Activity Report request for the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-VVĐ - 2022 Paris


Réf : 134-22-TTK/EN_17-04-2022

vvd logo congres 2022 bleumarineActivity report request for the 9th World Congress

of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo – 2022




  • Having regard to the rules of procedure of the World Council of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo Masters,
  • Having regard to the statutes of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo,

Dear Masters Presidents of the National Masters Councils,

Dear Presidents and Leaders of National Federations, 

In preparation for the 9th World Masters Congress and the General Assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo to be held in Paris - France, from July 20 to 23, 2022, we need your activity reports to inform us of the information below: 

  • Name and address of your Federation and contact information. 
  • Name of the Federal President and list of the members of the Steering Committee. 
  • Name of the President and list of members of the National Masters Council. 
  • Number and ranks of masters, yellow belts (black) and blue belts (example: 1 master 5th dang, 2 masters 4th dang, 5 black belts 3rd dang, 10 black belts 2nd dang, 20 black belts 1st dang, 300 blue belts, 50 children...). 
  • Names and addresses of clubs. 
  • Main activities carried out (courses, grade exams, demonstrations, others...) since the 8th World Congress in 08/2016 in Los Angeles - California – USA.

Download model : VVN_Rapport activités_2022A.doc


Please send your activity report before May 31, 2022 to the following address:  

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Thanking you for your collaboration, we look forward to seeing you in Paris - France for the success of the 9th World Congress and the 6th World Cup.


Paris, 17-04-2022 

General Secretary of the World Council of Masters,

Maître Hà Kim Khánh

President of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo,

Grand Maître Nguyễn Thế Thierry

Convening of the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-VVÐ

Convening of the 9th World Congress

of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo – 2020


  • Considering the internal regulations of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo,
  • Considering the statutes of the World Federation of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo,


Dear Masters, members of the World Council of Masters,

Dear leaders of the national federations,


We are pleased to inform you that the 9th World Masters Congress and the General Assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo will take place in Paris - France, May 20-23, 2020

Here is the provisional program:

  • From 16 to 19/05/2020 : Reception of masters and international delegations.
  • Wednesday 20/05/2020: World Masters Congress and General Assembly of the World Federation.
  • Thursday 21/05/2020 : Technical examination & defence of masters' theses.
  • Friday 22/05/2020 : Examination of black belt grades & French Cup Qualifiers.
  • Saturday 23/05/2020 : Celebration of the Foundation & Finals of the French Cup.

The 9th World Congress in 2020 will mark a new step forward for our organization on a global level as we will have to re-elect all our leaders:


  • The World Council of Vovinam Masters Việt Võ Đạo : A technical executive board responsible for ethics, philosophy, the curriculum, the degree system, examinations, thesis defences..., with the mission of monitoring, supporting and developing Vovinam's national federations and training centres Việt Võ Đạo throughout the world.
  • The World Federation of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo : administrative executive board that represents our Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo in legal terms, with the mission of controlling, coordinating and developing all national federations.

 It will be an exceptional moment that will take place once every 4 years so that masters and leaders can make their contributions, express their opinions and vote on decisions... on projects, proposals or international conventions... in order to make improvements to our organization.

Get ready now to attend this conference and run for election as the new management team to actively participate in the development of our organization.

The World Congress is also an opportunity for masters from all continents to take the degree examination, defend their thesis or be promoted to the next grade according to the "International Convention of Grades".

The organizing committee will be placed under the direction of the World Federation with the support of the Federation Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo France.

For the duration of the World Congress, we will cover the costs of accommodation and meals for the masters and presidents of the member national federations.

Especially, the 9th World Congress will be organized jointly with the GRT – « Grand Rassemblement Traditionnel - Great Traditional Gathering », an annual event in France to celebrate the celebration of the Vovinam Foundation Việt Võ Đạo. Thus, for this 60th anniversary of the foundation, the examination of grades which will take place on 22/05/2020 will therefore be of international level.

In the coming days, the International Technical Commission will send you the detailed program and registration details.   

