Press release on the results of the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo - 07/2022

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Réf : 138-22-TTK/EN-28-07-2022 

Press release on the results

of the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo - 07/2022


Dear Masters and Leaders, 

We have the honor to communicate to you of the results of the 9th World Congress: 

  • Agenda:
    •        20/07/2022: World Congress of Masters and General Assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt   Võ Đạo
    •        21/07/2022: Examination of grades and defense of Master's thesis
    •        22/07/2022: Belt Award Ceremony for Masters
    •        07/22 and 23/2022: 6th World Cup of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo 
  • Venue of the congress:

   Halle Georges Carpentier

 81 Boulevard Massena, 75013 Paris - France 

  • Organizing Committee

        Federation Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo France 


Proposal for the renewal of the leading team of the World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao - Paris 2022

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Réf : 135-22-TTK/EN- 17-06-2022

Proposal for the renewal of the leading team
of the World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao



Dear Masters, members of the World Masters Council,
Dear Presidents of National Federations,
Since always, the world congresses of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao are privileged moments for all our masters and leaders of the federations of the whole world, allowing them to meet in order to exchange the new techniques, the methods of teaching, or to propose the changes of our rules of functioning so that our structures are better adapted to our needs.
Organised every 4 years, the World Congress is also the occasion to renew the leadership of the World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao through the democratic election of the members of their structures:
• The World Council of Masters
• The World Federation
The 8th World Congress was held in Los Angeles - California - USA, in July 2016. In principle and according to our statutes, the 9th World Congress should be organised in Paris in May 2020. Unfortunately, the global health crisis due to covid-19 has forced us to postpone this event until July 2022.

Theoretically, as stipulated in the Rules of Procedure, the election of new leaders will be carried out at this 9th World Congress for a 4-year term (2022-2026). And this 4-year cycle will continue in the years to come, which means that World Congresses will always be twinned with World Cups instead of a two-year gap between the Congress and the World Cup as before.

In recent months, due to the "great difficulties" that the organising team has had in organising the 9th World Congress in conjunction with the 6th World Cup, we will have to face a crisis in the future. Thus, for future congresses: 2026, 2030, 2034... we will have to witness an organisational crisis that will recur.

Dear Masters, dear Presidents,
To avoid this problem becoming recurrent, I propose the following 3 solutions, to be chosen by a democratic vote at the 9th World Congress:

Solution 1: Maintain the calendar shifted by covid-19: 2022, 2026, 2030... always in conjunction with the World Cups



Strict respect to the 4-year mandate


Huge effort to organise World Congresses in conjunction with World Cups


Schedule now shifted by 2 years due to covid-19

Solution 2 : Renewal of the Leadership Team for a 2-year term (2022-2024) and then return to the 4-year cycle: 2024, 2028, 2032...



Return to the normal calendar from 2024

Exceptionally short term of office of 2 years

No joint organisation with the World Cups

No long term project with a new team having a too short mandate

Solution 3 : Extension of the current leadership team for 2 more years (2022-2024) and then back to the 4 year cycle: 2024, 2028, 2032...



Return to the normal calendar from 2024


No joint organisation with the World Cups


Dear Masters, dear Presidents,
Thanking you for your attention and counting on your judicious choice during the next vote, we give you an appointment in Paris - France for the success of the 9th World Congress and the 6th World Cup.

Paris, 17-06-2022
Secretary General of the World Masters Council,
Master Hà Kim Khánh

© La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao | 


Saber Techniques Reform Proposal - Paris-2022

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Ủy Ban Kỹ Thuật Quốc Tế
La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board


Grand master Trần Nguyên Đạo

President of International Technical Board


vvd logo congres 2022 noir

Saber Techniques Reform Proposal





Dear masters, members of the World Council of Masters, 

As President of the International Technical Board, I have the honor to propose improvements to the Vovinam-VVD 1st level saber techniques [1]. Currently, according to the international training program, the 1st level saber techniques are taught as follows: 

-        1st Dang Black Belt level: Quyen Luong Nghi Kiem Phap and counter-attack techniques from N°1 to N°7. 

-         2nd Dang Black Belt level: Song Luyen Kiem and counter-attack techniques from N°8 to N°15. 

The remaining four saber technical levels are reserved for masters, especially for those masters who wish to specialize and become a "saber master". These saber techniques are part of our heritage and unique strength compared to other martial arts in the world, because we have been able to preserve the authenticity and substance without drifting towards the spectacular or the demonstrative aspects. 

Currently in Vovinam-VVĐ (2022) worldwide, to my knowledge, there are only a hand-full of masters who still have the knowledge of the five levels of saber techniques!

