Master LÊ Công Danh - Proposals to amend the 10 fundamental principles

Dear Masters of the World Council of Masters
of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao,
Following proposals and letters of calls for the contribution to the "Draft of revision of the 10 fundamental principles" by Master Tran Nguyen Dao, General secretary of the World Council of Masters, and "Summary of Proposals of Revision of the 10 fundamental principles" by the both Seniors Masters NGUYEN Van Cuong and NGO Huu Lien, I have the honor to present my opinion:
I totally agree that we need to do the job of revising the 10 fundamental principles (Tâm Niệm), because our martial art has become a culture, a martial art in many countries. It is for this reason that the 10 fundamental principles (Tâm Niệm) must be adaptable to the international order to be accepted by all social classes, by all cultures and be apart of all religions.
For the analyzes and proposals of the two Seniors Masters, 10 fundamental principles have changed in about 20% on the bottom, amendments made to the terms and expressions that are specific to Vietnam. On this point, I completely agree. Let me also extend my Congratulations to both Seniors Masters who have done their time for this job. Even if only 20% of changes, this is a difficult work and there is not anyone who can do it.
To participate in this contribution, I propose that we keep the term "Điều Tâm Niệm" (fundamental principles) instead of "Điều Tâm Hướng" (orientation principles).
I think the term "Điều Tâm Niệm" is rooted in memory and in the behavior of Vietnamese all Vietnamese practitioners, me too. For over 48 years we have been impregnated with this teaching as we have also provided many generations of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Vietnam, as in many countries worldwide. Therefore, this term has become a part of oneself. Today, the fact of change is like removing a part of our body. Therefore, action to change this expression can become an obstacle, a problem that may block a number of people.
For this reason, I propose that we keep the term "Điều Tâm Niệm" because it has become a "cultural product" of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, not a term reserved for the various sects or beliefs.
Sydney on 21/04/2012.
Master LE Cong Danh