By-Laws Activities World Council of Masters Vovinam Viet Vo Daoo

- By-Laws Activities of World Council of Master of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao from the General Assembly established the first World Council of Masters conference in Paris on May 08-1996.
- Amended the first time, 08 -2000, of the third world conference in California, United States.
- Amended the second time, 08 -2004, of the fifth world conference in Texas, United States.
- Amended the third time, May 05 -2008, of the sixth world conference in Paris, France.
The main articles amended in the third time including:
- Establishment of the Supreme Council of Masters,
- Amendment to the International Advisory Council,
- Amendment to World Belt Ranking system,
- Change some of the names in titles.
- Amended the fourth time, May 28 -2012, of the 7th world conference in Paris, France.
The main topics that were reviewed during this congress are:
- President of the World Council of Masters (Article 9.6.a)
- Transformation of the belt of patriarch into the belt of president of the World Council of Masters (Article 15.1)
- New rank system (Article 17.4)
- Change in the principle of power of attorney (Article 6.2)
- Amended the fifth time, July 15 -2016, of the 8th world conference in California, USA.
The main topics that were reviewed during this congress are:
- The historical personalities of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo who have disappeared (Article 17.1)
- Master's "Veterans" (Article 17.3)
- New rank system (Article 17.4)
- Validity (Article 39)
Paris on 12-04-2022
Representing the World Council of Masters (HĐVS/TG)
The Secretary General, Master HA KIM Khanh.
- By-Laws Activities of World Council of Master of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao from the General Assembly established the first World Council of Masters conference in Paris on May 08-1996.
- Amended the first time, 08 -2000, of the third world conference in California, United States.
- Amended the second time, 08 -2004, of the fifth world conference in Texas, United States.
- Amended the third time, May 05 -2008, of the sixth world conference in Paris, France.
The main articles amended in the third time including:
- Establishment of the Supreme Council of Masters,
- Amendment to the International Advisory Council,
- Amendment to World Belt Ranking system,
- Change some of the names in titles.
- Amended the fourth time, May 28 -2012, of the 7th world conference in Paris, France.
The main topics that were reviewed during this congress are:
- President of the World Council of Masters (Article 9.6.a)
- Transformation of the belt of patriarch into the belt of president of the World Council of Masters (Article 15.1)
- New rank system (Article 17.4)
- Change in the principle of power of attorney (Article 6.2)
- Amended the fifth time, July 15 -2016, of the 8th world conference in California, USA.
The main topics that were reviewed during this congress are:
- The historical personalities of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo who have disappeared (Article 17.1)
- Master's "Veterans" (Article 17.3)
- New rank system (Article 17.4)
- Validity (Article 39)
Paris on 12-04-2022
Representing the World Council of Masters (HĐVS/TG)
The Secretary General, Master HA KIM Khanh.
World Council of Masters Vovinam Viet Vo Dao
update 04-2022
- Functional scheme
- Chapitre 1
- Chapitre 2
- Chapitre 3
- Chapitre 4
- Chapitre 5
- Chapitre 6
- Chapitre 7
- Chapitre 8
- Chapitre 9
- Chapitre 10
- Chapitre 11
- Chapitre 12
- Chapitre 13
Đại Hội Võ Sư Vovinam-VVĐ Thế Giới
Congrès Mondial des Maîtres -World Congress of Masters
Article 1 : The World Congress of Masters Vovinam VVD
The World Congress of Masters is the supreme leader of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao of the world, the soul of collective representation in all activities. Carrying out the tasks decision and vote on issues and matters such as:
1.1. Designation or removal of personnel in the World Council of Masters (World COM), or the staff of the Executive Committee established by World COM.
1.2. Vote on the proposal or amendment: By-Laws, Regulations, Agreement . . . or proposal projects on martial arts and martial arts philosophy internationally.
1.3. Admission or expulsion of members of the council.
1.4. Voting to adopt the report the activities of World Council of Masters. In this case report is not adopted. World Council of Masters was of no confidence must be dismissing all tasks. In this case, World Conference of Masters must immediately nominate a joint Chair for elections new World Council Masters.
1.5. Indirect submit New Member Masters by the Secretary-General of World Council of Master submission (see Article 8.1).
1.6. Voting to admit New Member Masters directly, by the Grand Master officially proposed acceptance members (see Article 8.2).
Article 2 : Convene The World Congress
2.1. World Congress of Masters convened by the Secretary-General of World Council of Masters every 4 years and notice at least 2 months before conference date.
2.2. In case, if the request is one quarter (1/4) quorum of official members of World Congress of Masters, Secretary-General should have a duty to convene the World Conference of Master within 6 months.
2.3. In case the deadline, not to convene the World Congress of Master for any reason, then the personnel of titles under the following priority order may convene the World Congress of Master:
(a). President of World Council of Masters.
(b). Three (3) members World Council of Masters.
(c). President of World Federation.
2.4. Agenda World Congress Meeting Assembly must be announced one month before the opening of Conference Meeting.
2.5. Agenda World Congress Meeting Assembly should be opened as follows:
(a). Conference Chairnominatedbythe Secretary-GeneralWorld Council of Master and President World Federation divided asfollows:
• Conference Chair: Presiding conference meeting
• Conference viceChair: AssistingChairandreplacedif Chair is absent.
• Conference Secretary: Writing and Recording Conference Meeting
• DeputySecretary: Notes along withthe Secretary
• 3 Conference Members: Decision andcommendation.
(b). Adjust the Meeting Agenda.
(c). Reported activities of World Council of Masters.
(d). Voting to adopt the report World Council Masters.
(e). Voting on the submitting acceptance of New Member Masters (see Article 8: The regulations of the acceptance of New Member Masters)
Article 3 : The Member Masters World Congress of Masters
Membership World Congress of Masters is divided into the following three components:
3.1. Theofficial members: themembers werevotingacceptance officially recognizedbythepreviousWorld Conference Meeting Assembly. The roster of official masters should be announcedonemonth prior tothe World Conference Meeting Assembly. The official master is an official member of the following powers: Speaking, Voting, Nomination and self-candidate for an election officer.
3.2. The membership regulated: the members are specified by Imprint activities of World Council Of Master is divided as follows:
(a). The master or the person who is the advisor of World Council of Masters.
(b). The Board Members of Executive Committee of World Council of Masters.
(c). The Chair of the National Federation or representatives nominated by President World Federation. These members have the right: Speaking and nomination.
3.3. Hearing Members: Members are invited by World Council of Masters as hearing standing status. These members are entitled to speak only if the Chair of Conference allows so.