Twenty-four years ago, in 1998, at the 3rd World Congress held in Houston, Texas, USA, I submitted my second-degree red belt thesis with the aims of developing and preserving these saber techniques. I think it is time now to turn this knowledge into a book so that this Crown-Jewel of our Vovinam martial art can be preserved and advanced over time. 

However, there is an important issue that has persisted for more than 70 years: our 1st level saber techniques have several deficiencies: inconsistency and contradiction between the 3 foundational elements that compose it: Quyen Luong Nghi Kiem Phap, Song Luyen Kiem and 15 counter-attack saber techniques. In the past, I was aware of these issues, but being still young, not sufficiently qualified and in a position to submit a change proposal. 

Today, as President of the International Technical Board, I think it's time to propose this Saber reform proposal to embed the logic, synergy and consistency between the 3 foundational elements that make up the 1st level saber program. Then publish them officially in a book that will serve as an important reference. 


The 1st level saber techniques have the following main shortcomings: 


-        In the current training program, there is a complete lack of basic saber techniques such as: guards, attack and blocking techniques. These are foundational techniques that must be taught before practicing the Saber Quyen, the Saber Song Luyen or the 15 counter-attack saber techniques. It's like we don't learn the basic techniques such as punches, kicks, parries, elbows, knees... before learning Khai Mon Quyen, Long Ho Quyen, the Song Luyen, the counterattacks, etc. 

-        Furthermore, the necessary basic saber knowledge wasn’t taught: the ways of holding the saber or the use of the saber when standing, sitting, pivoting backwards... Or the types of sabers or their characteristics (size, length, thickness, weight, curved saber, straight saber, single-or double-edged saber...). 

2.Excessive Repetition: 

Currently, in Saber Quyen, there are 78 techniques, including 36 "saber slash" techniques, which represents nearly 50% of Quyen. Below is the detailed analysis: 

-        26 saber slash techniques from bottom to top: 33.3%, more than a third of the Quyen, 

-        10 saber slash techniques from top to bottom: 12.8%,

(Including a total of 36 techniques, representing 46.1% of Quyen). 

-        11 horizontal slash techniques, 

-        4 vertical slash techniques,

-        4 45°slash techniques (including 2 from bottom to top and 2 from top to bottom), 

-        7 stab techniques (3 straight strike techniques, 2 vertical strikes from top to bottom, 1 vertical strike from bottom to top and 1 horizontal strike), 

-        15 blocks,


-   1 direct jump kick (Da Bay Thang Phi Cuoc). 

3.Non-return to starting position: 

By strictly respecting the positions and regulated movements, at the end of the Saber Quyen, we return to about 3 meters behind the starting position. 

The three defects above are both an obstacle to the progress of our Vovinam-VVD practitioners and impacting the reputation of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. For these reasons and after having studied and practiced for many years, I would like to submit this proposal to the World Council of Masters for decision. 

The principles used for improving 1st level saber techniques. 

1- Respect the pattern and objectives of the saber techniques by only proposing changes related to the three imperfections identified. 

2- Reduce repetitive movements.

3- Propose new techniques to complete the shortcomings. 

4- Change the old techniques in order to remove the contradictions, and at the same time achieve consistency between the three foundational elements that make up the 1st level saber techniques, namely: The Saber Quyen, the Saber Song Luyen and counterattack Saber techniques. 

5- Finish at the starting position of the Quyen. 

In order to implement the stated improvement principles, I would like to propose the following changes: 

1.Propose 8 basic attack techniques: 1: vertical edge slash, 2: horizontal slash, 3: slash from bottom to top, 4: slash from top to bottom, 5: 45° slash from bottom to top, 6: cut 45° up and down, 7: horizontal down, 8: stab (1-strike right, 2-strike left, 3-strike horizontal, 4-strike up and down, 5-strike down high). 


2.Propose 8 basic blocking techniques: 1st Block (high blocking, from inside to outside),


2nd Block (high blocking, from outside to inside), 3rd Block (low blocking, right to left), 4th Block (low block, left to right), 5th Block (horizontal block left), 6th Block (horizontal block right), 7th Block (low block up right), 8th Block (blocking from bottom to top left). 



3.The above 8 attack techniques and 8 blocking techniques will result in a change of the Saber Quyen as follows: 

    Current Saber (Luong Nghi) Quyen: 




      The new Saber Quyen:  



New Saber (Luong Nghi) Quyen composition : 

In this new Saber Quyen, there will be 62 techniques (instead of 78)


-        16 slash techniques from bottom to top: 25.8%, 

-        4 slash techniques from top to bottom: 6.4%,

(Including a total of 20 techniques, representing 32.2% of Quyen). 

