La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board
Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao
President of the World Council of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao Masters
President of the International Technical Board
The reform of sword techniques-1st level
Sword Counterattack techniques
The 5 subjects forming the 1st level of the sword system are:
- Attack techniques.
- Parade techniques.
- Counter-attack techniques.
- The Quyền Lưỡng Nghi Kiếm Pháp[[1]].
- The Song Luyện Kiếm.
I.Sword Counterattack techniques.
In theory, the 1st level sword system follows the principle "1 generates 3" [[2]], so the counterattack techniques are "extracted" from the Quyen "Luong Nghi Kiem Phap". There are a total of 15 counterattack techniques, corresponding to the 15 sequences in Quyen. On the other hand, sword counterattacks are also called “sword technique analysis”, in Vietnamese “phân tích kiếm”.
Although the counterattack techniques are taken from the Quyen sword, but many counterattack techniques are not "like" those of the Quyen, meaning that they are not consistent with the Quyen. This contradiction leads to a legitimate question: which ones are correct? Those of Quyen or those of the counter-attacks? Or simply because of the “richness” of the sword? This response is not a well-founded argument, used as a “temporary” explanation for the difference between the two matters mentioned above. Furthermore, there is no official document from Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao explaining this nor any specific proof from a high-ranking master of our school.
To put an end to these problems, reform is necessary, especially in the current context of significant development in the world. This reform must be general as described in the document “299_23_EN_Sword Tech Reform_Quyen of Sword.pdf”, of which here is a reminder:
1.Reform counterattack techniques – (see below in this document),
2.Establish basic sword techniques such as: attack techniques and parry techniques (298_23_EN_Sword Tech Reform_Basic Tech.pdf),
3.Reform Quyen “Luong Nghi Kiem Phap” (299_23_EN_Sword Tech Reform_Quyen of Sword.pdf),
4.Reform Song Luyen Kiem - (301_23_FR_ Sword Tech Reform_Song Luyen Kiem.pdf).
II.Features of counterattack techniques
- Some counterattack techniques use exactly the same techniques as attack techniques, but in opposite directions.
- Each counter-attack technique, often started with a "protection technique" (parry, attack, dodge, etc.) before applying one or more counter-attack techniques, because the attack techniques are "decided before", including much faster than counterattacks.
- It is therefore important to master the basic techniques (parry techniques and attack techniques) before practicing counterattack techniques. It is therefore recommended to train basic techniques at least 3 months before practicing counterattack techniques. On the other hand, it is preferable to teach Quyen in parallel or before counterattack techniques.
- III.Coding:
- At : Attack (the letters are black).
- Ca : Counter-attack (the letters are navy blue).
- L : Left
- R : Right.
1. 1st Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 1 (Extract from the 1st sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Chảo Mã Tấn R – Chém 3 (rotation from bottom to top), R side, aim for from L to R, aim at Ca’s leg leg.
- Then advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 2 (horizontally, turning the sword behind the neck), from L to R, aim at Ca’s leg
Thủ - ĐinhTấn
- Move back to Chảo Mã Tấn L, at the same time Chém 3 (rotation like At, to protect yourself), R side.
- Move L leg back to Xà Tấn 2. At the same time Gat 4, from L to R (down and // with R leg).
- Counterattack: Stay in Xà Tấn 2, turn the sword, Chém 2 (from R to L), aiming at At’s arm.
- Continue to advance 45° to L, in Đinh Tấn L - Chém 2 (from R to L returning behind the neck) aiming at At's neck.
2. 2nd Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 2 (Extract from the 2nd sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 1 (slice vertically with 1 hand or 2 hands) R side, aim for Ca's head or shoulder
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump back and shift 30° to L, Trung Bình Tấn. At the same time, turn the sword Gạt 1 (from L to R) in the manner Chém 6 (Slice/Cut 45° from top to bottom and from L to R), aiming at At's head and the back of his sword.