Article 4 : Powers & duties of official members at World Congress of Masters
4.1. The Masters official members, are equal beforethe conference meeting,each person hasone vote. (SeeArticle 5rules forelection)
4.2. The absent official master is authorizedabsence ballot to an official master member who ispresentat the conference meeting(seeArticle 6.2: Rules of authorization)
4.3. All Member Masters have the right to speak on all issues, but must first agenda rules of conference masters, and respect the Conference Chair. In disciplinary cases, Conference Chair may ask the disciplinary member to leave from meeting conference and prosecute disciplinary member before the International Disciplinary Board.
4.4. All Member Masters may propose projects, or change the articles, in all regulatory by-laws activities of the council, but must be sent before 2 (two) months to the Secretary-General of World Council of Master to add to meeting agenda.
4.5. All Member Masters rights to self-nominate as candidates into officer of World Council of Masters.
Article 5 : Election Guidelines
5.1. Voting Regulations in World Congress Meeting Assembly.
In all elections are called valid, then the total number of votes and the votes authorized
delegates must be over 60% +1, the total number of votes of the full General Assembly of
World Conference of Masters. Voting Regulations are divided into two electoral methods as
(a). Majority method: 50% +1 of present masters’ ballots and authorized ballots.
(b). Plurality Method: Counting the most ballots to least ballots of the total of present master ballots and authorized ballots for delegates.
5.2. Plurality method is applied to the election of officer of World Council of Masters (candidate with the most votes win election), Chair of World Federation (candidate with the most votes win election).
5.3. Majority method is applied to the election of the following:
(a). President, Vice President and General Secretary of World Council of Masters.
(b). Submitting New Member Masters for acceptances.
(c). To vote or change projects such as rules, regulations, agreement,
(d). International Training Programs, funding. . . board of council.
(e). To approves reports of World Council of Masters.
5.4. Secret ballots rules applied to cases related to an individual or position of an officer in World Council of Masters or World Federation.
5.5. The rules of voting by "raising hands" applied only in cases not related to an individual. But the secret ballot method will be applied in case of requirement of at least 3 (three) membership masters.
5.6. In the case of tied, the draw method will be applied.
5.7. The rules for election by the network (Internet)
Method of voting via e-mail network (Email), only used in cases not important or survey,
because this voting method does not guarantee a secret ballot.
(a). Secretary General of World Council of Masters is the only one who has the right to vote using this method, but Member Masters also have the right to request the Secretary General of World Council of Masters.
(b). Member Masters can send voting e-mail with personal or group, and only if the value respectively as the following rules:
Only send to the Secretary General World Council of Master
Do not send or copy to other members virtually avoid all forms of partisan pressure or causing the solidarity and impartiality of its members.
The right to copy to the members of the collective voting power in the same e-mail.
(c). Deadline to vote is 15 days from the date of the Secretary-General World Council of Masters announced by e-mail voting requirements.
(d). Form of notification of the voting results, or may not be named the master list of voting, but informs the percentage or number who voted.
(e). The decision or the results by the method of voting by e-mail can be canceled by the World Conference Meeting Assembly.
Article 6 : Regulations self candidate, nominated and authorized
6.1. Regulations self candidate and nominate candidates.
(a). Member Masters in World Conference Meeting Assembly are eligible for election or nomination of candidates to officer for World Council of Masters or for President of World Federation.
(b). Member Masters was nominated, if present must confirm the nomination, if absent, to confirm the authorized ballot vote. (See note: The administrative form)
(c). President, Vice President and General Secretary of World Council of Masters may not concurrently hold President of World Federation, except in special cases by the article 9.6.
(d). Member Masters of World Council Masters (except President, Vice President and General Secretary) are eligible self candidate for election president or officer Executive Committee of World Federation.
(e). President of World Federation also eligible for election to an officer of World Council of Master (other than the Chair, Vice Chair and General Secretary), if the candidate is member in the World Council of Masters.
6.2. Regulations of Delegation
(a). All member Masters may delegate authority to another master present at Congress. Each master can receive a maximum of 5 powers.
(b). Authorized ballots are to send to the Organizing Committee of World Convention Meeting Assembly or the General Secretary of World Council of Masters (World COM) or in person at the World Convention Meeting Assembly.
(c). Authorized ballots by telephone or oral messages are not valid. Ballots only valid under the three following methods:
Authorization Form (see note: The Administration form).
In Write Hand.
Via E-mail to the Organization Committee or the Secretary General.
Article 7 : Regulations for election of members of World Council of Masters
7.1. List of candidates established following order:
Member Masters self candidacy.
(a). Nomination of Member Masters.
(b). Member Masters were nominated, accepted as candidates.
(c). Establish a list of official candidates (Including the nominated candidates and Membership Masters).
7.2. Method of election:
(a). Masters vote by writing the names of candidates on his/her ballots. And can choose from 1 to maximum number specified or abstained.
(b). The invalid ballots for the following cases: Write the name more than the maximum number specified, write the unlisted names or strikethrough listed name, remove or add any additional written comments.
(c). Candidates have 10 minutes each to speak and answer questions.
(d). Candidates have most votes on World Council of Masters. In case the candidate list is less than the maximum number specified, the election shall be recognized only if the candidates have 40% of the total votes +1 or more.
(e). In case the votes of two candidates tied, the draw method will be applied to determine a winner as an elected officer.
(f). Once elected, member masters of World Council of Masters caucus and nominate three officers of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary General.
Article 8 : New Member Masters - Indirect
8.1. New Member Masters – Indirect
(a). The indirect new member masters are Deputy Red Belt Masters (whose belts just promoted from highest instructors ranking) who have been carrying activity tasks under the World Council of Masters and World Federation, as reported by one of the officers competent to hold belt testing as specified in the International Belts Ranking.
(b). New member masters - indirect listed and will be announced by the Secretary General World Council of Masters before the Council, will be decided through a common list and in the manner most of the sale.
(c). In case a member does not officially endorse or complaint to an individual on the list, the special congress will vote for individuals that complained.
8.2. New Member Masters – Direct
(a). For masters, who ranked from the deputy red belt, have not join the systems of World Council of Master and World Federation.
(b). Must submit an application to Secretary General of World Council of Master one month before the opening of World Convention Meeting Assembly. (See sample of application letter administration)
(c). Must be referred by a legitimacy member master of World Council of Masters.
(d). Legitimacy member masters of World Council of Masters Assembly adopted by method of majority, a secret ballot and individual. Decision not based on voting ballots listed.
(e). Deputy Red Belt rank of applicant is temporally recognized as standard College's rank will then be considered by World Council of Masters and officially announced.
Ban lanh dao Hội Đồng Võ Sư Thế Giới (Hội Đồng VSTG)
Le Comité directeur du Conseil Mondial des Maîtres - The board of World Council of Masters
Article 9 : The World Council of Masters
The World Council of Masters consists of masters-elected with a fixed term of 4 years. The World Council of Masters who represents and acts as World Convention Meeting of masters who is leadership govern and operate all martial arts technical systems and martial arts philosophy doctrines.