-        8 horizontal slash techniques,

-        4 vertical slash techniques,

-        4 slash techniques at 45° (including 2 from bottom to top and 2 from top to bottom),

-        2 horizontal push-up block techniques, 

-       7 stab techniques (3 straight strike techniques, 2 vertical strikes from top to bottom, 1 vertical strike from bottom to top and 1 horizontal strike), 

-      16 blocks,

-        1 direct kick (Da Thang). 

4.With the new Saber Quyen as well as the 8 attack techniques and 8 blocking techniques, it will lead to a change of the counter-attack saber techniques and the Saber Song Luyen (will be presented at the congress). 

While waiting for the 9th VVVD congress to present this proposal and the analysis as well as the details of the changes mentioned above, I request a detailed review of this proposal in order to make additional improvements to this proposal. 

Please do not distribute these videos until the proposal has been approved by the World Council of Masters. 

See you soon at the 9th VVVD congress


Grand Master Tran Nguyen Dao.



1 : There are 5 levels in the Vovinam-VVD saber system.


© La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao |


Viet Vo Dao Quyen Improvement Project - Paris-2022

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Ủy Ban Kỹ Thuật Quốc Tế
La Commission Technique Internationale
The International Technical Board


Grand master Trần Nguyên Đạo

President of International Technical Board


vvd logo congres 2022 noir

Viet Vo Dao Quyen Improvement Project





Dear masters, members of the World Council of Masters.

As President of the International Technical Board, I have the honor to present to you the improvement project of the "Viet Vo Dao Quyen" [1], a Quyen of 2nd Dang level to be presented during the passage of the 3rd Dang. It was adopted into the International Teaching Program at the 4th Congress in Houston Texas, USA in 2004.

The Viet Vo Dao Quyen has the same characteristics as Khai Mon Quyen (for the beginner level). It is not a traditional Quyen like Thap Tu Quyen, Long Ho Quyen, Lao Mai Quyen, Ngoc Tran Quyen… because it does not simulate an imaginary fight against one or more opponents, but rather a “repertoire of techniques”. Its objective is to help the practitioner to memorize the basic techniques and counter-attack techniques the black belt level. It is therefore a teaching tool or rather an "application exercise" than a real Quyen itself.

After many years of practice and teaching, I find that this Quyen has the following major imperfections:

  1. Too long: About 140 techniques (38: Khai Mon Quyen, 54: Thap Tu Quyen, 44: Long Ho Quyen…), which results in:
    • Exhaustion if we want to run with strength and speed.
    • Imperfection in the execution of the techniques because of the length of the Quyen
    • Forgetfulness and hesitation during the performance of the Quyen.
  2. Too repetitive: Repeat 2, 3 or even 4 times the same techniques: about 25 repetitions.
  3. Does not return to the same place relative to the starting position.

These three imperfections are both an obstacle to progress for our practitioners and a disadvantage for the reputation of a great discipline of Marian art like ours.

For these reasons, Master SFORZA Aldo and myself have been studying to improve this Quyen for 8 years and we have the honor to present our work to you and submit the project to the World Council of Masters to validate this change.

Principles of improvement of Viet Vo Dao Quyen

  1. Respect the forms and objectives of this Quyen by only proposing changes related to the three identified imperfections.
  2. Reduce to 80 techniques instead of 140 (- 43%).
  3. Remove all repetitive techniques.
  4. Make the Quyen more consistent with the basic techniques or the counter-attack techniques taught at the black belt level, by adding:
    • 8 Elbow techniques (Cho),
    • 8 Block techniques (Gat),
    • 8 Knife-hand Strike techniques (Chem),
    • 8 Back Fist Punch techniques (Dam Bat).
    • Technical counter-attack Dam Moc 6th degree.
    • Technical counter-attack Dam Hai Tay 7th degree.
    • Technical counter-attack Dam Thang 4th degree.
    • Technical counter-attack Dam Hai Tay 3rd degree.
    • Technical counter-attack Dam Thang 3rd degree.
  5. At the end of the Quyen, return to the starting point.

While waiting for the 9th congress to present to you the analyzes as well as the details of the change of Viet Vo Dao Quyen, I invite you to view the following provisional videos:

➢ Current Viet Vo Dao Quyen (Viet Vo Dao Quyen Old):



➢ Viet Vo Dao Quyen proposed (Viet Vo Dao Quyen New):


Please do not distribute these videos until they are validated by the World Council of Masters.