- Counterattack: Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 1 (Same as At, slicing vertically with 1 hand or 2 hands) R side, aiming at the head or shoulder of At (recommend to slash to the R side of At).
3. 3rd Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 3 (Extract from the 3rd sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Chảo Mã Tấn
- Advance in Chảo Mã Tấn 3 times R/L/R – at the same time Chém 3 (rotation from bottom to top) in 3 times, R/L/R, and aim at Ca's leg and body.
Thủ - Chảo Mã Tấn
- Move backwards 3 times with Chảo Mã Tấn – at the same time Chém 3 in 3 times (rotation like At, to protect yourself), R/L/R side.
- In the third Chem 3, firmly block the sword of At.
- Counterattack: advance leg R, 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R, perform a 4th Chem 3, aiming at the chest and under the arm of At
4. 4th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 4 (Extract from the 4th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 1 (slice vertically with 1 hand or 2 hands) R side, aim for Ca's head or shoulder.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump backwards in Chảo Mã Tấn L, body turned 45° to R. At the same time, turn the sword Gạt 1 (from L to R) in the manner of Chém 6 (Slice/Cut 45° from top to bottom and from L to R), aiming at At's head and the back of his sword.
- Counterattack: Advance in Đinh Tấn L - Chém 7 with 2 hands (push horizontally, blade cutting side forward), aiming at At's throat.
- Stay in place in Đinh Tấn L, Chém 2 (horizontal): from L to R, aiming at At's neck (recommended to cut above At's head), turning behind the neck. The L arm must be spread horizontally opposite the R arm to maintain balance.
5. 5th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 5 (Extract from the 5th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.1 (Đâm thẳng phải: prick in front of the R side of the body), aim for Ca's chest.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump backwards, Chảo Mã Tấn R, body turned 45° to L – Turn the sword behind the neck Gat 5 (from R to L), then Gat 2 like Chém 6: (Slice/Cut 45° from top to bottom), aiming at At's head and the back of his sword
- Counterattack: Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 7 with one arm (push horizontally, blade cutting side forward) aiming at At's throat.
- Stay in place in Đinh Tấn R, Chém 2 (horizontal - turning behind the neck): from R to L, aiming at At's neck (recommended to cut above At's head).
- Then fold the leg R into Chảo Mã Tấn R. cock the sword (the handle back, the cutting blade towards the sky and the point in the direction of At). Then advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.2 (Đâm thẳng trái: drill in front of the L side of the body) aiming at At's chest. The L arm must be spread away from the R arm to maintain balance.
6. 6th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 6 (Extract from the 6th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.1 (Đâm thẳng phải: drill in front of the R side of the body) aiming at the hip or leg of Ca.
Thủ - ĐinhTấn
- Jump backwards, Độc Hành Tấn R (R leg standing, L leg raised), body turned 90° to R. At the same time Gạt 4 (4th Parade Tech.) from L to R & from Bottom to Top. L hand crossed towards R cheek.
- Counterattack: Place the L leg in Đinh Tấn L, at the same time, grab At's wrist with the L hand.
- Chém 8.4 (đâm dọc từ trên xuống – Stitch vertically from top to bottom) aimed at the chest At (recommended to stitch above the shoulder of At)
7. 7th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 7 (Extract from the 7th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn (attack behind Ca's back)
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 6 (Slice 45°, from top to bottom & from R to L), R side, aim for Ca's neck.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn L (back facing At)
- Advance R leg forward in Liên Hoa Tấn with L leg, at the same time half turn 90° to L, turn the sword Gạt 5, around the nape of the neck, the left hand crosses to cover the armpit on the R side.
- Continue to advance leg R, turn around facing At, in Đinh Tấn L.
- Gạt 2 (2nd Parry Tech), block At's sword.
- Counterattack: Advance 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 3: (Rotation), from the L side, from bottom to top, aim at the body and under At's arm.