The World Council of Masters Secretary General signifies member masters of World Council of Masters in each occurrence of World Convention Meeting Assembly of Masters, depending on the needs and must be approved by majority method.
Powers and Responsibilities
All member masters of World Council of Masters convened by Secretary General of World Council of Masters obligated to decide and vote as the following issues:
9.1. Establishment or removal of officer, the Committee or the Council on the Board of Executive Committee established by World Council of Masters.
9.2. Approval the report, approval of a proposal that add to convention agenda for discussion on issues: amend the regulations, agreements, projects of technical martial arts, martial arts philosophy doctrines from member masters of World Council of Masters.
9.3. To vote on martial arts training program, martial arts philosophy doctrines, Championship hosting bid, special international training courses. To recognize the international belt ranking, to appoint delegates or officers needed for activities on the international aspects.
9.4. To temporarily approve or expulse member master of the World Council of Masters of World Council of Masters while waiting for the days of World Convention Meeting Assembly.
9.5. To approve the activity reports of the Secretary General of World Council of Masters.
9.6. The officers in the World Council of Masters.
(a). Chair of World Council of Master who is symbolized as the icon, should not necessarily be one of the elected through election processes. The legitimacy elected member masters of World Council of Masters selects or nominates Chair who preside the World Convention Meeting of Masters.
Chair of the World Council of Masters is a function entitled to wear the "White Belt of the President of the World Council of Masters" for the duration of his term of office or until the date of his resignation or absence for any what motives. The white belt of the Chair is a belt with 4 thin bands representing the colors of the Vovinam-VVD belts, once intended for the Patriarch:
(b). Vice Chair of World Council of Master: There shall carry Chair task in case of absence of Chair.
(c). Secretary General World Council of Masters: Carries tasks on behalf of World Council of Masters, governs and operate all general activities of the Council.
Secretary General World Council of Masters is responsible to propose for the organization system, the establishment of the Board of Executive Committee of World Council of Masters, other committees, the appointment of personnel officers.
All of theproposals of theSecretary General of World Council of Masters shallbeadoptedby majority of World Council of Masters.
In the case ofpersonnel officersorany committee has notestablished or notactivefor anyreason,the Secretary General shall anticipate the executive officer affairs.
In case the Chairof World Federation vacantforany reason, the Secretary General of World Council of Masters shall anticipate Chair of World Federation.
Chapitre III : Thượng Hội Đồng Võ Sư
Le Conseil Suprême des Maîtres - The Supreme Council of Masters
Summary purpose Synod established as The Supreme Council of Masters.
- The Supreme Council of Masters was established with the purpose of re-settlement belt system white supreme ranking Level as 1964 was, but not only symbolic, as suggested by the late grandmaster the 3rd Tran Huy Phong (at World Convention Meeting of Masters in 1996), and also symbolic iconfor those masters who were board officers of former Headquarter Executive Committee established in 1964 or those masters who inheritor of Late Founder Nguyen Loc.
- Since there are symbolic icons, so masters of the white supreme belt are actively in the International Advisory Council, a council body not holding the power.Therefore, the proposed amendment in 2008 changed this council body into a special council that holding power so called The Supreme Council of Masters (not Masters Synod).
- The white supreme belt ranking is a special type of belt in martial arts reserved for only Supreme Council of Masters, but the white supreme belt ranking continues to this day Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Grand Master Sang Le's death.
- The Supreme Council of Masters is a Synod infrastructure "Groups of Grand Masters", is intended to reserve the following four provisional needs:
- To decide World Convention Meeting of Masters in 1996 at Paris of France that will not grant any title or empower future “Lead Grand Master Title” after Grand Master Sang Le's death ([1]).
- The will of Lead Grand Master Le Sang, voluntarily removed from power transmission to next Lead Grand Master of the Sect throne([2]).
- Base on needs to modernize the institutions and the rule of international activities such as: Modalities elected, the official term of leadership elected, non-government civilian in politics, respecting for the autonomy of the others follower nations.
- In the tradition of the sect, the official title “Lead Grand Master” which is only a symbol icon (rules of the sect in 1964), a official title not be disputed by standing outside the authority constitutes cause.An important role of "arbitrator" is obligated to preserve the uniformity and harmony in the sect.Therefore Supreme Council of Masters to continue to carry out this noble tradition. Step out of the trend orbit disputes and ensure the noble sect pledges as leadership, martial arts philosophy doctrine, ideals ... so that it kept the spirit and beauty of traditional Vovinam Martial Arts.In addition to complete this task, the Supreme Council of Masters must be a permanent, irrevocable from term limit as officers in the World Council of Masters is the body which officers elected mandated by a given termregulations.
[1] :The Meeting minutes of the World Convention Meeting of Masters Vovinam Viet Vo Dao held in Paris: No. 109-96/TT/VN - 30-10-1996 recorded at Paris, France in 1996.
[2] :The confession speech of Grand Master Sang Le, read at the year-end meeting of red belt masters before the presents of masters in charge of dojo in Vietnam on 22 December of Tan Mui (January 20, 1992) "I plead disciple bowed and penance before the portrait of Sect Founder because of have not seriously teaching, establish inheritance fails, I voluntarily removed from power transmission for next heirs of Sect throne ... "..
Article 10 : Member Masters’ responsibilities and duties of Supreme Council of Masters
10.1. The Supreme Council of Masters is the respected highest spiritual leadership, representing the spiritual, moral and virtue values of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao ideal iconic statues.
10.2. The Supreme Council of Masters consists of the masters of the white supreme belt rank who is still active, retired or passed away are honor attributed and proposed and ordained by World Council of Masters then which recognized by the members of The Supreme Council of Masters.
10.3. The membership of the white supreme belt rank have a superior everlasting (eternal) existed, no term restricted and can only be deposed by The Supreme Council of Masters in most Majority decision methods (50% + 1).
10.4. The Supreme Council of Masters is responsible for: Maintaining tradition and principles of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao sect.
10.5. Researching, studying, propose projects on all aspects: Bushido, Tradition, guiding principles, culture, ideology etc.
10.6. All member masters under World Council of Masters or the Chair of all National colleges have the right to appeal to the Supreme Council of Masters on the decisions or the voting project was led by National colleges.
10.7. Raising questions when permitted by World Council of Masters or Worl Confederation asked for.
10.8. The Supreme Council of Masters convenes and placed under the presidency of Chair of the Supreme Council of Masters.
10.9. The Supreme Council of Masters has a separate self-powers and Chair of the Supreme Council of Masters appoints its officers on the Synod as Vice Chair, Secretary, Commissioner, Director etc.
Article 11 : Standard to ordained Supreme White Belt Rank
11.1. Eligible member masters in either of the following criteria:
(a). A master-served Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Martial Arts in the period 1938-1975
(b). Master members in system of World Council of Masters / World Federation.
