6th World Cup - Paris 2022 
La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board
Grand Master TRAN Nguyen Dao
President of the International Technical Board.
I.1. Sparring area
The sparring area is in 2 parts:
Sparring area: central part
Safety area: outside part
- Two candidates (C1, C2) form a triangle with the Referee (A) and are before three judges (J1, J2, J3).
- Each candidate can be assisted by their trainer (E1, E2) on the jury side, next to the jury table.
- Each jury table may also be assisted by a judges time clerk (Cr)
I.2. Sparring duration
- Sparring consists of two rounds of 1 minute each with 30 seconds pause between. The total duration of a sparring averages about 2 minutes 30 seconds.
- Sparring duration is deducted from the effective time. The various stops, which can occur during the sparring, intervention by the Judges, the Referee, the Doctor or pauses required by the candidate is not included in the sparring duration. They are considered timeouts.
I.3. Sparring style
- Sparring style applied is "Semi-contact". The candidates must show they are effectively able to apply put the techniques of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. The Hits must thus be controlled.
- Points are not counted if there is not contact, and KNOCKOUT is prohibited.
I.4. Protections
Mandatory protection
- Rigid groin shell protection (masculine)
- Rigid or foam plastron for chest protection.
- Light Gloves (foam mittens)
Optional protection
- Teeth protection,
- Unreinforced (no metal) shin or feet protection
- Foam Helmet without visor
I.5. Categories
- 5 Sparring Championships-Adult-Males. (From 18 years old)
- 65kg or less.
- + 65kg → 70kg
- + 70kg → 75kg
- + 75kg → 80kg
- + 80kg
- 4 Sparring Championship-Adult-Females, Blue Belt 3rd Cap & Black Belt. (From 18 years old)
- 57kg or less
- +57kg → 65kg
- +65kg → 73kg
- + 73kg
- 1 Sparring cup per team Championships-Adult-Males, Blue & Black belts (From 18 years old).
- A team of 5 competitors, including 3 fighters and 2 substitutes.
- 2 fighters, no weight limit
- 1 VAT fighter, the weight of the Vat fighter should be between 65 to 80 kg.
- Each team can constitute freely, without distinction of country or club
II. Technical rules
II.1. Knockout Prohibited
- If the responsibility for the knockout is allotted to the non-wounded candidate, he will be immediately disqualified by the Judges, after a consultation with the Referee, the trainers and the President of the Jury.
- If the responsibility for the Knockout is allotted to the wounded candidate, he loses the sparring and his adversary is not disqualified.
- In the case of a serious knockout with deliberated intention or following a simulation of knockout, the President of the Jury may take disciplinary measures against who caused the knockout.
II.2. Knockout Definition
- A candidate is declared knocked-out when consciousness is completely lost for at least 10 seconds.
- Loses its consciousness or sparring capacity, or on the doctor’s judgment.
- If a candidate is declared knocked-out, then he may not continue the sparring.
- If a knockout proves serious, the competitor does not awake or loses consciousness for a long period. All the tests of Sparring are obligatorily stopped (The Competition is stopped) and can only begin again on the doctor’s decision.
II.3. Prohibited techniques
(See appendix 2: the table of penalty)
- To attempt knockout an adversary
- To strike at the face with techniques involving the arm: Dam (Blow of fist), Chem (open hand), BAT (reversed fist), Cho (elbow)...
- To use the following techniques: Cho (elbow), Xia, Chi (finger spikes), Trao, Cao, Cau (Claw) or to draw the hair or to bite.
- To strike in danger zones like: genitals parts, neck, nape of the neck, back
- To strike the adversary on the ground, after a fall
- To strike the adversary if you are on the ground
- To strike the adversary after the stop order pronounced by the Referee: " THOI "
- To strike the adversary outside of the sparring zone.
II.4. Definition of "on the ground"
- If the adversary is in a sitting position
- If the 2 knees or the 4 members touch the mats
- When the body is lying on the mats, and is on the back or the stomach.
II.5. Techniques without points
- The two candidates hit each other at the same time.
- Attacks on the legs, arms or shoulders.
- A competitor loses balance and falls (without contact).
- To have fallen after Da Bay (flying kick), except for the 21 scissor techniques.
