The reform of sword techniques-1st level

La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board
Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao
President of the World Council of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao Masters
President of the International Technical Board
The reform of sword techniques-1st level
Basic techniques
The 5 subjects forming the 1st level of the sword system are:
- Attack techniques.
- Parade techniques.
- Counter-attack techniques.
- The Quyền Lưỡng Nghi Kiếm Pháp[[1]].
- The Song Luyện Kiếm.
I.Basic techniques
In our current teaching program, basic techniques are missing such as: guards, attack and parade (blocking) techniques, which are nevertheless fundamental techniques, which must be taught before practicing Quyen, Song Luyen or the 15 counterattack techniques. It's like we don't learn basic techniques such as punches, kicks, parades, elbows, knees... but we directly learn Khai Mon Quyen, Long Ho Quyen… or the Song Luyen, the counterattacks, etc.
This is why what needs to be reformed first in the level 1 sword system are the basic techniques. The work consists of identifying and classifying all the basic techniques used in the three subjects: sword Quyen, sword Counterattacks and sword Song Luyen as follows:
II.Attack technique: (Chém)
- The structure of saber attack techniques breaks down as follows:
- To slice (Chặt) : cut an object in half, so the area of the sword to use is in the middle of the sword blade.
- Cut (Cắt) : cutting an area of the body rather than cutting it in two, so the area of the sword to use matches the curvature at the head of the sword blade.
- Rotation (Loang) : Continuous movements several times, to cut, so the area of the sword to be used corresponds to the curvature at the head of the sword blade.
- Percer (Đâm) : pierce an object with the head of the sword.
- The positions (Tấn) must be independent of the sword techniques.
- The same attack technique does not have the same execution between the right side and the left side. Because the sword is wielded by one or the other of the two arms (right or left).
- The left arm must always be in sync with the right arm (the arm that holds the sword) for reasons of safety and balance of execution
- R : Right : Right side of the person using the sword
- L : Left : Left side of the person using the sword
1.Chém 1 (1st attack technique).
- Slice: vertically from top to bottom (used with 1 arm or 2 arms).
- Chem 1 is used to slice (with the middle of the sword blade), of which you must get close enough to the opponent and the trajectory of the sword must stop at waist level and the sword must be parallel to the ground.
- The arm holding the sword must be extended forward.
- In the case of execution with only one arm on the R side: for safety reasons, the L arm must cross and be placed under the R arm.
- In the case of execution with only one arm on the L side: the L arm must be brought to the hip or moved back to balance with the R arm.
2.Chém 2 (2nd attack technique).
- Slice horizontally from L to R or from R to L.
- It is recommended to use only one arm to promote flexibility and speed.
- Before executing, the sword can be turned behind the neck or not, it all depends on the circumstances.
- The arm holding the sword must be extended forward.
- Execution from R to L: the L hand must be open and pressed against the R arm to maintain balance. The trajectory of the saber must be inclined by 30° according to the horizontal plane and offset by 30° towards the L in relation to the vertical plane.
- Execution from L to R: The blade must be perfectly horizontal (parallel with the ground). Initially, before slicing, for safety reasons (to avoid cutting yourself) the L hand must be positioned behind the back of the sword, then move towards the L to balance the R arm.
3.Chém 3 (3rd attack technique)
- Rotation from bottom to top: (from L to R or from R to L), cut diagonally and inclined at 20°, so the trajectory forms a letter “X” but tight at 20°.
- It is recommended to use only one arm to promote flexibility and speed
- The arm holding the sword must be straight and the trajectory of the sword must be very close to the body, at L as well as at R.
- Arm L is always synchronized with arm R and has the same movement as arm R. This is to avoid cutting yourself.
- Performed on the R side: diagonally (20°) from R to L.
- Performed on the L side: diagonally (20°) from L to R.
4.Chém 4 (4th attack technique)
- Rotation up and down: (from L to R or from R to L). This technique is the opposite of the 3rd attack technique, its trajectory is diagonal, inclined at 20°, so the trajectory forms a letter “X” but tight at 20°.
- It is recommended to use only one arm to promote flexibility and speed.
- The arm holding the sword must be straight and the trajectory of the sword must be very close to the body, at L as well as at R.
- Arm L is always synchronized with arm R and has the same movement as arm R, This is to avoid cutting yourself.
- Performed on the R side: diagonally (20°) from R to L.
- Performed on the L side: diagonally (20°) from L to R.
5.Chém 5 (5th attack technique)
- Slice/Cut: 45° from bottom to top (used with 1 arm or with 2 arms), its trajectory is diagonal, inclined at 45°, comparable to a large letter “X”, well-spaced at 45°.
- Before executing, the sword can be turned behind the neck or not, it all depends on the circumstances.
- In the case of execution with a single arm, from R to L: the arm L must move upwards, in the same trajectory of the saber, or the hand L must cross and be pressed against the arm R to control the balance of the trajectory of the sword.
- In the case of execution with only one arm, from L to R: arm L must move away from arm R to maintain balance. But initially, before cutting, for safety reasons (to avoid cutting yourself) the hand L must pass behind the back of the sword.