11.2. Over 40 years of senior-serving Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Martial Arts.
11.3. Legitimacy red belt at least one white stripe.
11.4. Over the 60 years old at the time or when ordained.
11.5. With background experiences and responsibilities developed Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Martial Arts([3]).
11.6. With background of an officer was known to national or international levels.
11.7. Being proposed dossiers by World Council of Masters to be ordained.
11.8. Member masters of the Supreme Council of Masters called vote for approval.
[3] :Reckoning number of training: martial arts masters, instructors / Reckoning number of the establishment: the school, training center, the federation ... / To contribute: written essays, projects of thesis, dissertations of infrastructures... / Organization: convention meeting, special training courses, championship tournament (national, international) .. /Join training courses: special technical training, training masters, lecturing a leadership training courses...
Article 12 : Supreme White Belt ordination process
12.1. All member masters’ with active status under World Council of Masters have a power to establish self-nomination or raise the nomination to the Secretary-General of World Council of Masters to ordain.
12.2. The Secretary General of World Council of Masters classifies the ordination dossier qualification and documented of the proposal to member masters of World Council of Masters. The council will vote by a majority method (50% + 1).
12.3. In the case of the World Council of Masters approved, the preparation of a "ordination proposal" to Supreme Council of Masters. In the case of the first ordination, there was no Supreme Council of Masters; this procedure did not existed to be required.
12.4. The Supreme Council of Masters vote by a majority method (50%+ 1), then announces the results to the Secretary General of World Council of Masters to confirm and organize officer "ordination ceremony" on the every next possible occasion.
Article 13 : Election process of a Chair of Supreme Council of Masters
13.1. Once elected, member masters of World Council of Masters hold a a closure meeting to nominate four officers following:
(a). Chair of Supreme Council of Masters who not necessarily the one elected, but one must be a Supreme White Belt Rank master.
(b). Chair of World Council of Masters who not necessarily the one elected because this officer is just a symbolic icon.
(c). Vice Chair of World Council of Masters must be one of the elected members whose operating leadership that will lead and govern.
(d). Secretary General of World Council of Masters must be one of the elected members whose operating leadership that will lead and govern.
13.2. Chair of the Supreme Council of Masters adopted the majority voting method.
13.3. Chair of the Supreme Council of Masters officially perform the task right after the Supreme Council of Masters votes for approval and adopted by the majority method.
13.4. In the case of Supreme Council of Masters approval not gone through, then member masters of World Council of Masters nominate another member. In the case of the nomination is not adopted, the Secretary General of World Council of Masters temporarily carries the task of officer until the Supreme Council of Masters filled with this officer placed.
13.5. Chair of Supreme Council of Masters can be dismissed at any time by the member masters of Supreme Council of Master because majority method ruled.
13.6. Chair of Supreme Council of Masters’ term automatic dismissal along the officer term of the World Council of Masters.
Article 14 : Standards and belt ranking of Chair of the Supreme Council of Masters
14.1. Chair of Supreme Council of Masters must be the one of the member master who is actively under system of World Council of Masters and the World Confederation.
14.2. Chair of Supreme Council of Masters who had white supreme belt ranking, except in special cases as under article 13.4 stated, the Secretary General of World Council of Master will carry this task concurrently.
14.3. Chair of Supreme concurrently may be one of the members elected in World Council of Masters, but cannot carry the Secretary General task concurrently, except in special cases as under article 13.4 stated.
14.4. Chair of Supreme Council of Masters shall not carry the task of the Chair or Secretary General of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao World Federation concurrently.
Article 15 : White Supreme Belt Rank of lead Grand Master Le Sang
15.1. The Patriarch White Belt is maintained (with 4 thin bands representing the colors of the Vovinam-VVD belts) until master Patriarch LE SANG death. Then, it will be replaced by the White Belt of the President of the World Council of Masters and reserved exclusively for this function.
15.2. The lead Grand Master Le Sang is a member of the Supreme Council of Masters.
Article 16 : Belt and Uniform of member masters of Supreme Council of Master
16.1. The belt of member masters of Supreme Council of Masters and Chair are the same, is the white belt with a along red strip in the middle.
16.2. When wearing martial arts uniform, the belt tightening as usual.
Article 17 : Roster of member masters White Supreme Belt Rank
17.1. The historical characteristic masters of the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao([4])..
1.Master Phung Manh Chu (Manh Hoang, 1938-1967)
2.The Patriarch Master Tran Huy Phong (1938-1997)
3.Master Trinh Ngoc Minh (1939-1998)
4.Master Tran Duc Hop (1931-2000)
5.Master Tran Huy Quyen (1945-2001)
6.The Patriarch Master Le Sang (1920-2010)
7.Master Nguyen Dan (1924-2016)
8.Master Ngo Kim Tuyen (1947-2019)
9.Master Nguyen Van Thong (1925-2020)
10.Master Phan Duong Binh (1929-2020)
11.Master Le Van Phuc (1934-2020)
17.2. Masters those who were once direct disciples of founder Nguyen Loc or executive board member masters of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao of 1964.
- Master Ha Trong Thinh
- Master Le Trong Hiep
- Master Pham Huu Do
- Master Tran Ban Que
- Master Phan Quynh
- Master Ngo Huu Lien
- Master Nguyen Van Cuong
- Master Tran The Phuong
17.3. Masters those who consistent active in Vovinam sect.
9. Master Tran Tuan Vu
10. Master Tran Nguyen Dao
11. Master Nguyen The Hung
12. Master Huynh Trong Tam
13. Master Vu Kim Trong
14. Master Nguyen Tien Hoi
15. Master Nguyen The Thierry
16. Master Vo Trung
17.4. Summary of International Belt RankingSystem-2016
Chapitre IV : Hội Đồng Tư Vấn Quốc Tế (HĐTV/QT)
Le Conseil Consultatif International - The International Advisory Council
Article 18 : The International Advisory Council
The International Advisory Council function: counseling, suggestions and comments for World Council of Masters and Supreme Council of Masters.
The Board Members of the International Advisory Council is divided into the following two chambers:
18.1. Includes former Masters, Instructors or Coaches those who had no longer active or retired, or are invited to participate by the World Council of Master or Supreme Council of Masters. This List of members will be annually updated by Secretary General of the World Council of Master.
18.2. The close scholarship friends, social figures those who invited by World Council of Master or Supreme Council of Masters. This List of members will be annually updated by Secretary General of the World Council of Master.
Chapitre V : Ủy Ban Khảo Thí Quốc Tế (UBKThí/QT) -
Commission d'Examen Internationale – The International Exams Board
Article 19 : Duties and responsibilities of The International Exams Board
The The International Exams Board is the supreme infrastructure of Vovinam Viet Vo Daowhich oversees and implement issues of international examinations for master ranking. Under Chapter IV, Article 12 of the regulation for belt ranking for International was voted with decision in World Convention Meeting of Masters adopt on 19-08-2000 in California - USA.