- Uncoordinated, fuzzy, or vague Attacks.
II.6. Authorized techniques
(See appendix 1: The allotted points table)
- When applied, the techniques must be deliberate and powerful, but must be sufficiently controlled to avoid a knockout.
- Similarly, the techniques of Vat (wrestling), Quet (mowing) or Don Chan (scissors) must be carried out deliberately, completely and with control.
- In general, points are counted only if the chest or stomach is touched (between the neck and the belt).
- The authorized techniques are:
- Dam (fist), Chem (open hand), Bat (reversed fist) Goi (knee): in the chest or stomach
- Da (kick), Da Bay (flying kick): in the chest or stomach, and the face
- Vat (wrestling), Quet (mowing), Don Chan (scissors)
II.7. Penalties and warnings
(See appendix 2: Penalty Table)
- At any moment the Judges or the Referee may stop the sparring for warnings by observing the following procedure:
- Stop the sparring (ordered by the Referee or one of the Judges)
- Immediately following meeting between the 3 Judges and the Referee to decide warning.
- For a warning to be recorded, it must obtain at least 2 votes for.
- Penalty points must immediately be recorded by the judges.
- The Referee announces the reason for the penalty by designating the candidate at fault.
- Sparring is resumed.
III. Sparring procedure
III.1. The sparring
- After checking the candidate's equipment, the referee orders the start of the sparring,
- The Judges times-keeper will order a pause after 1 minute of effective sparring and the end of sparring after 2 minutes of effective sparring.
- The Judges at the jury table record the points and designate the winner to the Referee.
- The Referee declares the winner officially.
- Throughout the sparring, only the trainers are authorized to speak to or advise the candidates.
- The supporters can encourage their candidates by applause but in no case to give advice.
- It is forbidden for the candidates to speak, protest or provoke the adversary during the sparring. It is only authorized to ask the referee for a sparring break (timeout) in order to obtain the trainers advice
III.2. Equal Points
In the event of equal points at the end of the allotted time:
- A one-minute extension (3rd round) will be required after a 30 second's pause.
- In the event of equal points after the 3rd round, a 4th round will be required with an unlimited time. The Judges will announce the winner, as the candidate gets the first victorious point.
III.3. Interruptions
The Referee or the Judges in the following cases can interrupt sparring:
- As soon as one of the candidates has two feet in the Safety zone.
- A candidate is on the ground.
- The two candidates fight body with body (Vat) for more than 10 seconds.
- Request by one of the candidates, or his trainer, for 15 seconds additional pause, or abandonment of sparring.
- The Referee or the Judges may impose a pause at any time, if considered necessary.
- The Judges may, at any time, stop the sparring and declare the winner, if they consider that the sparring is too dangerous, or if the difference in skill is too significant.
- Intervention of the President of the Jury or the Director of Competition.
All the stops are deducted from the sparring time.
III.4. Appeals
Only trainers observing the following procedures can carry out the appeals:
- All the appeals will be lodged at the end of the sparring.
- The candidate can claim only via their trainer.
- The trainers can lodge their appeals to the Claims Judges and if required lodge with the President of the Jury.
- It is forbidden to broadcast publicly or with disrespect towards the Referee.
- The Trainers and the candidates must respect all the decisions taken by the Claims Judges or the President of the Jury regarding the appeals.
- In the case of non-observance of these rules, a disciplinary action will be applied to the candidate or its delegation.
III.5. Service of care, wounds
- At any moment a candidate, a trainer, a Referee or the Judges can call upon the first aid or doctor’s service.
- The doctor can stop the sparring after examination of the wounds. In this case:
- If the responsibility for the wound is allotted to the wounded candidate, this one loses the sparring.
- If the responsibility for the wound is allotted to the adversary for the candidate, then its adversary loses the sparring.
III.6. Not-presentation with the call
- All the candidates must present themselves to the sparring zone when called, even if they wish withdraw.
- After three calls, if the candidates did not present themselves, they will be disqualified.
IV. Intervening party
IV.1. Referee’s role
- The Referee is in charge, guarantees the smooth completion of the sparring.
- Orders the start and stop of sparring. Makes sure rules are respected, and ensures the safety of the candidates.
