Proposal of modification of the Vovinam-VVD ranking system

Master Trần Nguyên Đạo
To all the members of World council of Masters
Dear Masters,
I have the honor to present you the project referenced above in order to be voted during the next Congress of masters on May 28th, 2012 of this year. Its main objective will be to propose a new Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao ranking system and at the same time will update the Internal rules of the World Council of Masters and the International Ranking Agreement.
History of the ranking system of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo
Since the birth of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, in 1938, until the death of the Master Founder NGUYEN Loc, in 1960, our ranking system was very summary.
It is necessary to wait until 1964, when the 1st Council of Masters in Vietnam, created the National Federation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Vietnam with 1st legal rules, called rules 1964. After that, ranking system was structured and codified at the same time as the title of Patriarch, the program of teaching, the ranking exam, the thesis presentation … All these rules gathered in 99 Articles and 11 Chapters.
This ranking system contains following 5 levels :
Tự Vệ Nhập Môn (Beginner) |
Sơ đẳng (Low level - Blue Belt) |
Trung đẳng (Average level - Yellow Belt) |
Cao đẳng (Upper level - Red belt) |
Thượng đẳng (supreme Level –White Belt) |
In this period, Vovinam-VVD still had no special belt reserved for Patriarch Master. There was only a supreme white belt. Some time later (nobody remembers exactly the year) Master LE Sang himself created the special belt with 4 fine bands representing the colors of the Vovinam-VVD belts, intended for the only Patriarch: it is the Patriarch White Belt (Bạch Đai Chưởng Môn).
During several years (1964-1975), there was confusion between the Supreme white belt and the Patriarch white belt, but nobody was able to reach this level.
In 1986, Master TRAN Huy Phong reached the function of Patriarch to replace Master LE Sang, during his detention for ideological reasons (brainwashing center) by the regime in Vietnam. In this period, Master LE Sang should carry the supreme white belt but as Master was in prison, nobody had been able to see him carrying this beltIn 1990, Master LE Sang was released after 13 years of detention; master TRAN Huy Phong gave him his patriarch's title in Master LE Sang (1991). At this time we saw Master TRAN Huy Phong carrying the supreme white belt until his death in 1997.
During this difficult period, except the great masters, very few people were aware of this change. But today we can consult documents and wills of our two masters Patriarchs.
At the 1st World Congress of masters, in August, 1996 in Paris, France, during the founding of the World Federation and the World Council of Masters, on the proposal of Master Patriarch TRAN Huy Phong, the supreme white belt is attributed for all " masters, founder members of the 1st Council of Masters in 1964 or to the direct disciples of Master Founder NGUYEN Loc ".
This proposal was also integrated in The International Ranking Agreement, proposed by Master TRAN Nguyen Dao and it was approved by the 3rd World Congress of Masters on August 18th, 2000 in California, the United States.
In May, 2008, during the 6th World Congress, through Master TRAN Nguyen Dao's project on the creation of a Supreme Council of Masters, the Supreme White Belt is restricted only to masters of the 1st Council of Masters and\or direct disciples of Master Founder. It became the Belt of the members of Supreme council of Masters.
However the Patriarch white belt is always preserved and reserved for the Patriarch LE Sang until his death (Article 15.2, Chapter 3 of the internal rules of the World Council of Masters).
New Proposal for 2012
Dear Masters,
Today, Master LE Sang died for almost two years (in September 27th, 2010). Patriarch's title is no more preserved (resolution of the 1st Congress in 1996 and also, according to the will of Master LE Sang in his lifetime). But the Patriarch white Belt was always preserved in our ranking system and she always appears in The International Ranking Agreement (Article 9, Chapter 2) and in the internal rules of the World Council of Masters.
It is for that reason I propose, on the advice of Master NGUYEN Van Cuong, President of Supreme council of Masters, to maintain the Patriarch Belt white by renaming White Belt President of the world council of Masters. It is also a way to preserve this heritage and never forget the spirit and the contributions of our two masters Patriarchs : LE Sang and TRAN Huy Phong.
Paris on February 23rd 2012
Master Trần Nguyên Đạo
Chapter II, Article 9.6.a (original text)
President of the world council of the Master: a symbolic function, he is not mandatory to be among the elected representatives. He is appointed by the members of elected representatives of the World Council of Masters. On the other hand he must govern all the world congress of masters.
Chapter II, Article 9.6.a (updated text)
The President of the world council of Masters : a symbolic function, he is not mandatory to be among the elected representatives. He is appointed by the members of elected representatives of the World Council of Masters. On the other hand he must govern all the world congress of masters.
The President of the world council of Masters is a function entitled to wear the “The White Belt President of the world council of Masters” for the duration of his mandate or until the date of his resignation or absence for any reason. The White Belt President is a belt with 4 fine bands representing the colors of the belts of Vovinam-VVD, other time intended for the Patriarch :
Chapter III, Article 15.1 (original text)
Maintain the Patriarch White Belt (with 4 fine bands) representing the colors of the Vovinam-VVD belts) until the death day of master Patriarch LE Sang.
Chapter III, Article 15.1 (updated text)
Maintain the Patriarch White Belt (with 4 fine bands) representing the colors of the Vovinam-VVD belts) until the death day of master Patriarch LE Sang. This belt then becomes the White Belt of the President of the world council of Masters and exclusively reserved for this function.
Chapter II, Article 9 (original text)
The international ranking system of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao was adopted during the 2nd of the World Congress of Masters Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Houston - Texas - the USA in May, 1998. He is updated during the 6th World Congress in Paris - France on May 04th, 2008. The international ranking system is defined according to the schema below.
Chapter II, Article 9 (updated text)
The international ranking system of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao was adopted during the 2nd of the World Congress of Masters Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Houston - Texas - the USA in May, 1998.
1st update during the 6th World Congress in Paris - France on May 04th, 2008. 2nd update during the 7th World Congress in Paris - France on May 28th, 2012.
The international ranking system is defined according to the schema below :
Paris, on February 23rd, 2012
Secretary of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao
Master Trần Nguyên Đạo