19.1. The International Exams Board is responsible for:
(a). Collect the masters’ thesis.
(b). Organize examination for masters’ first red belt rank and above rank.
(c). Establishment of the International Judges Committee.
(d). Announcement of results to World Council of Masters and the World Confederation for recognition as an official notices.
19.2. The International Exams Board is the body functions and carries out implementing the international examination system but not the equivalent of the International Judges Committee, which has term limited and carry out duties as an examiner to test students.
Article 20 : Operating structures
20.1. Chair of The International Exams Board: Who appointed by World Council of Master, and is responsible for:
(a). Preside IEB, appoint officer for board positions council.
(b). Decide to hold examinations.
(c). Appoint official members for the International Judges Council
(d). Establish records; announce the master’s examination results annually.
20.2. International Council of Judges: by the Chair of International IEB nominated to each exam and chair task terminated after the exam completed. Members of the International Council of Judges are divided as follows:
(a). Chair of Examination Council: Chief Judge, and preside International Council of Judges.
(b). Judges: At least one judge and may invite a person outside of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao-depending on the topic of the thesis (Article 18, International Belt Ranking)
(c). Secretary, the facilitator: Carrying duties
• Facilitate the exam
• Introduce the judges
• Brief the background and topics of thesis
• Establish the written examination results.
(d). Inspection team: have a duty to control the respect of examination regulations.
(e). Sponsors of the thesis (if any).
20.3. Secretary IEB: It serves as assistant to chair of IEB in the work of administrative, clerical implementation, and report to World Council of Masters and regularly contact with master members of IEB.
(a). Create the exam slip, exam application form
(b). Established records of exam results for reporting to World Council of Masters and the World Confederation. Profile of exam results including:
- Exam results list, to be signed by the Chair of the International Council of Judges.
- The exam thesis
- Exam slips
(c). Updated list of red belt rank exam results and report to World Council of Masters annually.
1.4. Official Members of IEB: As the representative of the Chair of IEB in geographical regions responsibility, and shall:
(a). Care and to encourage students within the regional responsibility.
(b). Collect the thesis, and submit to the chair of IEB that will organize examinations in the regions. All of the exam candidates or federations in regions to organize the international thesis must contact the master member of IEB in regions to be adopted.
(c). Establish the record for the masters rank within the regions of responsibility and update masters roster annually.
Article 21 : Distribute the responsibility of The International Exams Board
21.1. Chair of The International Exams Board (IEB) has full right to organize and divide the responsibilities for geographical regions according to the needs and the presence of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao localities. For example, America East, Central America, Region Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia ...
21.2. In the case of regions or countries not on the list, shall be placed directly under the responsibility of the Chair of IEB.
Chapitre VI : Organization System of National Council of Masters
(Representatives of World Council of Masters in every nation)
Article 22 : Chair of the National Council of Masters
22.1. This official chair elected by the master members of National Council of Masters, and to be recognized by the World Council of Masters.
22.2. As the representatives, is the decentralization of World Council of Masters in every nation, is placed directly under the administration of the General Secretary of World Council of Masters.
22.3. Carry out leadership tasks, and govern the terms of martial arts and martial arts philosophy doctrine in every nation.
22.4. The criteria for the establishment of the National Council of Masters include:
(a). Must have at least 3 (three) Deputy Red Belt or higher, and must be master members of the World Council of Masters. In case of inadequate numbers required then it is known as the National Training Council. In this case, there are only instructors of yellows 3rd Dan (black 3rd Dan) eight is entitled to attend the council, depending on the organization of each nations (country).
(b). Must be recognized by World Council of Masters.
22.5. Masters roster of Chairs of National Council of Masters and National Training Council must be officially recognized, annually updated by the Secretary General of the World Council of Masters.
Article 23 : Representatives of World COM in Nations or Regions
23.1. Representatives those who the Secretary General of World Com appointed for nations or regions where there is no National Council of Masters or no National Training Council. These representatives and the general function as a Chari of National Council of Masters, and act on behalf World Council of Masters in charge general aspects development Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
23.2. Representative’s roster of World Council of Masters in each country. This roster will be annually updated by Secretary General of World Council of Masters.
Chapitre VII : Ủy Ban Liên Lạc và Tương Trợ Quốc Tế (UB/LLTT/QT)
Commission de la Solidarité Internationale – The International Solidarity Board
Article 24 : Duties and responsibilities of International Solidarity Board
24.1. International Solidarity Board (ISB) is the present spirit of mutual assistance and solidarity of the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao relations. This is juxtaposition among masters of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao worldwide, regardless of race, religion, political beliefs and boundaries.
24.2. International Solidarity Board shall:
(a). Update the information on social, family and individuals. . . Of the master, of the international philanthropic benefactors so that it can be shared and tighten the relationship amongst Vovinam Viet Vo Dao fellows.
(b). Present the spirit of the Great Vovinam Viet Vo Dao family of supporting through the sympathetic assistances as well as possessions.
(c). Help and support local organizing holidays, memorial, joyful occasions as well as funerals.
24.3. International Solidarity Board competent authorities to implement and manage international funds to perform the tasks—assist and support among the Great Vovinam Viet Vo Dao family.
24.4. International Solidarity Board can be obtained funds through the financial following form:
(a). Request and accept funds from Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Confederation World.
(b). Campaign the contribution of the Federations, the Training Centers, or masters throughout the world.
(c). Campaign the contribution of philanthropic benefactors, industrial companies, commercial enterprises or public funds to this committee.
24.5. International Solidarity Board is obligated to report two semesters a year once in May and once in November, is divided as follows:
(a). Report in generals: written reports send to all the federations, training centers, or the masters, the Philanthropic benefactors has contributed funds to this committee.
(b). Report in details: written reports of the list must be itemized and specific expenditures, and the clear comments reasons for assistance in expenditures in documents reports to Secretary General of World Council of Masters, Chair of World Federation and the Chair of International Auditing Committee.
(c). Reports must be signed by the chair and treasurer of ISB.
24.6. Chair of International Solidarity Board who is the person responsible for all the account receivable / payable of the bookkeeping records before the world Council of Masters and the World Federation.
24.7. Chair of International Solidarity Board have duty is to report all accounting bookkeeping to the chair of International Auditing Committee whenever required.
24.8. In the case of the World Council of Masters disbanded the International Solidarity Board for any reason, the committee funding will transfer to World Confederation Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
Article 25 : Structure & govern of International ISB
25.1. Chair of International Solidarity Board appointed by the World Council of Masters and carry out:
(a). Preside the ISB, and appoint of board officers of committee.
(b). Organizing and governing the organization system of committee.
(c). The decision of all the payable and receivable of the accounting records.