We look forward to seeing you in Paris - France for the success of the 9th World Congress.


Paris, 03-11-2019 

Secretary General of the World Council of Masters,

Master Hà Kim Khánh

President of the World Federation of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo,

Grand Master Nguyễn Thế Thierry

Proposal 3 of master Dao - 8th congress

Proposal on wrestling fighting regulations of Vovinam-VVĐ international

Restoring the tradition of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao – Reviving the traditional culture of Vietnam 

Master Trần Nguyên Đạo


Dear masters, 

The wrestling fighting of existing matter in the teaching program and was mandatory in the ranks of promotion examinations in Vietnam in the period of apogee of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao (1964 - 1975)


After 1975, outside of Vietnam and almost in all countries of the world, the wrestling is taught only on the technical level (28 techniques VAT) and through the SONG Luyen (codified fighting, the 1st to 3rd), leaving aside the wrestling fighting, which is no longer present in the ranks of passages or in competitions.


This is also the same situation in Vietnam! After 15 years of prohibition, when the government agreed that the Vovinam VVD resume its activities (1990), the wrestling (VAT) is always absent in graduation ceremonies and in tournaments.


We will not discuss the reasons for the disappearance of the wrestling fighting found above because it is not the aim of this proposal. This year, on the occasion of the 8th World Congress of Vovinam-VVĐ 2016, i wish to submit a proposal entitled: Proposal on wrestling fighting regulations for the Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao international, aiming to restore traditional material of our discipline and at the same time reviving the traditional culture of Vietnam.


This project has been experienced for many years, both in form: the clothing aspect, the fighting area, behaviors, terms ... .as the fund: ratings, prohibitions, length, weight ...


At the beginning of 2013, the Council of the masters of France and me, we decided to restore the wrestling at the Great Gathering Traditional (53th celebration of the foundation). In order to ensure this experimentation, I travel in all the clubs in France and Belgium to teach the techniques and regulations of the wresling fighting for masters, teachers and practitioners. This is necessary to prevent injury and accidents due to lack of preparation of the techniques of wrestling fighting. Indeed many injuries on our first attempt, 31 years ago (1985), due to a lack of rules clearly explained, we had decided to suspend this type of competition.


Through these trainings, testing in 2013 was a great success among practitioners, parents and spectators. We therefore have continued and perfected through the national tournaments of 2014, 2015 and 2016, the 2014 World Cup in Paris and the European Cup in 2016 in Belgium.


Through these positive results, we believe that this is the time to present our project to the World Council of masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao to formalize this traditional material internationally. 

Brief overview on the traditional wrestling in Vietnam

When human society becomes civilized, the wrestling became a cultural, sports and military. Since ancient times, the Greeks and Romans had created the wrestling techniques in Europe (Greco-Roman wrestling is an Olympic sport), the Russian Sambo, Korean and Ssireum, the Japanese and Sumo, Mongolian and traditional wrestling (Bokh) ...


In Vietnam, through historical traces of ancient times, we know that Mrs. Lê Chân, a general of the Trưng Sisters (year 43 period Trưng Sisters) organized tournaments and wrestling training centers to recruit new talent in the coastal region of Hai Phong. Mr. Nguyen Chinh Tam, of the same time that Mrs. Lê Chân, had opened a training room to teach the wrestling in Mai Dong (Ha Noi) and was considered the founder of the wrestling in the region Dong Mai. In the 10th century, Duong Dinh Nghe had reactivated the wrestling center Mai Dong and recruited 3,000 valiant wrestlers.


Under the Ly and Tran dynasty, members of the royal family had come to " Giảng võ đường  " (training center) to train in martial arts and wrestling techniques, one of the important subjects. According to the great history book "Dai Viet Su Toàn Thư Ký," the son of King Tran Thừa (1184-1234), Prince Ba Liet (Hoài Đức Vương, born in 1216, the father of Trần Quốc Toản) suffered strangulation that cut her breath during a wrestling tournament and had escaped death through the intervention of King Tran Thừa.