- Stay in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 2 (horizontal): from R to L, aiming at At’s neck (recommended to cut above At’s head), without going behind the neck. Arm L must be crossed and pressed against arm R to maintain balance.
8. 8th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 8 (Extract from the 8th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 6, 45° from R to L, aim for the neck of Ca.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Move the L leg back to Liên Hoa Tấn, at the same time turn the sword, Gat 5, then turn around the back of the neck. L hand crossed towards R cheek.
- Counterattack: Spread leg L 45° in Đinh Tấn L (the body must lower as much as possible), Chém 5: 45° from bottom to top & from R to L, aiming at the body and under At's arm. The L arm must follow the same direction as the R arm.
- Stay in Đinh Tấn L - Chém 6: 45°, from top to bottom & from L to R, without passing the sword behind the neck, aiming at the ribs of R and the body of At, arm L must be spread towards high opposite the R arm to maintain balance
- Continue to advance the R leg in Liên Hoa Tấn position, then advance 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.3 (Đâm Ngang - drill horizontally, from R to L), aiming at At's abdomen. The L arm must be crossed and pressed against the R arm.
9. 9th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 9 (Extract from the 9th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 6, 45° from L to R, aim for the neck of Ca.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Move the L leg back to Liên Hoa Tấn, at the same time turn the sword, Gat 6, then turn around the back of the neck. L hand crossed towards R cheek
- Counterattack: Spread the leg R 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R (the body must lower as much as possible), at the same time Chém 5: 45° from bottom to top & from L to R, aiming at the body and under the arm of At. The L arm must be spread away from the R arm to maintain balance.
- Stay in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 6: 45°, from top to bottom & from R to L, without passing the sword behind the neck, aiming at the ribs of L and the body of At.
- Continue to advance the L leg to join the R leg in the position of Liên Hoa Tấn - Chém 8.5 with 2 arms (Đâm Múc - drill vertically, from bottom to top), aiming at At's throat
10. 10th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 10 (Extract from the 10th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 8.1 (Đâm thẳng phải: prick in front of the R side), aim at Ca's chest, the L arm stretched back to balance with the R arm.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Move the L leg back into Liên Hoa Tấn, then move L into Đinh Tấn. At the same time, turn the sword Gạt 1 (from L to R), Hand L armed at hip L.
- Counterattack: Move the R leg to Chảo Mã Tấn R (facing the At). At the same time Chém 3: (Rotation) from bottom to top on the R side, aim under At's arm. The L arm must be crossed over the R cheek to maintain balance.
- Continue to advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 2 (horizontal): from L to R, aiming at At's neck (recommended to cut above At's head), without going behind the neck. The L arm must be spread horizontally opposite the R arm to maintain balance.
11. 11th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 11 (Extract from the 11th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 2 (horizontal), from L to R, aim for Ca’s leg.
- Then advance in Đinh Tấn L – Chém 2 (horizontal) from R to L, aim for the Ca gorge.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump backwards, Chảo Mã Tấn R, body turned 90° to L. At the same time Gạt 4 (4th Tech. parade), from L to R, hand L must be crossed on cheek R.
- Then jump to R en Chảo Mã Tấn L (facing the At). Gạt 2 (2nd Parade Tech). The L hand should be crossed on the R cheek.
- Counterattack: advance 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 3 (Rotation), L side, from bottom to top aiming at At's body.
- To avoid this counterattack, At must turn the sword horizontally in front of the stomach to block the rotation of Ca, and at the same time lie down on the ground.
- Continue to advance in Đinh Tấn L - Chém 1 (slice vertically) from top to bottom, aiming At on the ground (recommended to slice next to At).
12.12th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 12 (Extract from the 12th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 2 (Horizontally) from R to L, aiming at Ca's leg.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump backwards, Độc Hành Tấn L (L leg standing, R leg raised), body turned 90° to L.