(d). Establishment of the reports and take responsibility before World Council of Masters.
25.2. Treasurer of International Solidarity Board appointed by chair of International Solidarity Board, and shall:
(a). Management of funds
(b). Perform the financial accounting of Committee.
(c). Issuing receipts for the contributors or philanthropic benefactors.
(d). Expending are under the requirements of the chairman of the committee.
25.3. The Secretary of International Solidarity Board:
Appointed by the chair of International Solidarity Board has a duty to assist chair in the administrative tasks paperwork and reports, communicating among the masters and philanthropic benefactors of world.
25.4. Official members of International Solidarity Board: Appointed by chair International Solidarity Board as the representative of the chair at the national or regional responsibility. Is responsible for:
(a). Collecting information on social, family and individuals of masters in the area of responsibility and report to headquarter.
(b). Announcing news and information from headquarter to responsible regions.
(c). To receive contributions and send to headquarter and to act on behalf of Committee campaign the contributions from federations, training centers, masters, philanthropic benefactors, enterprise commercial to make direct funds to headquarter.
(d). Notice and suggest to chair of International Solidarity Board to assist the masters encounter in every difficult or hardship matter.
Article 26 : Distribute the responsible regions of International Solidarity Board
26.1. Chair of International Solidarity Board has full authority to organize and divide the responsibilities according to the needs where there are presences of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao at localities. For example; America East, Central America, Regional Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia...
26.2. In the case of regions or countries not on the list; it shall be placed directly under the responsibility of the chair of International Solidarity Board.
Chapitre VIII : Ủy Ban Kỹ Thuật Quốc Tế (UBKT/QT)
Commission Technique Internationale – The International Technical Board
Article 27 : Duties and responsibilities of International Technical Board (ITB)
27.1. International Technical Board (ITB)is the agencyresponsible fortechnical aspectsofVovinamViet Vo Dao—like Training Programs, Technical Exam, Martial Arts Philosophy Doctrine Exam, Regulations, and Development . ..On theInternational realm.
27.2. ITB is responsible for international belt ranking from the yellow (black) belts ranking 1st Dan upper deputy red belt ranking (Chapter IV, Article 12 of the International Convention Meeting of Master of World Council of Master adopt 19-08-2000 in California - USA)
27.3. ITB is the structural mechanical functioning as the leadership to organize the international technical system (program), but no allocation function to ordain or promote any belt ranking at the nations (countries) where the Masters Council has established or there is an existence of National Training Committee, the only right (authority) to promote or ordain international belt ranking base on the request of the those nations (countries).
27.4. Individual countries have not established or not Council of Masters or Council of Training or haven’t qualified to organize the belt examination (testing) according to the implement regulations under Chapter IV, Article 13 International Belt Ranking. The International Exams Board (IEB) that is capable to organize and allocate the belt testing in such countries.
27.5. IEB is responsible for the establishment records and international recognition of Yellow (black) belts under the following circumstances:
(a). A record of file for belt ranking created by the Chair or Council of Masters or Council of Training of country request that is just for countries already established Federation and has been recognized by World Federation.
(b). Records of file for belt ranking created by official members of IEB as facilitators who submit for countries not yet have a Council of Masters or Council of Training or countries with large geographical regions.
(c). The country is not in either case of the above, be placed directly under the leadership directions of chair of The International Exams Board.
Article 28 : Operating structure of The International Exams Board (IEB)
28.1. Chair of IEB appointed by World Council of Masters (WCOM) who duties:
(a). Chair of World COM appoints officers board council members.
(b). Decides to hold exams, special training courses, technical updated training courses international.
(c). Recognizes, and promotes form yellow (black) belt ranking 1st Dan to deputy red belt as international aspects.
(d). Updates list of yellow (black) belts and red belts of international annually.
28.2. Representatives of the Chair IEB at all countries, Is divided into three components as follows:
(a). The Chair of the National Council of Masters
(b). The Chair of the National Council of Training (Coaching)
(c). Representatives of World Council of Masters (WCOM): These representatives, placed under the administration of Secretary General of WCOM, as well as representatives who placed under the leadership of chair IEB regarding to every country.
(d). Perform tasks and operating leadership in terms of martial arts and martial arts philosophy doctrine in every country.
(e). Establish of records belt ranking file and request to the chair of IEB to be recognized.
28.3. Official members of IEB: Chair of IEB appoints official members as representatives at the areas of responsibility.
(a). Strictly carry out tasks on technical aspects.
(b). Organize exams from yellow (black) belt 1st Dan to deputy red Belt ranking, in the case, the local region has not yet established Masters National Council of Masters or National Council of Training or not qualified as such as organize the exams.
(c). Establish records of file for belt ranking and request to the chair of IEB to be recognized.
28.4. Official members of IEB with special mission as Development Facilitators: As personnel officer of IEB and appointed by the chair of IEB, and be given responsibility in a particular area of international perspective. For example; Commissioner in charge of international development in these countries, the International Committee in charge of organizing special training courses, Commissioner in charge of organizing international championships tournament ... With a limited and responsibilities specified in the Appointment Letter.
Article 29 : Allocate or ordain belt ranking internationally
This provision is most elaborate application of the regulations of the World Convention Meeting Council of Masters voting and adopt on 19-08-2000 in California - USA.
29.1. Belt ranking procedures for international recognition of equivalence:
(a). Request for belt ranking of equivalence is only who already anticipated in exams held by National Federation. In addition, the belt ranking exams was organized by the IEB or the International Technical Board, will be recognized automatically, no need to request for recognition of equivalence.
(b). Belt ranking request for equivalence must send to:
• Secretary General of World Council of Masters: For only Red Belt ranking from 1st Dan and higher Dan.
• Chair of the International Technical Board: For only yellow (black) belt ranking from 1st Dan to deputy red belt.
29.2. Dossiers of application for recognition of international belt ranking equivalent: The records of file dossiers of application for international recognition of equivalence are free of charge and must meet the following conditions:
(a). Dossiers of application for equivalence must be confirmed in details by:
- Chair of National Federation level or equivalent.
- Chair of Council of Master or Council of Training, or official members of World Council of Master.
(b). Dossiers of application for equivalence must be confirmed in details by:
- Name, surname, date of birth and address
- Ranking application for equivalent, and date taken belt exams.
After the case meets the conditions, chair of IEB or Secretary General of World Council of Masters establishes the name list and officially update the name list of official international belt ranking. At the same time, to announce to all Federations of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao worldwide.
29.3. Certification of belt ranking – belt ranking passport – letter of verification.
(a). All forms of belt ranking of the above will be granted only after parties (applicants) have been recognized equivalent as official belt ranking.
(b). Application file for belt ranking can be in a group or as individuals, and must provide the following additional details
- Name, surname, date of birth and address
- Belt ranking, 3 pictures of size ID, writing name & date of birth on back of pictures
- Major Blood Type (Blood Type): A, B, O. . .