The first title of Doctor of Wrestling in Vietnam was awarded to Mr. Vu Phong (1443), under the Le dynasty, and after, there was Mr. Mạc Đăng Dung (1483-1851) who became famous for his wrestling talent . Mr. Lê Như Hổ (1511-1581), Mr. Doan Nguyen Kham (Mạc  Dynasty) ...


In summary, the wrestling has always been present in the Vietnamese martial arts. Moreover, wrestling tournaments are held each year during festivals or large popular manifestations in the cities, villages across Vietnam. The wrestling has become a national and traditional sport ...


The oldest and most reputable training centers of wrestling are in the regions: Mai Động Yên Sở, Tây Mỗ… in Ha Noi; the training centers of Quốc Oai, Bát Bạt, Thạch Thất (the province of the Master Founder Nguyen Loc) ... in Sơn Tây region; clubs  Tri Nghị, Đồng Nguyên, Chung Mầu, Long Khám ... in the Hà Bắc  region; clubs Nha Môn Thạch Sơn, Tứ Xá, Tử Du ... in Vĩnh Phú; clubs Mỹ Lộc, Giao Thủy, Xuân Trường… in Hà Nam region; clubs Hoàng Hoá, Phú Khe, Lương Quán… in Thanh Hoá ; clubs Nghi Lộc, Nam Đàn… in Nghệ An ; Tien Lãng clubs in Hải Phòng : clubs Quảng Ninh, Bố Trạch in Quảng Bình ...


Regulations traditional Vietnamese wrestling are numerous. They depend on the region or examinations for the selection of officers in martial arts under various monarchies.


However, they have the following characteristics: 

  • Organizations are held once every 3 or 4 years for selection examinations officers in martial arts under the monarchical regimes
  • Organizations are held each year in the provinces and villages or during major holidays or during the New Year festival (Tết festival) 

The candidates must be shirtless, and are dressed in a sort of belt with "loincloth". There is no distinction level, grade and weight. Punches, kicks... are prohibited. They can catch their opponent to drop or throw. To win must be satisfied the following conditions: 

  • Push the opponent out of the fighting area (circle diameter of 4 to 5 meters).
  • Lift the opponent so he cannot touch the ground with both feet (if a foot touches the ground, the technique does not count).
  • Projecting the opponent so that his shoulders and back touch the ground (if it falls face down, the technique is not valid).
  • Secure the opponent by a key or a constriction until it admits defeat.

In competitions, there is no time limit in a wrestling match. Candidates must fight until there is a winner.


There are two categories of the tournament:


-          Small tournament: reserved for small competitions in which there are few participants. Candidates are drawn and fight for the playoffs until the final for a winner is declared.


-          Big tournament: reserved for major competitions, championships between cities. 

Prices are distributed as follows: 

  • 1st prize: it takes 6 consecutive wins in 6 fights to be able to measure the defending champion (winner of the previous year). If he wins, he will be the first prize.
  • 2nd prize: the candidate must win 5 of 6 fights for the right to fight against the second ranked candidate from the previous year.
  • 3rd prize : the candidate must win 4 of 6 fights to be able to fight against the third ranked candidate from the previous year

Regarding regulations on wrestling fighting in  Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo 

  • The regulations for wrestling fighting in the Vovinam-VVĐ are established since 1964 by the "Steering Committee" (or the first Council of Masters of Vovinam-VVĐ). 
  • The wrestling fighting (Đấu Vật) is a compulsory subject in the examinations passing ranks as well as: Quyền, Song Luyện, Techniques etc. 

It is composed as follows: 

    • 3 wrestling fights : for examinations Blue Belt 2nd and 3rd Cap
    • 6 wrestling fights: for examinations Yellow Belt 1st Cap.
    • 9 wrestling fights: for examinations Yellow Belt 2nd Cap.
    • 12 wrestling fights: for examinations Yellow Belt 3rd Cap. 
  • Each fight lasts 3 minutes.