- At the same time, Gạt 3 from R to L, release At’s sword. Arm the sword (the handle back, the cutting blade towards the sky and the point towards At).
- Counterattack: Pose in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.2 (Đâm thẳng trái: drill in front of the L side of the body) aiming at At's chest. The L arm must be spread away opposite the R arm to maintain balance.
- Continue to advance in Đinh Tấn L – Chém 8.1 (đâm thẳng phải, aim for At’s abdomen)
13. 13th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 13 (Extract from the 13th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Chảo Mã Tấn R - Chém 3 (rotation) at R, aim for Ca's leg
- Continue to advance the R leg in Đinh Tấn - Chém 8.2 (Đâm Thẳng Trái): dive directly to the L side, aim for Ca's hip
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 8.1 (Đâm Thẳng Phải), dive directly to the R side, aim for Ca's hip.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Move the L leg back to Chảo Mã Tấn L - Chém 3 (rotation) to block At’s sword
- Spread the leg L, 45° at the back in Đinh Tấn L (45° tilt the body at L) – Gạt 4 on the L side & from bottom to top, towards the sword of At.
- Jump 45° to R, in Chảo Mã Tấn L – Gạt 3 (45°), from the R side & from bottom to top towards Aq's sword.
- Counterattack: Advance 45° to R in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 3: (Rotation), from the L side, from bottom to top, aiming at the body and under At's arm.
- Stay in Đinh Tấn R, Chém 6: 45°, from top to bottom & from R to L, without passing the sword behind the neck, aiming at At's leg
14. 14th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 14 (Extract from the 14th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R – Chém 3 (rotation) to R, aiming for Ca’s knee.
- Advance in Đinh Tấn L, then move the R leg forward in Liên Hoa Tấn – Chém 8.5 (Đâm Múc), drill vertically from bottom to top with both hands.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn
- Jump back to Chảo Mã Tấn R – Chém 3 (rotation) to R to counter At's sword.
- Continue to move backwards in Đinh Tấn R (backward posture) - Gạt 7 (The tip of the sword is oriented horizontally at L), from bottom to top, push At's sword upwards, hand L supporting the back of the sword to keep the balance of the sword.
- Counterattack: Turn the sword to R like Gạt 1, then Đá Thẳng R (direct kick R), then pose in Đinh Tấn R.
- Chém 3 (rotation) to R, then remove the R leg back to Độc Hành Tấn, at the same time cock the sword (the handle back, the cutting blade towards the sky and the point towards At). Then pose in Đinh Tấn R forward – Chém 8.2 (Đâm thẳng trái: drill in front of the L side of the body), aiming at At’s face. The L arm must be spread away from the R arm to maintain balance.
15. 15th Counter-Attack Technique
Phản kiếm 15 (Extract from the 15th sequence of Quyen).
Thủ - Đinh Tấn L (attack behind Ca's back)
- Advance in Đinh Tấn R - Chém 8.1 (Đâm thẳng phải: sting in front of the R side of the body), aiming at Ca's head.
Thủ - Đinh Tấn R (back facing d'At)
- Advance the L leg to Liên Hoa Tấn. then turn the body to R, 180°,
- At the same time Gạt 6 (6th Tech. parade), then turn the sword around the neck. Hand L crossed towards armpit R.
- Counterattack: Continue to advance the L leg in Đinh Tấn L, then turn around in Đinh Tấn R facing the At,
- Chém 1: Slice at 30°, (from top to bottom. & from L to R). L hand under R arm, aiming at At’s arm.
- Then advance the L leg into Đinh Tấn L - Chém 1, R side (with 2 hands), aiming at At's head.
[1] : Its full name in Vietnamese is: Tinh Hoa Lưỡng Nghi Kiếm Pháp = the Purity of the Duality of Yin and Yang of the sword.
[2] : See the details of this principle in the document: 299_23_EN_Sword Tech Reform_Quyen of Sword.pdf.