- Decides sanctions: Call to order, Warnings, Penalty points, Disqualification, etc.
- Arbitrates the sparring results, if the Judges ask.
- Verifies the candidates’ uniforms and protection.
- Regulates the protocol.
- Announces the sparring winner according to the judge’s decision.
- Must be at all times between the two candidates and facing the Judges.
- At any moment may stop the sparring if:
- There is an overwhelming domination by one of the candidates that leads to accident risk.
- The doctor, or first aid the service, is required to examine the candidates.
IV.2. The role of the Judges
- To Allot and record points marked as well as the penalty points for each candidate.
- At the end of the sparring, after adding up the points, designate the winner to the Referee.
- To consult the Referee at any time, if they did not see clearly see a sequenced.
- To stop the sparring at any time if:
- There is an overwhelming domination by one of the candidates that leads to accident risk.
- The doctor, or first aid the service, is required to examine the candidates.
IV.3. The Trainer of the Delegation
Has the role:
- To help, look after, advice, prepare and be the spokesman of its candidates.
- He is the spokesman of the delegation with respect to the Judges or the Cup technical committee.
- Is the only one authorized to sit on a chair placed at the edge of the sparring area.
- Is responsible for all the candidates conduct of during or outside of combat.
- Is the only one authorized to lodge an appeal with the Claims Judges or the President of the Jury.
- Must respect the decisions of the Claims Judges or the President of the Jury when the verdict is returned.
- Must also respect the procedures and decisions of the Referee and the Judges.
V. Others
V.1. Official Uniforms
- The official uniforms of the Referees and the Judges are Vo Phuc traditional of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.
- The Candidates and the Trainers must be in conformity with article 7 "official uniforms of the delegation" of the Administrative Regulation of the Cup.
V.2. Class upgrade or downgrade
- For a competition to take place in a category, at least 3 candidates are needed. The class upgrade or downgrade to a different must be decided by the President of the Jury.
V.3. “2nd Chance” or direct qualification
- For a category of sparring to proceed correctly, the number of candidates must be always an even number. The President of the Jury can decide the direct qualification of a candidate, by drawing lots. Equally, the president may decide to give a second chance to a deserving candidate having lost in the proceeding round.
Appendix 1: Points Allotted table
Technique |
Targets |
Points |
Dam (blow of fist), Chem (open hand), Bat (reversed fist) Goi (Knee). |
In the chest or stomach (between the neck and the belt) |
1 point
Da (kick), Da Bay (flying kick). |
In the chest or stomach, or the face |
2 points
Vat (Fight), Quet (mowing, sweepings), |
If the adversary falls on the ground |
3 points maximum (From 1 to 3, depending on the case) |
Don Chan (scissors) |
If the adversary falls on the ground |
4 points maximum (From 1 to 3, depending on the case) |
For all techniques |
Legs, arms or shoulders |
Zero point |
Zero point |
Appendix 2: Penalty table
Technique |
Targets |
Sanction |
For all techniques |
If the adversary is knockout |
Disqualification |
Dam (blow of fist), Chem (open hand), Bat (reversed fist) Goi (Knee). |
In the face, genital parts, neck, nape of the neck, back |
Warning with: -1 point to –3 points according to cases |
Da (kick), Da Bay (flying kick). |
Genital parts, neck, nape of the neck, back |
Warning with: -2 points to -3 points according to cases' |
Techniques prohibited like: Cho (Elbow), Xia, Chi (Finger spikes), Trao, Cao, Cau (Claw) or hair pulling, or to biting. |
All targets |
Warning with: -1 point at –3 points according to cases |
All targets |
Warning with: -1 point at –3 points according to cases |
To the 3 2nd Warning |
Disqualification |
Warning with: -1 point |
Warning with: -2 points until the disqualification |
Appendix 3: Lexicon of the Judges and the Referees
Get ready |
In guard with Lap Tan position |
The right hand on the heart |
LE |
Greet |
On guard with Dinh Tan position |
Fight |
Stop |
Get your Breathe |
Get ready, then say " XUONG " and sit |
Get ready, then say " DAY " and stand up |
Turn back |
© La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao | http://vovinamworldfederation.com