Proposal on Wrestling Fighting Regulations in Vovinam-VVĐ international

I.          The wrestling area 

The wrestling area is composed: 

  • The perimeter of fighting area : it is the circular space at the center (5 m minimum of diameter) or a square or rectangle shape (in red on the diagram - with 5 m minimum side) 
  • The perimeter of security: it is the space in the rectangle around the perimeter of fighting.
aire combat vat 1
  • Two candidates (Ts1, Ts2) form a triangle with the Referee (Tt), in  tht wrestling area and are facing the  3 jury members (Gk1, Gk2, Gk3 and the referee timekeeper(Tg). 
  • Each candidate can be assisted by his trainer (Hlv1, Hlv2) sitting on the same side 
  • Each jury table is assisted by a timekeeper (Tg), which aims to control the duration of the fight. 
II.          Clothes in wrestling fighting 

Fighters should dress as follows:

  • The pants of Vo Phuc (training clothes) and the belt according under the criteria of Vovinam- Viet Vo Dao (Articles 5 and 8 of the International Convention of grades).
  • Jacket of Vo Phuc is replaced by a white, blue or red tight shirt with long sleeves well, putted in pants of Vo Phuc. (See Photo 1).tenue vat

III.          Wrestling fight duration 

  • Each wrestling match lasts 3 minutes and consists of two rounds of 1.5 minute each with a 30 seconds pause between. The total time for a wrestling match is estimated at a minimum of 3 minutes and 30 seconds.  
  • The duration of each round is the actual duration of the fight. The referee timekeeper stops the timer countdown to each intervention: the referee, jury members, doctors, coaches or at the request of temporary suspension from the fighter.  
IV.         Modalities for wrestling fighting  

IV.1.           Priority Principle 

  • Priority Principle for the attacker: In case one who takes the initiative to attack, successfully, he will be declared the winner or the points will be counted double compared to that the participant who against attack.
  • Priority Principle for wrestling techniques of Vovinam-VVĐ: In the case of application of control of Vovinam-VVD techniques, points awarded must be double compared to a technique that is not of Vovinam VVD. (See annotation 5, prohibited techniques and annotation 6 authorized techniques of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao)  

The above two principles are designed to encourage participants to attack more often and to implement control techniques of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao 

IV.2.           Immobilization principle of the adversary of a duration of 10 seconds 

  • If following a projection, the adversary fell (back or shoulder touch the floor), the immobilization work can begin (see annotation 4, the immobilization techniques) and the referee or jury gives order " Đếm " (Counting).
  • When the referee or jury orders " Đếm ", counting will be done in 1 to 10 to the referee. (See photo 2)
comptage vat
  • If after 10 seconds, the opponent could not free himself, the fighter will be declared the winner or will have a good note as appropriate (see the methodology of notations Article VII)

IV.3.            Principle of determining the winner 

According to the following cases: 

  • Winner: 3 points. When the two fighters reached 3 points, he is the winner and the fight is stopped without waiting for the duration of 3 minutes elapsed. 
  • Equality: Points of 2 fighters are retained for the next round. 
  • Defeated: the fighter who lost retains his points in case of a possible draft. In case the number of fighters is odd, the defeated fighter with the highest score will be drafted.
V.          Competitors Call Procedures 
  • All competitors must be present on the surface of combat when called, even if they wish to abandon or forfeit.
  • After 3 calls, candidates who are not present will be disqualified automatically.
VI.         Modalities for wrestling fighting 
  • When called, the combatants come to the fighting area, carry salvation to the jury and the referee and await the orders of the referee. 
  • After the security check (see Annotations 2: terms before fighting), calls for the salvation "Nghiem lễ" between the two fighters and orders the beginning of wrestling: seizure neck and arm under the rules of the wrestling fighting of Vovinam-VVĐ. (see photo 3) position vat avant combat
  • The fight can only start after the order of the referee "Đấu".
  • Candidates must stop the fight on the referee or jury's "Thoi". 
  • When the 2 feet of one of the two fighters are out of the fighting area, the referee will say "Thôi" and temporarily stops the fight (see photo 4). hors zone combat vat
  • The referee or jury has the right to suspend the fighting (by saying " Thôi ") in case of danger or when no combatively. 
  • The jury observed the fight, score points and designate the winner to the referee.
  • The referee performs the procedures of "end of the fight" and refers to the winner (see Annotation 3: Modality after the fight the referee)
VII.          Notations methodology 

VII.1.            Cases of application a wrestling technique of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.

