Draft amendment of the principle of delegation of authority

Master Trần Nguyên Đạo
To all the members of World council of Masters
Dear Masters,
I have the honor to submit the draft amendment to the principle of delegation of authority to the Internal Rules of the World Council of Masters. It aims to adapt the electoral vote because many masters have expressed skepticism as well as the offset from the democratic spirit of the Congress.
I. The reason of the Project
The delegation of authority is a very particular manner to entrust to another Master, present at the Congress, to vote, decide, adopt… in your place. That’s why this act has a very important dimension, because it authorizes another person to appoint the future international leaders, to update rules and conventions… etc.
It is for this reason that the principles of delegation of authority should both yield a general consensus of all the masters and to incarnate the spirit of democracy of our international institution.
Currently Rules of procedure of the World Council of the Masters known as: « All the Masters, member of the Council can give a delegation of power to another Master present at the Congress ». (Article 62.a, Chapter I).
You will find enclosed the rules of the principle of delegation of authority :
II. Free and unconstrained delegation.
It is the principle adopted by the Congress 2004 with following arguments :
- Each Master is free to give his power.
- Allow absentee to be represented by someone else to express their ideas.
- The quorum of the congress is assured: 60% + 1 of the members of the council (article 5.1, chapter I).
Counter arguments :
- It is an incentive for absenteeism
- The Congress would miss dynamism because of a less participation.
- One who has a large number of delegations could dictate his laws in the Congress. The democracy could be jeopardized.
III. Against the Delegations of authority
This position is based on the following arguments :
- Encouraging the participation of Masters.
- The Congress would be livelier and more dynamic.
- The democracy would be respected; one Master, one voice and nobody could dictate his law.
Counter arguments :
- The World Federation does not have yet enough money to finance the travel expenses of Masters. For this reason everyone does not have the same possibility to take part in the Congress.
- In this case, the organizing country, which would have in theory the number of participants more raised, would dictate its law.
- There would be a serious risk that the Congress does not obtain the quorum.
IV. Proposal to modify the principle of delegation of authority 2012
After reading, both positions have pros and cons. Therefore, none is perfect. We will not have solutions which can satisfy everyone. We will have only “intermediate” solutions.
That’s why we must have the spirit of “compromise”, that the consensus and wisdom will have to be the base of our institution and the general interest will be thus preserved.
So here is a simple solution to offset the current shortcomings of the principle of delegation : The principle of limited delegation of authority.
- We must preserve the principle of delegation of authority in order to preserve for sure the quorum of the Congress.
- Limit the number of delegations of authority at 5 so that nobody can impose his law in the Congress.
- To change article 62.a, chapter I as follows: “All the Masters, member of the Council can give a delegation of power to another Master present at the Congress. Each Master can receive a maximum 5 delegations of authority.». (Attention: this change will apply only for the 8th Congress).
Paris, on March 1st, 2012
Secretary of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
Master Trần Nguyên Đạo