- Rh antigen (Rh+ or Rh-): "+", "-". . .
- Fee payment.
29.4. Fee cost. Cost of fee will be determined by the chair of The International Exams Board, chair of World Federation, set annually.
Article 30 : Distribution to responsibility Areas
30.1. Chair of IEB holds the full authority to organize and divide the responsibilities of areas according to the needs of the presence of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao in localities. For example; America East, Central America, Regional Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia…
30.2. In the case, regions or countries not on the list shall be placed directly under the responsibility of the chair of International Examinations Committee (IEB).
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Chapitre IX : Ủy Ban Giám Sát Quốc Tế (UBGS/QT)
Commission disciplinaire Internationale - The International Disciplinary Board
Article 31 : Duties and responsibilities of International Disciplinary Board
31.1. International Disciplinary Board is the supreme body of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao for discipline issues. Duties’ assignment is to justification on disputes, lawsuits and monitoring the activities of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao on all international aspects.
31.2. International Disciplinary Board shall:
(a). Adjudicate on violations related to the regulations, Technical Training Programs, by-laws and so on international perspective violated.
(b). Monitor and control expenditure-revenue and through the International Communication & Assistance Committee reports
(c). Reinvestigate the claim or complaint from master members of World Council of Masters, the international organizations, the Federation members of World Federation.
(d). Judge any matter whenever the call of requests from World Council of Masters or the World Federations.
(e). Examined and investigate the complaint of the defendants for disciplinary action at all countries’ issues related.
31.3. International Disciplinary Board (IDB) is the organizational leadership body functions for international supervision system, but not equivalent to International Council of Disciplinary (ICOD); ICOD has a term limit. ICOD function and duty is to adjudicate base on the reviewing of disciplinary dossiers of records of complaint by IDB requirement.
Article 32 : Operating structure of International Disciplinary Board
32.1. Chairman of the International Disciplinary Board (IDB) appointed by World Council of Masters and World Federation and responsible for:
(a). Preside the International Disciplinary Board.
(b). Operating organization and the governing system of the committee.
(c). Appointing a Chair and members of the International Council of Disciplinary.
(d). Establishing the report and take responsibility before World Council of Masters.
32.2. The official members of the International Disciplinary Board:
Appointed by World Council of Masters , and will be future members of the Judge or Prosecutor or Defender. Depending on the nomination letter of Chair International Disciplinary Board and must respect the following conditions:
(a). Not attend team role magistrate or juror if the person in charge of prosecuting or are leading members of the prosecuting agency or direct contact with families who prosecuted as: father, mother, brother or sister, or children.
(b). Not participate in the role of Judge Prosecutor Delegation or if the person is being accused or members of leadership being accused or associated directly with the family being accused such as father, mother, brother, sister, children, or children.
(c). In the case, the chair of International Disciplinary Board as prosecutor or accused, the chair of World Council of Masters who will preside on International Disciplinary Board on all matters
32.3. International Council of Disciplinary (ICOD): Nominated by chair of IDB and termination of the mandate after completion of disciplinary trial. Official members of the ICOD are divided as follows:
(a). Chair of ICOD who preside and control the adjudication trial, and together with judge members make legally decision.
(b). The Judge members: Consists of 2 or 4 members or 6 members (always an even number), were selected by the International Disciplinary Board. In addition, Commission staff outside or outside Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, can be invited, depending on the needs and case of adjudication. Judge members are responsible to adjudicate, and decide to take the disciplinary act against a defender, the organizations of body of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao worldwide system.
(c). Prosecutor: A person with a duty to present reasons and evidence to tie charges to defendant before the judge group. Prosecutor status of one of the following circumstances:
- Must be a master member of the World Council of Masters (WCOM), who files the charges. But can authorize the personnel not a master member of WCOM, whose role is to present the case before the Judge group.
- In the event, one of the international bodies, in the WCOM system or World Federation, led the prosecution, the Prosecutor will be appointed by the chair who is in charge of these organization structures.
- In the case of a country prosecution (Federation or National Council of Masters), the Prosecutor will represent the country.
- Also in special cases, a prosecutor will be appointed by the chair of the International Disciplinary Board.
(d). Protector (defender of defendant): Protector in the case as follows:
- Individual defendants have the right to defense and confront charges from prosecutor. In addition the defendants may authorize another person to defend before the Judge Group.
- As representatives of international organizations or an organization of countries being accused who perform the right of defense before the Judge Group.
- In cases where the defendants refused to defend or absent or did not respond after two months, there will be a defender appointed by the chair of International Disciplinary Board.
(e). Secretary of International Council of Disciplinary (ICOD): Has the task of recording progress in the ICOD and the decision of the Council to report to World Council of Masters.
• The decision or the report should be signed by the Char and Secretary of ICOD.
32.4. Activities of International Council of Disciplinary (ICOD).
ICOD can be active and called for assemble convention in the following ways:
(a). Adjudicating base on records of file and requires no assembly, and for the case is not important. The case is discretion of the chair of the International Disciplinary Board. But the records of filling must meet the following criteria:
- Decision to be established the ICOD by the chair of IDB
- Prosecuting documentations of the prosecutor to prosecute also with the facts: The person or organization to prosecute, the cause of action, recommended to prosecuting disciplinary act of prosecutor, and the recommended discipline of the chair of the ICOD.
- Dossiers of protecting defendant: The defending reasons for the person or organization being accused.
(b). The call of adjudication for formal hearing assembly, for the important cases and discretion of the Chair of the IDB. And must meet the following conditions:
- Decision to establish the ICOD and to call for adjudication of the Chair of the IDB.
- Judge Group is required in full members and the absent member shall not transfer power to another.
- If the prosecutor is absent, the Judge Group will not adjudicate case trial and charges filling for prosecution will abort.
Article 33 : Disciplinary actions
33.1. For individuals:
(a). Warning.
(b). Ban from taken belt exams or prohibit activities from 1 to 10 years.
(c). Demote belt rank or not accredited belt rank.
(d). Expel from World Council of Masters or from Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
33.2. For international organization or countries:
(a). Warning.
(b). Remove the voting decision or any decision from that defendant organization.
(c). Disqualification decisions or activities until a new decision.
(d). Dissolution the organization.
33.3. Apply disciplinary measures
The ICOD shall conduct the adjudication and decision for disciplinary action. The World Council of Masters and the World Federation of the two agency structures have the ultimate right to determine and apply the discipline worldwide.
(a). The World Council of Masters (WCOM) is structure which has the ultimate right to make decisions regarding issues such as:
- International belt ranking, the martial arts training program, martial arts philosophy doctrine, belt ranking certificate, the by-laws activities of World Council of Masters and so on.