(See annotation 5: prohibited techniques and annotation 6: authorized techniques of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao) 


Cases of application a wrestling technique of  Vovinam-VVĐ


The opponent fell cleanly and is immobilized to the ground for 10 seconds: the fighter is declared the winner (the fight is stopped without waiting for the 3 minutes of duration is reached).


The opponent fell cleanly, but grounding did not last 10 seconds.


The opponent fell cleanly, but the immobilization has failed or is against-attacked by opponent




The opponent fell not very clearly and is immobilized to the ground more than 10 seconds.


The opponent fell from not very clearly, but the grounding did not last 10 seconds


The opponent fell from not very clearly, but the immobilization has failed or is against-attacked by opponent




On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, and immobilization for 10 seconds, the opponent has earned 1 point.


On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, and immobilization takes less than 10 seconds, the opponent has earned 0.5 point.


On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, but the immobilization failed, then there is equality for the 2 fighters, so no point.

VII.2.            Cases of application a wrestling technique that does not belong to the Vovinam-VVĐ. 


Cases of application a wrestling technique that does not belong to the Vovinam-VVĐ.


The opponent fell cleanly and is grounded for 10 seconds.


The opponent fell cleanly, but grounding did not last 10 seconds.


The opponent fell cleanly, but the immobilization has failed or is against-attacked by opponent




The opponent has fallen not so clear and is grounded more than 10 seconds.


The opponent fell not very clearly, but the grounding did not last 10 seconds


The opponent fell from not very clearly, but the immobilization has failed or is against-attacked by opponent




On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, and immobilization for 10 seconds, the opponent has earned 1 point.


On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, and immobilization takes less than 10 seconds, the opponent has earned 0,5 point.


On an attack, the two fighters are not yet fallen.

If the attack is countered by the opponent, but the immobilization failed, then there is equality for the 2 fighters, so no point.

VII.3.            Cases where the duration of the fight time is reached

  • If the duration of the fight time is reached (3 minutes), the winner is the one with the most points. The loser keeps his notes for a possible draft.
  • In case of a tie, each fighter keeps his notes.

VII.4.            Special case

  • Case of a forfeit request during or before the fight: the person who made the application shall be declared loser and his opponent will be the winner.


VII.5.            Cases that do not count in the notation

  • One of the two fighters loses his balance and slips or falls.
  • One of the two fighters is pushed out of the fighting area. Is considered to be outside the fighting area when the 2 feet of the fighter are outside the fighting area. The referee will order " Thôi " to temporarily stop the fight.
VIII.         Prohibitions 
  • It is prohibited use the following techniques : punches, kicks, sharp hand, backhand fist, elbows, spikes, claws, pinching, biting, grabbing the hair, etc.
  • No seizure fingers or wrists (see photo 5)
  • Do not cling to clothing (see photo 6 and 7). But, seizure of the belt is accepted. (See photo 8)
  • Do not continue to attack when the opponent is declared defeated.
  • It is prohibited to attack or against-attack when referee or jury gave the order to stop fighting: « THÔI ».
  • It is prohibited to attack or against-attack when the opponent is out of the fighting area (or when he entered in the security perimeter)  
vat interdit casser doigt

Cấm không được bẻ, nắm ngón tay hoặc cổ tay - Interdiction de saisir les doigts ou les poignets

