the World Council of Masters. But this position was left vacant because the Congress still recognized the title of Patriarch of master Le Sang until the day of his death (Chapter 3, Article 15.1, of the WCM Internal Regulations).
Four years earlier, in 1992, the function of Patriarch had also been abolished by Master Le Sang himself, on the occasion of a ceremony of " reconciliation" held on January 20, 1992 in To Duong, Vietnam. He had thus decided not to retransmit the position of Patriarch, so there was no successor.
In 2002, on the occasion of Master Le Sang visit to the United States, during an extraordinary meeting of the WCM, Master Le Sang was officially installed as President of the WCM. But the ceremony of retransmission of power had not taken place, because as Patriarch, the position of President of the WCM and felt as a natural transition. Master Le Sang had simply signed a "press release" confirming his taking office on February 4, 2002 in California, United States.
IV.The period of Master Nguyen Dan (2004-2016).
In 2004, Master Le Sang resigned his position as President of the WCM due to the exceptional circumstances in Vietnam [[1]]. The WCM had decided to appoint Master Nguyen Dan (younger brother of the Founder Nguyen Loc) to replace him temporarily, as interim President, because Master Le Sang was still alive at the time. In 2010, after the death of Master Le Sang, Master Nguyen Dan officially assumed the position of President of the WCM. Since that date, the function of President of the WCM officially replaced the function of Patriarch of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, in accordance with the wishes of Master Le Sang in 1992 and the decision at the World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in 1996.
V. The period of Master Nguyen Van Cuong (2016-2022).
In 2016, after the sudden death of Master Nguyen Dan, at the 8th World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao (California, USA) elected Master Nguyen Van Cuong to serve as President of the WCM. There had been no Inauguration ceremony either, as Master Nguyen Dan passed away.
VI.The period of Master Tran Nguyen Dao (2022 - *).
On the occasion of the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, which was held in Paris on July 20, 2022, Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong, President of the WCM, wished to retire because of his advanced age. Consequently, the WCM had passed a resolution to elect grandmaster Tran Nguyen Dao as President of WCM. Both Grandmaster Nguyen Van Cuong and Grandmaster Tran Nguyen Dao were able to attend the Inauguration ceremony, for the first time in the history of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, a ceremony of retransmission of power between the former and the new president of the World Council of Masters.
Dear Masters, Leaders and Practitioners,
The 9th World Congress in 2022 is, in itself, a very special congress, because after more than two and a half years of interruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our activities around the world have either been suspended or cancelled. Moreover, with the abnormality of the weather, natural disasters, war, galloping inflation... we were in a situation of much uncertainty, stress, fear and anxiety. But surprisingly, the 9th Congress and the 6th World Cup took place with euphoria and jubilation like never before, with the presence of 92 Masters and nearly 600 Practitioners from 5 continents: Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Australia, although many countries such as: Poland, Belarus, Canada, Ivory Coast, Russia, Mauritania, Niger, Togo, Ukraine… were unable to participate for various reasons.
The 9th World Congress was already special, but it was made even more so by the recognition and stepdown of the President of the WCM, Master Nguyen Van Cuong, and the President of the SCM, Master Ngo Huu Lien. The congress had elected Grandmaster Nguyen Tien Hoi as President of the SCM and Grandmaster Tran Nguyen Dao as President of the WCM. This is a historic turning point, and demonstrating the maturity of the international organization of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao as well as the core values such as democracy, independence, governance and assurance, and the reputation of our Martial Art.
On behalf of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, we would like to extend to the two great Grandmasters Nguyen Van Cuong and Ngo Huu Lien, our recognition and gratitude for their contributions made over more than 62 years (1960-2022). Their stepdown allowed us to experience a historic turning point in 2022, a very wise process that signifies the harmony and unity of the World Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.
Finally, we believe that we will be able to fulfill our responsibility and accountability, providing guidance and enabling us all to accomplish our Vovinam’s vision and mission. But no leader can fulfill his office without collective support. Therefore, we seek your active and continue support because Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao belongs to everyone - all Masters and Practitioners in the world.
Paris (France) / Hanover (Germany), September 15, 2022
Grandmaster Nguyen Tien Hoi
President of the Supreme Council of Masters (SCM)
Grandmaster Tran Nguyen Dao
President of the World Council of Masters (WCM)
[1] : During the period 1993-2007, Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Vietnam had become a discipline within the Federation of Traditional Martial Arts of Vietnam (Vo Co Truyen) with the complicity of a minority of Vovinam-VVD masters in VN. Thus, the decision n° 176 of the ministry of sports of April 29, 1994 had designated Mr. Truong Quang Trung, deputy director of the Department of popular sports, as president of the Vovinam Commission, and master Nguyen Van Chieu as vice-president. It took 15 years later, in 2007, for Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao to finally gain the power to create its own Federation, thanks to the advocacy of Mr. Le Quoc An and help of Professor Hoang Vinh Giang and Vice Minister Nguyen Danh Thai.
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