- The master members of WCOM.
- The personnel staff and the official members under the WCOM.
- The international structural organization under WCOM.
- The National Council of Masters, the National Council of Training etc.
(b). World Federation has the ultimate right decisions on issues such as:
- Financial, tournament, regulations, by-laws…
- Board of executive personnel officers of the World Federation.
- The staff and the trustees under the World Federation.
- The international structural organization under the World Federation.
- The Federation of countries, the administrative agencies etc.
Article 34 : Joint National and International for disciplinary
The coordination and relate for disciplinary action matters between the National and International are set as follows:
34.1. The nations and the localities absolutely respect the disciplinary measures, the decision made by World Council of Masters and World Federation via International Disciplinary Board.
34.2. Vice versa, the World Council of Masters and World Federation respect the disciplinary measures, the decisions of other nations and localities taken actions.
34.3. In the case of disciplinary action at the National Federations related to:
(a). One of the master members World Council of Masters (WCOM).
(b). One of the official personnel under the WCOM, and World Federation. Then countries must adhere to the following procedures:
- There is an obligation to send disciplinary records to the Secretary General of WCOM and World Federation for noticing.
- No formal notice or right to take and disciplinary action or measures if no decision of WCOM or World Federation not yet made.
- Be absolutely respected WCOM or World Federation when in the case veto nations’ decisions.
34.4. In the case of 34.3, the Secretary General of WCOM or Chair of World Federation (depending on related matters), will implement the following administrative proceedings:
(a). Reviewing disciplinary records, and will veto national decisions if the record no basis or no respect Imprint or by-laws activity.
(b). In the case of disciplinary records that basis, the defendant will be contacted and notified officially.
- In cases defendant appeals the complainant and documented excuse then both records (discipline and appeal) will be transferred to the International Disciplinary Board requested for adjudication.
- In cases defendant does not claim the appeal or did not respond after 2 (two) months from the date of the notice, the WCOM and entire Federations would legalize the nation's decision and information to all structural of Federations worldwide.
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Chapitre X : Ủy Ban Thư Viện Quốc Tế (UBTV/QT)
Commission d'Archives Internationale - International LibraryBoard
Article 35 : Duties and responsibilities of International Library Board (ILB).
35.1. International Library Board (ILB) is the official agency responsible for collecting all: Thesis, martial arts materials, training programs, special issues, newspapers, posters, badges, symbols, images, movies. . . . of all Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Martial Arts dojo, training centers and countries around the world, to preserve the cultural products of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao.
35.2. ILB has the task to communicate regularly received documents from around the world by means such as Internet, Journalism, Periodical Magazine, and Special Publication Volumes.
35.3. ILB is the infrastructural functions: Receiving, make lists, information and maintenance of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao materials, and cannot perform the distribution function or release or provide the those documents to any parts of the world. This function is under the jurisdiction of the International Technical Board (ITB).
35.4. Localities or masters desire to request a copy of such documents in the official category list of ILB; they must follow the following procedure:
(a). Contact Chair of The International Council of Advisory (ICOV); after that, there will be answered with a formal consent of the Chair of the International Technical Board.
(b). Contribute shipping fees and expenses for copies.
Chapitre XI : Ủy Ban Nghiên cứu Phương Thức Hợp Nhất Quốc Tế
Commission d'Unification - International Research Methods of Unified Board
Article 36 : Duties and responsibilities of IRMUB
36.1. International Research Methods of Mergers Board (IRMUB) is the infrastructural body responsible for studying solutions, methods, forms and plans. . . almost looking for a solution towards a unified organization for all activities Vovinam Viet Vo Dao worldwide.
36.2. After completing the project, the best solution must be compiled into a proposal to submit to the World Council of Masters (WCOM).
36.3. Chair of IRMUB: appointed by World Council of Masters and therefore is responsible for:
(a). Preside on the IRMUB.
(b). Operating and organizing the organizational system of this Committee.
(c). Establishment reports and projects and taken responsibility WCOM.
36.4. Chair of IRMUB, be entitled to invite or appoint all personnel officers in or outside WCOM or World Federation to participate in research work of the its Committee with conditions of the approval from WCOM.
36.5. During experimental research and establish the best plan for unification, the Chair of IRMUB is entitle the rights for bargaining and negotiating in the name of representative of WCOM.
Chapitre XII : Ủy Ban Mạng Lưới Quốc Tế (UBML/QT)
Commission d'Internet Internationale – The International Internet Board
Article 37 : Duties and responsibilities IIB
37.1. International Internet Board is the infrastructural agency responsible for management and system development internet (Website) of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao International.
37.2. Internet structural systems of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao International is the publication of speech and official information of World Council of Masters (WCOM) and the World Confederation. It carries duties to broadcast the information of news, documents, and decisions . . . of the two structural bodies of official systems of the above.
37.3. IIC is responsible to often broadcast the information news, activities and documents of the Federations, the Training Centers, the dojo, the masters, official members of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao system worldwide.
37.4. IIC is the structural body functions: control and official recognition of the internet websites being developed at the National Federation or in localities’ areas and must comply with the following principles.
(a). The Website is recognized to adhere to "international internet websites on Internet of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao system of IIC editorial features which was approved by World Council of Masters.
(b). In term of national: The recognition of the only unique national (Official National website) for each country.
(c). In term of Training Centers, Dojo or individuals. The IIC will officially recognize websites only after its national has been officially recognized.
(d). IIC has the right to withdraw recognition at any time and without a reason.
(e). IIC carries a duty to withdraw recognition of any website or all the articles posted on those websites, if required by the Secretary General WCOM or the Chair of World Federation without statement of reasons.
37.5. Chair of IIC appointed by the World Council of Masters and the World Federation and is responsible for:
(a). Preside on IIC.
(b). Operating, administrating the organizational system of the Committee.
(c). Report annually and shall be responsible before WCOM and World Federation.
37.6. Chair of IIC to be entitled to invite or appoint all official personnel inside or outside of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao participated in the development and management of international internet websites.
37.7. Chair of IIC is to conclude all negotiations’ agreement, contract, contract to all agencies or enterprises after approved by the WCOM and World Federation.
Chapitre XIII : Amendment By-Laws Activities
Article 38 : Amendment By-Laws Activities
38.1. All master members of The World Council of Masters (WCOM) or World Congress of Masters have the right to request to change the Chapter, Article, paragraph of this By-Laws Activities.
38.2. The proposed amendment must be submitted to the Secretary General WCOM and will be refer to official members of World Convention Council of Masters and Federations of Vovinam Sect to be adopted.
Article 39 : Effective
39.1. The Chapter, Article, paragraph of the WCOM By-Laws Activities of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao consists of 13 chapters, 39 articles voting approval by WCOM during the 8th World Congress in California, USA, and amended which has been effective date 30-07-2016.
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