Prohibition to enter the fingers or wrists

vat interdit nam ao

Cấm không được nắm áo - Interdiction de saisir le maillot

Prohibition to enter the jersey

vat interdit nam quan

Cấm không được nắm quần - Interdiction de saisir le pantalon

Prohibition to enter the pants

vat autorise nam dai

Được quyền nắm đai - Autorisé à saisir la ceinture

Allowed to enter the belt

IX.          Warnings 

The juy or the referee has the right to issue warning and assign penalty points (points off) at anytime on condition that they respect the following procedure: 

  • Launch the order to stop fighting "THÔI ".
  • The referee and the judges are to meet at the table of the jury to decide all measures of warning and penalty points (see annotations 1: Table of penalties).
  • The warnings and penalty points are valid only if the decision is a simple majority (2 votes for and one vote against).
  • Penalty points must immediately be recorded by the judges.
  • The Referee announces the reason for the penalty while designating the candidate at fault.
  • Fight resuming 
X.         Suspension of the fight 

The fight is suspended (temporary stop) by the referee or one of the members of the jury in the following cases: 

  • When both feet of one of the fighters enter the « security perimeter ».
  • Fighters or coach may request the suspension for a rest of 15 seconds or to request abandoning the fight.
  • The jury has the right to suspend the fight and decide the winner if he believes that the fight too dangerous because there is an important difference in the level.
  • On the intervention of the President of the Jury, the Competition Director or medical personnel 
XI.        Claims 

Only coaches of the fighters have the right to make a complaint provided that they respect the following procedure: 

  • Make claims at the end of the fight.
  • The candidates can claim only via their trainer.
  • The trainer must go to the table of the jury for his claim and possibly file its appeal to the Jury President or the Director of the competition.
  • It is forbidden to claim out loud in front the public or to quarrel with the jury.
  • After issuing claims, the trainer and his fighter must respect the decisions of the jury or the Jury President or the Director of the competition. 

In the case of non-observance of these above rules, disciplinary measures will be applied to the fighter or his delegation.  

XII.       Regulations about encouragement of the fighters during the fight 
  • During the fight, both trainers are the only ones allowed to speak and give advice to their fighter.
  • The supporters can encourage their fighters with applause but must never speak to them promulgate their guidance or criticism.
  • It is forbidden for candidates to: talk, contest or provoke his opponent during the fight. But, they may request the suspension fight for to ask advice on their coach 
XIII.        Weight categories

The weight categories are determined by the decisions of each country or according to the championships. But they are often established as follows (Tranche of 5 kg): 

  1. <  65kg
  2. 65 – 70kg
  3. 70 – 75 kg
  4. 75 – 80 kg
  5. > 80 kg 
XIV.       Function of the referee 
  • The referee is the guarantor of the respect for the rules, the proper conduct of fight and security of the fighters
  • Give the orders as: Start, stop and temporary stop and end of the fight.
  • Decides disciplinary measures as: Getting attention (call to order), Warnings, penalty points or disposal.
  • Participates in the decision to determine the winner at the request of the jury.
  • Control the clothes and protections of the fighters.
  • Declare the fighter winner as determined by the jury.
  • The referee must be positioned permanently between combatants and face the jury..
  • Has the right to suspend the combat if :
    • There is an important level difference of the fighters.
    • On demands of the medical corps. 
XV.     Function of the jury 
  • The jury has the function to give note and decide which of the two fighters is the winner. It may also assign penalty points (negative) and disciplinary actions
  • At the end of the fight, designate the winner to the Referee.
  • To consult the Referee at any time.
  • The jury may suspend the fight in the following cases :
    • There is an important level difference of the fighters.
    • On demands of the medical corps. 
XVI.    The Trainer of the Delegation 

His role is: 

  • To prepare, assist and advise (also during the fight) to represent his competitors. It is their spokesman.
  • The only official interlocutor of his delegation for the jury and the technical committee of the competition.
  • The only person allowed to sit on a chair placed next to the fighting.
  • The responsible for the actions and behavior of the competitors of his delegation for the duration of the competition.
  • The only person entitled to submit claims with the jury or request appeal to the Jury President or the Director of the Competition.
  • respect the decisions of the judges or the Jury President or the Director of the competition on its claims
  • To respect the working method and the decisions of the referee and the jury members. 
XVII.         Medical corps 
  • At any time, competitors, coaches, referees, jury members ... may request the intervention of the medical corps.
  • The doctor may order a suspension of the fight after, and the jury will decide who will be the winner. 
XVIII.        Various 

XVIII.1.          Upgrades or sub-classifications of weight classes 

A category is only valid if it contains at least 3 fighters.