See you soon and good study.
Master Tran Nguyen Dao

 1 : Its full name in Vietnamese is: Than, Thu, Bo, Cuoc, Phap Tinh Hoa Viet Vo Dao = The method of Movement, Arm (punch), Position, Leg (kick) of the essence of Viet Vo Dao.

© La Fédération Mondiale de Vovinam-VietVoDao |


Convening of the 9th World Congress of Vovinam-VVÐ - 2022

Réf : 133-22-TTK/EN 15-01-2022

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Convening of the 9th World Congress

of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo – 2022




  • In accordance the internal regulations of the World Council of Masters of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo,
  • In accordance the statutes of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo 

Dear Masters, members of the World Council of Masters,

Dear leaders of the national federations, 

We are pleased to inform you that the 9th World Masters Congress as well as the General Assembly of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo and the 6th Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo World Cup will take place in Paris - France, July 20-23, 2022. 

Here is the provisional program:

  • From 16 to 19/07/2022: Reception of masters and international delegations.
  • Wednesday 20/07/2022: World Masters Congress and General Assembly of the World Federation.
  • Thursday 21/07/2022: Technical examination & defense of masters' theses.
  • Friday 22/07/2022: Congress results - Opening of the 6th World Cup.
  • Saturday 23/07/2022: 6th world cup final. 

The 9th World Congress, initially scheduled for May 2020, has been postponed until July 2022 due to the covid-19 global health crisis. This world congress will mark a new step forward for our organization on a global level as we will have to re-elect all our leaders: 

  • The World Council of Masters Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo: A technical executive board responsible for ethics, philosophy, the curriculum, the degree system, examinations, thesis defenses..., with the mission of monitoring, supporting and developing Vovinam's national federations and training centers Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo throughout the world. 
  • The World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo: administrative executive board that represents our Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo in legal terms, with the mission of controlling, coordinating and developing all national federations. 

It will be an exceptional moment for masters and leaders to make their contributions, express their opinions and vote on decisions... on projects, proposals or international conventions... in order to make improvements to our organization. 

Get ready now to attend this conference and run for election as the new management team to actively participate in the development of our organization. 

The World Congress is also an opportunity for masters from all continents to take the degree examination, defend their thesis or be promoted to the next grade according to the "International Convention of Ranks". 

The organizing committee will be placed under the direction of the World Federation with the support of the Federation Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo France. 

For the duration of the World Congress, we will cover the costs of accommodation and meals for the masters and presidents of the member national federations (from July 20 to 23, 2022). 

Especially, the 9th World Congress will be jointly organized with the 6th World Cup of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo. 

In the coming days, the International Technical Board will send you detailed program and registration details.   

We look forward to seeing you in Paris - France for the success of the 9th World Congress and the 6th World Cup of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo.


Paris, 15-01-2022


General Secretary of the World Council of Masters,

Master Hà Kim Khánh

President of the World Federation of Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo,

Grand Master Nguyễn Thế Thierry

9th World Congress of Masters & 6th World Cup 2022 - Appreciation


vvd logo congres 2022 noir



9th World Congress of Masters & 

World Cup Paris-2022 




Over the course of a few days, 600 participants and 100 masters representing 15 nations from the 5 continents met at the 6th Edition of the World Cup and the 9th Masters Congress in Paris from July 20 to 23, 2022. 

What a pleasure to be together again despite the context to share together the spirit and universal values of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. 

The Organizing Committee wishes to express its thanks to:

  • The city of Paris for supporting and allowing the organization of this event.
  • All the delegations for their participation.
  • All the diplomatic personalities who gave their time to come and encourage their delegations.
  • All elected officials and VIPs for their presence.
  • All media, sponsors and partners for their collaboration and assistance.
  • All the competitors for having offered such a show! The public enjoyed and took pleasure in discovering Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao thanks to them.
  • All teachers and masters for their rigorous work and dedication.
  • All the volunteers for their generosity that contributed to the success of the event. 

Thank you again for your contribution to the great success of this global event and see you at the next edition "World Cup 2026"!

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Appreciation in video 

coupe congres2022organisepar


  • Infos
  • Exams
  • Regulation
  • The proposals and the projects

    An International organization as ours, if it has no changes or reforms, it becomes then a structure in stagnation and it will have no future!

    For that reason, the changes as: Internal Rules, International Agreement, Way of functioning… or the reforms as: Program of Teaching, Educational Program, Program of Examination… are activities more than necessities, they are the homework of the members of World council of Masters.

    According to the Chapter I, Article 4.1 of the Internal rules of the World Council of Masters : " All masters, members of council, have the right to propose reforms in all the Chapters, and articles of all the activities of the World Council of Masters, on the condition of sending them two months in advance to the General Secretary of the World Council of Masters to register them on the schedule Debate ".