6.Chém 6 (6th attack technique) unlike the 5th attack technique.
- Slice/Cut: 45° from top to bottom (used with 1 arm or with 2 arms), its trajectory is diagonal, inclined at 45°, comparable to a large letter “X”, well-spaced at 45°.
- Before executing, the sword can be turned behind the neck or not, it all depends on the circumstances.
- In the case of execution with only one arm, from R to L: the hand L must cross and press against the arm R to control the balance of the body.
- In the case of execution with a single arm, from L to R: the arm L must be spread opposite the arm R to balance the saber. But initially, before cutting, for safety reasons (to avoid cutting yourself) the hand L must pass behind the back of the sword.
7.Chém 7 (7th attack technique)
- Slice straight ahead. (the blade placed horizontally) push the blade from the cutting side forward (used with 1 arm or with 2 arms).
- In the case of execution with only one arm, from R : the hand L must cross and press against the arm R to control the balance of the body.
- In the case of execution with only one arm, at L: the hand L can be pulled towards the hip L or supported on the back of the sword to support the balance of the sword.
8.Chém 8 (Đâm) (8th attack technique)
- Drill: 5 possibilities (or 5 different directions)
1- Đâm 8.1 (Đâm thẳng phải): drill straight ahead on the R side, the L arm must be stretched back to balance the R arm.
2- Đâm 8.2 (Đâm thẳng trái): drill straight ahead on the L side. At the start: the saber must be: handle back, the cutting side of the blade facing the sky and the point towards the opponent, when execution, the L arm must be stretched back to balance the R arm.
3- Đâm 8.3 (Đâm ngang) : drill horizontally from R to L, arm L must be crossed and pressed against arm R.
4- Đâm 8.4 (Đâm dọc): drill vertically from top to bottom; the arm L must be crossed and pressed against the arm R.
5- Đâm 8.5 (Đâm múc) : drill vertically from bottom to top with 1 arm or with 2 arms L must be crossed and pressed against arm R.
III.Parry techniques : (Gạt)
- In some cases, parry techniques can also become attack techniques. Example: Facing the 1st attack technique, Chem 1 (slice vertically). To counter the opponent, one must jump backwards in Trung Bình Tấn, the sword must execute the 1st parry technique, but in reality, it is an attack technique (6th technique, Slice/Cut: 45° high down). In this case, there is indeed a parry technique but like the 6th attack technique!
- The structure of parrying techniques with the saber is broken down as follows:
1- Parries with the head of the sword facing the sky: Gat 1 and 2.
2- Parries with the head of the sword oriented towards the earth: Gat 3 and 4.
3- Parries with the head of the sword oriented 45° towards the earth: Gat 5 and 6.
4- Parries with the head of the sword oriented horizontally Gat 7 and 8.
- The positions must be independent of the parrying techniques.
- The same parrying technique, between side left and right , does not have the same manner of execution since the sword is held by the arm right (in the majority of cases).
- The left arm must always be in sync with the right arm for reasons of safety and balance of execution.
- R : Right : Right side of the person using the sword
- L : Left : Left side of the person using the sword
1.Gạt 1 (1st parry Tech.)
- The head of the sword is oriented towards the sky.
- The trajectory of the sword is like Gạt 1 with the bare hand, from L to R.
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- The L hand is placed protectively towards the R cheek or on the L hip.
2.Gạt 2 (2nd parry technique)
- The head of the sword is oriented towards the sky.
- The trajectory of the sword is like Gạt 2 with the bare hand, from R to L.
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- The L hand is placed protectively towards the R cheek or on the L hip.
3.Gạt 3 (3rd parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented towards the earth.
- The trajectory of the sword goes from R to L & from Bottom to Top.
- The protection zone: at the bottom, from belt level to the foot.
- Hand L is placed protectively towards cheek R or resting on arm R.
4.Gạt 4 (4th parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented towards the earth.
- The trajectory of the sword goes from L to R & from Bottom to Top.
- The protection zone: at the bottom, from belt level to the foot.
- The hand L is placed protectively towards the cheek R or on the hip L.
5.Gạt 5 (5th parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented at 45° towards the earth at L. The handle upwards.
- The trajectory of the sword goes from R to L, vertically (45°).
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- The L hand must cross towards the armpit of the R arm.
6.Gạt 6 (6th parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented at 45° towards the earth at R. The handle upwards.
- The trajectory of the sword goes from L to R, vertically (45°).
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- Hand L is placed protectively towards cheek R.
7.Gạt 7 (7th parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented horizontally to L.
- The trajectory of the sword is pushed in a curve from bottom to top.
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- The L hand can press on the back of the sword for support and balance of the sword.
8.Gạt 8 (8th parry technique).
- The head of the sword is oriented horizontally to R.
- The trajectory of the sword is pushed in a curve from bottom to top.
- The protection zone: at the top, from belt level to the head.
- Hold the handle of the sword with 2 hands to firmly support the saber.