The class upgrade or downgrade to a different must be decided by the President of the jury. 

XVIII.2.          The draft or direct qualification. 

For a category of fighting to proceed correctly, the number of candidates must be always an even number. The President of the Jury can decide the direct qualification of a candidate, by drawing lots.

Equally, the president may decide to give a second chance to a deserving candidate having lost in the previous round (draft). 

Annotation 1: Table of penalties 

The faults

Penalty points (less)

Seizure and hooking to clothing

Warning : -0,5 to –1 point depending the case

Use : fists, feet, hand sword backhand fist, knees, pikes, fingers, elbows, claws, bite, grab hair, etc.

Warning: from -0.5 to -2 as appropriate

  • To continue to attack when the adversary has declared defeated
  • To continue to attack or cons-attack when the referee or jury gave the order to stop the fight : « THÔI »
  • To attack or cons-attack when the adversary is out of the

fighting area (security perimeter)


Warning: -0.5 maximum points for disposal (-3 points) as appropriate.

  • Leaving voluntary the fighting area, refusing the fight, flee …
  • Intentionally fall to escape the fighting.

Warning :  -0,5 to -1 point

  • Have a disrespectful behavior (words or gestures) :
    • Ø Towards the Adversary
    • Ø Towards the Referee or the Judges
    • Ø Towards the public


  • Violations of article XI (Claims)

Warning : de -2 to the points maximum for elimination (-3)


Convening of the 8th World Congress of Vovinam-VVÐ

Convening of the 8th World Congress

of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo – 2016

  • In accordance with the internal rules of the World Council of masters of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo.
  • In accordance with the statues of the World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ.

 Dear masters, members of the World Council of Masters and dear leaders of the national federation, we are delightful to announce that the 8th world Congress of masters and the general assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ will take place in California, USA in early July 2016, organized by the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Federation of Western United States. 

  Dear masters,

Dear leaders, 

 The 8th World Congress 2016 will be a new turning point for our organization on the world plan. We have to reelect all our leaders of our world structure.

 It will be a special moment to be held in time every 4 years. This is an opportunity for masters and representatives to bring their contributions, to provide their opinions and vote on decisions ... about projects, proposals or international conventions... to make improvements to our organization.


This is also an opportunity for teachers from all continents to present themselves at passing ranks, to sustain their thesis or be nominated for the higher rank according to the "International Convention on ranks."


The summary of the agenda of the 8th World Congress - 2016 will be the following:

(The detailed agenda and voting procedures will be addressed later)



World Congress of masters:

  • Organization of the passages of ranks and the sessions of thesis defense for the masters. Votes for the nominations
  • Annual report of the General Secretary of the World Council of masters
  • Approval on the new members and the radiations
  • Approval the projects relative to the functioning of the World Council of masters
  • Election of the new member’s leaders of the World Council of masters for the mandate 2016-2020.


General Assembly of the World Federation:

  • Annual report of the President of the World Federation
  • Report about Cups :

 - European Cup-Geneva, Switzerland - 2012

- 4th World Cup - Paris, France 2014

- African Cup - Rabat, Morocco in 2015

- European Cup - Liège, Belgium-2016


  • Decision on acceptance the new member(s) or exclusion existing member(s). Election of the President of the World Federation for the mandate 2016-2020.


The organizing committee will be under the responsibility of the Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo Federation of Western United States.

The organizing committee will be responsible funding for accommodation and meals for the duration of the congress.


We wish you a good preparation for a complete success of the next congress.


Paris, on 21-07-2015.

General Secretary of the World Council of masters of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo,

Master Trần Nguyên Đạo.


President of the World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ,

 Master Nguyễn Thế Thierry


Convening of the 7th World Congress of Vovinam-VVÐ

  • Seen the internal rules of the world Council of masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao.
  • Seen the statutes of the world Federation of Vovinam-VVÐ.

We have the pleasure to inform you, dear masters, members of world council of masters and dear leaders of the national federations that the 7th world Congress of masters and the general assembly of the world federation of Vovinam-VVÐ will take place in Paris, France, 26 on May 29th - on 2012.

Dear Masters and dear Leaders

The 7th world Congress in 2012 will be a new bend for our organization on the world plan because we shall have to reelect all our leaders of our world structure.

It will also be the opportunity to adopt the projects or the propositions to modernize our organization. It will also be the occasion for masters to sit the passage of ranks, to support their thesis or to be nominated for the upper rank according to "the International Convention of the ranks ".

The contents of the agenda of this 7th congress will approach the following themes:
(The agenda in detail and the principles of vote will be to you)

World congress of masters :

  • Organization of the passages of ranks and the sessions of thesis’s presentation. Vote for the nominations.
  • Annual report of the General Secretary of the world Council of masters.
  • Approval on the new members as well as the radiations.
  • Approval of the projects relative to the functioning of the world Council of masters.
  • Election of the new members leaders of the world Council of masters (mandate 2012-2016)

General assembly of the world federation :

  • Annual report of the President of the world Federation.
  • Report of the 3rd world cup of Vovinam-VVÐ - Germany 2010.
  • Adoption of the new members and\or the radiations
  • Election of the President of the world Federation for the mandate 2012-2016.

Cup of the World Council of Masters

Specially this year, this 7th World Congress takes place at the same time as the celebration of the foundation and the French cup of the Federation Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao France. It is the reason why we decided to organize with the French Federation of the additional events, in international dimension, baptized "Cup of the World Council of Masters " to create a dynamic breath for all the practitioners in the world.

As you know, we have the World cup every 4 years, according to the model of Olympics, inserted by the continental cups. Therefore, every 2 years, practitioners have the possibility of participating in international matches. However, some continents as America, Oceania and Asia, no have conditions to be able to organize cups to them, their practitioners are obliged to wait 4 years to be able to participate in international competitions.

It is for this reason and taking advantage of the opportunity of a 7th world Congress of Vovinam-VVÐ, with the presence of numerous masters and leaders of member countries, we shall organize this international cup to meet the needs of our practitioners around the world.

Dear Masters and dear Leaders

In the next days, the International Technical Commission will send you details on: the subjects of competition, the rules of the cup as well as the modalities of registration. As well as the detailed program, the modalities of the votes, the application files in the elections as well as the procedures relative to the masters thesis defense.

The organizing committee will be supervised by the world Federation, by the International Technical Commission with the support of the Federation Vovinam-VVÐ France.

During the congress, the expenses of hosting and meals for masters and presidents of the national federations are in our care.

Paris, 25-12-2011.

General Secretary of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao,
Me. TRAN Nguyen Dao

President of the World Federation of Vovinam-VVĐ,
Me. NGUYEN The Thierry


  • Infos
  • Exams
  • Regulation
  • The proposals and the projects

    An International organization as ours, if it has no changes or reforms, it becomes then a structure in stagnation and it will have no future!

    For that reason, the changes as: Internal Rules, International Agreement, Way of functioning… or the reforms as: Program of Teaching, Educational Program, Program of Examination… are activities more than necessities, they are the homework of the members of World council of Masters.

    According to the Chapter I, Article 4.1 of the Internal rules of the World Council of Masters : " All masters, members of council, have the right to propose reforms in all the Chapters, and articles of all the activities of the World Council of Masters, on the condition of sending them two months in advance to the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters to register them on the schedule Debate ".